The Master of the Sky/C10 Canonical Technique
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The Master of the Sky/C10 Canonical Technique
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C10 Canonical Technique

Linyi walked out of the Challenge House in pain, while a smiling humanoid Guangnao stood by his side. When the looked at him with a gaze that could kill, the humanoid Guangnao asked with a giggle: "It must be fun."

"Fun your ass!" Linyi spat all over his face, his expression ashen.

He was beaten up by that Yongchunye fellow just now until he couldn't retaliate at all. Now, his entire body was in numbing pain, as if needles were constantly stabbing into his pores.

The humanoid Guangnao was still smiling merrily and said, "This is the [Dimensional Guangnao] 's program that was set up before it was implanted deep in your brain. The Guangnao itself has a wide range of uses, such as the Deep Sleep Reward when you defeat Ye Wen. It allows you to sleep only two hours a day to replenish your energy and give you six hours of normal eight hours of sleep. That means your day is a quarter longer than anyone else's. "

Although the Linyi had interacted with the human-shaped Guangnao for a few days, he still could not understand procedures. But the day after tomorrow he understood. He asked hesitantly: "Are you saying … If I could defeat that Yongchunye fellow just now, would I be able to sleep for two hours a day? "

"Yes!" The humanoid Guangnao nodded and continued, "There are still a lot of rewards behind, such as the probing ability, double the time, and so on. The probing ability allowed you to clearly see the stats of others. When facing an enemy, you could use the fastest speed to find the enemy's weakness. Furthermore, twice the time would allow you to stay in the Planar Plaza twice as long as outside. In other words, only six hours have passed since the twelve hours were spent here. "

Hearing that, Linyi's eyes immediately lit up. Doesn't that mean that I can cultivate twice as much time as others? And that 'probing' function, it could actually find the weakness of someone else! This, this... Wasn't this the Guangnao of this plane too mystical!?

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Linyi's mind, making his heart race. Swallowing his saliva, Linyi carefully asked: "If there's twice as much time … Does that mean there's still three or four times as much time left? "

"Of course!" "However, the challenge is also very difficult."

When the Linyi heard the words of the human-shaped Guangnao, his entire being flared up. He didn't hear the rest of the words clearly before he rushed into the Challenge House with a fever.

"Bang, bang, bang …"

Three minutes later, Linyi walked out of the Challenge Room again. The bruises on his face allowed him to calm down. It was best to let this matter of the challenge rest for the time being …

In the morning, Linyi opened his eyes.

There was numbing pain all over his body, but fortunately, he wasn't immobilized like he was after Baipojun's training. With much difficulty, he got up from the bed. After washing his face and rinsing his mouth, he headed towards the library in the ancient fortress.

Yesterday, he had easily opened the Spiritual God School, so Linyi wanted to go into the library to take a look at those books that contained the records of the ancient arts. According to the book, once you open the Soul Gate, you will be able to learn the scriptures. Every time one learned a particular technique, that technique would produce a certain amount of soul power. On the other hand, 'soul power' was the most basic source of energy for the usage of the canonical techniques.

Judging from the amount of soul power produced by the canon technique, it should be ranked according to the level of the canon technique. Naturally, the higher the rank of a canon, the more soul power one would gain from learning. Soul power was the key to the battle between canon masters, and it was also the key to their advancement!

From the looks of it, it seemed that the more canonical techniques one learned, the better it was. However, this was not the case. The canon techniques were formed by the Shenwen, and the Shenwen was mysterious. A person's memory in the brain region is limited, so it's impossible for them to have endless amounts of learning of canonical techniques. So here, the rank of the canon technique was even more important!

In order to break through their current shackles, some of the higher ranked wizards were searching for higher ranked wizards everywhere. A high-grade canon technique could even cause large-scale slaughter!

Linyi had read many books about the ancient arts in the library in the past few days. There were also some chronicles of people fighting on a large scale over a high-grade canon. A few days ago, Linyi did not open the Spiritual God School, so he was not able to learn the books recorded in the canon techniques.

Linyi once again came to the library, but the difference this time was, he had already opened the Soul God Sect and became a Master Tier student! He already had the qualifications to learn the canon techniques!

The library of the Lingyifeng was not considered big. There were about forty square meters of rooms with about ten big bookshelves. Among the bookshelves, there was only a single shelf that had a book on it. The grade wasn't high either, they were all mortal rank or lower rank classical techniques.

The higher the level of the canon technique, the harder it was to learn. Looking at the extent to which Linyi had only opened the Soul God Sect, even if he released the Common Level Middle Level and High Level canon techniques, he might not be able to learn them in a short period of time.

The Linyi was only curious about this mysterious existence called Canon Technique, just like how a little kid would want to touch something new whenever they see it. But then again, Linyi was indeed a child …

"There are more than 20 types of Common Tier Low Rank spells on these levels. Which one do you want to learn?" Linyi's small body could not obtain any books that were too tall, so he could only search for them on the bottom few floors of the bookshelves.

Looking at them one by one, there were the supplementary classics that Wenrui used to treat him, such as Blood Activating Technique, Blood Stasis Technique, Hemostasis Technique, etc. There were also attack type rattan techniques, ice cones, fireballs, wind blade techniques, and so on.

