The Man Broke into Lesbians/C9 First kiss
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The Man Broke into Lesbians/C9 First kiss
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C9 First kiss

Through the door, I saw Tang Shiya in the bathroom, standing under the shower with her back to me. Her long, wet hair fell to her hips, and all I could see was her shoulders and some unimportant parts. I wanted to see what she looked like in front of her.

Tang Shiya washed her back for a while before suddenly turning around to rinse out the front without any warning. Startled, I hurried out of the room and headed for the balcony.

My mind was filled with Tang Shiya's scenes, and my heart was thumping non-stop. I thought to myself, Did she see me? I probably didn't see it. Otherwise, she would have screamed at me!

I couldn't keep my composure any longer, so I put the sheets on the balcony, thinking that when Tang Shiya came out of the bathroom later, I would take the sheets into the bathroom and wash them.

I thought to myself, even if Tang Shiya doesn't let me touch her, living with her will still bring me benefits. If she gets drunk at night, she'll just bathe in the open, which will kill me!

I smoked a cigarette on the balcony, then walked to the bedroom. When I reached the bathroom door, I heard the sound of water running away, so I thought Tang Shiya had gone back to the bedroom after washing up. I wanted to go in and shh, but I just stuck my head in.

I was completely dumbfounded. Tang Shiya, who was about to run away, stood in front of me. She stared at me furiously before raising her hand to slap me.

Tang Shiya's body was only wrapped in a fluffy pink bath towel. Her hair was wet, and it occasionally emitted hot air. Water droplets still remained on her exposed skin, making her appear exceptionally crystalline as she emitted an enchanting body fragrance.

What are you doing here? Did you peek at me taking a bath? Tang Shiya coldly asked me without a hint of emotion on her face. It was obvious that she was extremely angry.

In my heart, I was panicking. Even though it wasn't intentional, I still wanted to peep at him taking a bath. It is impossible to say that I am not guilty after being discovered.

I couldn't hide my embarrassment as I smiled dryly at Tang Shi Ya. "I … I just wanted to wash your bed sheets. When I saw you taking a bath, I sent you to the balcony. When I came back, I thought that you had finished washing up, so I came in and booed."

Tang Shiya stared at me with a face full of contempt and disbelief as she said, "Is it to wash the sheets? Is there a need to be so secretive when washing the sheets?"

I felt incomprehensible and said, "Am I sneaking around?"

Hmph, aren't you sneaking around? Bitch, vulgar!

Tang Shiya was clearly unable to control her emotions. Once she finished speaking, she raised her white hands and slapped me once more before returning to her room to sleep.

I was beaten senseless by Tang Shi Ya. I was once again slapped in the face by her! But thinking about it, I still saw her naked and lifeless, pink and tender, extremely enchanting, not losing, not losing, not losing at all!

This night was not a peaceful one. Chen Kang shrouded me like a shadow. I couldn't figure out why he didn't help Panther to cut me down on the spot but made an appointment with me afterwards.

I woke up in the morning and served the two of them breakfast. I would accompany Mengmeng and keep her in the house until I was done with her. Then I would go to school.

Then she would go home and prepare dinner for the two of them. Tang Shi Ya came back first. She really looked down on me and exaggerated to the point that when she approached me, she would cover her nose and say that I smelled like a country bumpkin. Even if I was asked to do something, my face would still be gloomy. Fortunately, she was beautiful. No matter how unsightly her expression was, it couldn't stop her beauty.

I can't hate her, I can't even hate her, she's so beautiful, living in the same room, eating and sleeping, sometimes accidentally brushing against her calf, the feel of the stockings makes me, a big guy, feel my blood boil, daydream, my body can't help but heat up, daydream, how good would it be to sleep with her in my arms!

After Tang Shiya took a bath, she also asked me to wash the underwear she had changed out of, and also told me not to use the washing machine, saying that would hurt her delicate clothing.

When I saw Tang Shi Ya go back to her bedroom to sleep, I rushed to the bathroom. Just as I imagined, the water vapor from her bath hadn't completely dispersed yet. The entire bathroom was still filled with her body's fragrance.