Because he knew that the number of canonical techniques each canonical master could learn was limited, the mentally mature Linyi naturally did not want to learn all of these low-grade canonical techniques. In the canon stage, he could only learn nine different types of canon techniques. He was very curious, but it was impossible for him to take all nine slots to learn low level ordinary canon techniques.

He was only prepared to take out one spot to learn a mortal lower tier technique. As a result, it was somewhat vexing to see so many runic arts to choose from.

In his heart, he wanted to learn the Blood Circulation Technique, because Wenrui had used this Blood Circulation Technique to treat him for more than a month, and he had fully experienced the benefits of this technique. However, the Blood Activating Technique was an auxiliary classics technique, and in his heart, he wanted to learn a few offensive classics techniques. After all, most boys would want to learn offensive classics.

If he were an ordinary child, he would have broken the plan he made to learn two ancient arts at the same time. But Linyi was not like other children. Since he, with his mature mind, had decided to only take out one spot, he would not take out another!

Things like the bottom line, like ordinary mirrors, could not be broken! Otherwise, it would be impossible to repair it. Linyi was a persistent person.

Thus, Linyi could only take a look at a few offensive classics techniques, and then take a look at some auxiliary classics techniques. He continued to rack his brain, not knowing what to choose.

"Linzai, I think you have a hard time deciding!" A voice suddenly sounded out in Linyi's mind, startling him.

"Light, Light... Guangzai? " Linyi remembered the owner of this voice, and asked uncertainly.

"Uh-huh, that's me!" Hearing this voice, the Linyi could imagine how the other party was smilingly patting his chest.

"You can even appear in broad daylight?" Linyi was surprised.

"Nonsense, otherwise why would I be called Guangzai?"

Linyi thought for a while, thought for a while, but still could not understand the relationship between the two. However, he did not linger on this topic. Instead, he asked, "Just now, you said that … Is there any good advice? "

"Nope." The humanoid Guangnao answered without hesitation.

"..." What do you mean by that? " Linyi asked snappily.

"It's nothing. I'm just scaring you." The human shaped Guangnao's giggling voice sounded out in his head, "When a human is focusing on one thing, they tend to gradually ignore the sounds and changes in their surroundings. This was the best time to frighten others. Heh heh, isn't that fun? "

"Fun your ass!" Linyi rolled his eyes and said snappily: "If you have nothing to do, stay at the side. Don't disturb me!"

"Sigh, as a Guangnao who never stops receiving and calculating information around him, life is already boring enough. If you were to be deprived of even this much of the fun of life, would you still want Guangnao to live?! " The humanoid Guangnao complained.

The Linyi was too lazy to bother with him anymore. After being interrupted by the human-shaped Guangnao, he had actually made a decision. He picked up the book with the [Activating Blood Technique] written on it, stood up and walked towards the desk in the library, sat down, opened the book and started reading.

The reason for choosing the [Blood Activating Art] was partly because Linyi had experienced the benefits of this technique, and secondly, because he wanted to prepare himself for the challenge that Yongchunye would face in the future.

Linyi knew that it would be impossible to complete the mission inside the challenge room in a short period of time. Without Wenrui by his side, he could only learn the [Activating Blood Technique].

After spending more than an hour, when Zhengguanjia called him over for the fifth time, he finally finished reading the [Blood Activating Technique] 's usage, the pronunciation of the Shenwen as well as the pronunciation of the Shenwen.

After hurriedly finishing breakfast, Linyi returned to his own room and began to meditate as he had done yesterday when he opened the Soul God's Gate. In a trance, Linyi once again arrived at that empty land. It was just like yesterday, a place filled with fog-like things.

Linyi started to conceive of the [Blood Activating Art], and at the same time, he began to recite the pronunciation of the Shenwen in his heart.

Then, they only saw the empty ground slightly shake, and then, under a ball of gentle white light, segments of the black Shenwen slowly came out. It was the Shenwen that made up the [Blood Activating Art].

These Shenwen s were like a long snake. They first appeared in this void. Then, they started to intertwine and form a ball that was intertwined with the Shenwen. The gentle white light enveloping the Shenwen had become brighter than before because they were intertwined into a ball.

It looked like a white ball of light with a black Shenwen swirling inside. The white ball of light was surrounded by a halo of white light, shining on the mist in this void. The fog was like snow meeting the sun, gradually melting into liquid. Strangely, however, the liquid did not fall down. Instead, it wrapped around the white ball of light like a ball of water.

Due to this ball of white light, the land of nothingness seemed to have a life of its own.

If Linyi had understood, that ball of white light should be the Shenwen of the [Activating Blood Technique]. As for the layer of liquid surrounding the ball of white light, it should be the so-called soul power.

Linyi was a little dazed. He learnt the [Blood Activating Art] just like that and became a level 1 Apostle? Didn't the book say that for most people with the talent of a canon, opening the Soul God Sect would take at least half a year, and when learning the first canon technique, would it take at least three months?

Why did it only take him five days?!

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