I closed the door, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. The smell of women's hormones filled my heart, making me feel refreshed.

Only after being intoxicated for a while did I take off Tang Shiya's clothes and skirt one by one from the basin. However, she had to admit that the clothes and skirt she changed out were even cleaner than the ones she hung in the shop. The fragrance was especially fragrant.

To tell the truth, at first I felt particularly uncomfortable, hating her for using me as a slave, but then I was willing to wash myself, and I enjoyed it, because the smell of her clothes was so good.

But I still had my bottom line. I liked the smell of her underwear and stockings and bras, but I had never smelled them before. Even if she was my wife, I wanted to keep my pride as a man.

I suddenly found a pair of Aunt Tang's underwear. I could tell at a glance that it was flesh-colored, one size bigger than Tang Shi Ya's, and its design wasn't as avant-garde as Tang Shi Ya's.

Aunt Tang's underwear normally didn't need me to wash, so Tang Shiya must have casually thrown it in. I was holding Aunt Tang's underwear and was in a daze, then I felt like I couldn't help but want to shush, I even understood a young man, and it was hard to just sit there. I could only sit on the toilet and shush, subconsciously even pinching Aunt Tang's underwear.

The bathroom door was pulled open and a smooth, snow-white thigh burst through the door.

Tang Shiya, wait a minute, I still haven't come out! I panicked, threw Aunt Tang's underwear on the ground, and said to Tang Shiya.

Tang Shi Ya's ice-cold eyes were filled with disgust and disdain. She didn't even bother to speak with me and directly stretched out her fair hands and roughly grabbed onto my neck before lifting me up.

She drank a little too much again, too fast. She grabbed me, pulled down her leather shorts, and sat down on the toilet. Tang Shiya didn't even take me seriously. In her eyes, I was like air.

I was also shocked by her, especially when she took off her short leather pants and leopard-print underwear to the crook of her thigh. Her white shirt, with the corners of her clothes crossed at the waist, revealing her snow-white smooth belly, made people click their tongues.

Then my hard thing was still in front of her eyes, and I pulled up my jeans in a panic and pulled the lock. I'm not really afraid of her. I want to break her, tear her up, and tear her head apart, but I still have to stay at her house, and I want Aunt Tang to arrange a job for me. What good job can a graduate like me find in this godfather era? Aside from being confused, it was a total loss!

I stood, she sat, and most of all, she was in a hurry, shushing, holding on to me as if she were holding on to me as a handrail, so that she could hiss, her long hair hanging down, and the more I pulled at the door with all this, the more I was afraid of getting messed up, so I pulled her long hair into the lock.

I was so scared that Tang Shi Ya yelled: Hair! He raised his hand and slapped me. The slap caused my head to buzz, and golden stars to appear before my eyes. The situation became even more chaotic.

I wanted to slap her, to kill her little lily, but I couldn't. I had to be out on the streets after that, there wasn't even a place to eat or sleep!

I instinctively wanted to retreat, but the more I panicked, the more I panicked. I pulled at Tang Shi Ya's long hair, causing her to scream in pain as she grabbed onto my neck and pulled. I staggered as my lips went straight for her cherry lips. I firmly kissed her small mouth. It was both soft and smooth, and the taste of the jelly in her mouth was very strong. It was really like eating jelly. The strong peach taste permeated through her mouth.

Everything happened in a split-second. I wanted to stop, but I was unable to control my inertia. Not only did I kiss her soft and supple lips, I even hugged her and pressed her to her full chest. She never grabbed onto a girl's breasts.

All of a sudden, I felt a huge burst of fast sensation, as if a huge electric current had struck my whole body and entered into my bones. My lower abdomen felt hot, and the numbness in my stomach caused me to tighten up and down, and everything in front of me seemed to contract into a ball.

I felt as if I was being lifted into the air. The air was filled with the thick scent of hormones and Tang Shiya's body fragrance. It was extremely wonderful, as if I could feel the essence of life.

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