The Master of the Sky/C13 Spiritual Tier High Rank Technique Green Lotus
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The Master of the Sky/C13 Spiritual Tier High Rank Technique Green Lotus
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C13 Spiritual Tier High Rank Technique Green Lotus

"He is called Linyi, I took him in as my disciple two months ago, a level one classical disciple." Lingyifeng said indifferently, his expression did not change, "You have already seen me, you can go now." He did not care whether the other party was a royal family or an ordinary person, he would chase them away just because he said so.

"Xiuling will take his leave now." Dongmenxiuling slightly bent his body, but he still looked at Linyi with a burning gaze, "Can I ask Martial Uncle Ling, is Linyi's Little Junior Brother this year's new students?"

"Yes sir!"

Hearing that, the Dongmenxiuling did not stay any longer and headed towards the forest.

"Linyi, come down to the study room and look for me." Lingyifeng said coldly, and then disappeared soundlessly and soundlessly once again.

Linyi watched as Dongmenxiuling and the rest left, then turned to look at the castle behind him, a thoughtful expression on his face. Although he was still a six-year-old child, he was mentally mature.

For a person like his master who had lived for nearly two hundred years, he was able to restrain all emotions within his body. Naturally, he could not tell that anything was amiss. However, although he was only nine years old, and his mood was better than his peers, he still managed to find some clues.

Linyi didn't know what Dongmenxiuling looked like in the eyes of others, but based on the feeling she gave him just now. He could feel that the 17th Princess of the Eastern Royal Family was obviously prejudiced against his master, and she was even looking at him with a prejudiced expression. The burning gaze from earlier had given him a bad feeling.

"Young master, just now, that little girl was looking at you with a fiery gaze!" A muffled voice came out, it was the middle-aged uncle and Baolei s beside him.

This uncle's voice was especially loud, every word he spoke was like a thunderclap. Even though he was deliberately lowering his voice, his voice was still muffled. After becoming the Linyi's guard, the buzzing in his ears was his masterpiece.

Linyi glared at him and said: "Uncle Baolei, he is a princess! If you dare to call a little girl, be careful that her guards will cut you into eight pieces! "

"What are you afraid of!" Baolei heartlessly curled his lips, "Other than the old man beside her, the other three laozi are not afraid! Furthermore, us Dianwushi s who cultivate the Bright Seal have never been afraid of death! "

The Dianwushi's Divine Seal of Origin was a dark and distinct seal. The Dianwushi of the Yan Yuan Holy Grimoire Academy all cultivate Bright Seal. This was convenient to control. The Bright Seal not only restricted the cultivation of Dianwushi to others, but also restricted the life and death of others. Once the master in charge of the Bright Seal dies, the Dianwushi in charge of the Bright Seal will also die with him.

Thinking about it, Baolei like the Baolei was also very pitiful. Even if one was able to reach the level of a Grand Ceremony Martial Master, it would still be controlled by others. Unless the master of the Bright Seal voluntarily released the control of the Bright Seal, or advanced to the rank of the Supreme Sect, he would be under the control of others for the rest of his life.

If the Linyi didn't know how to handle it, the's Bright Seal would be controlled by the Lingyifeng. Unless one had more than twice the strength of his master, otherwise, it would be impossible to forcefully break it.

Baolei had a straightforward character, he didn't expect her to beg him to remove the Bright Seal on him if he had anything to say. Seeing that Linyi did not know how to reply, he took the initiative to change the subject and said: "That's right, young master. Do you still want to compete with Ya? "

Only now did Linyi realize that he was fighting against Ya. This child that Master brought with him a month ago was different from a month ago, the difference was that he had the demonic tattoos on his body in place of beast skins.

"Let's not compete anymore!" Linyi looked at Ya who was rolling around like a wild beast on the lawn in front of him, shook his head and said, "Master called me for something." As he spoke, he walked into the castle.

Ya was very cautious of the surrounding people. Linyi had never heard him speak before. One of the most important things Aya had done in the past month was hanging from every tree in the forest around the castle like an ape.

Regarding this, the Linyi agreed with the words of the human-shaped Guangnao: This devilish brat sure knows how to play.

Just now, the two were sparring. Although Linyi had lost every time when he barged into the Challenge House, it was not like he had not learnt anything. He had already mastered the move named 'Incantation of Spring'. Unfortunately, in front of that fellow called Yewen, he was not even close enough. Therefore, the Linyi wanted to find someone in reality to try their luck.

Among the people he could find, he could only find his master, Baolei and Ya. Zhengguanjia and the others were all ordinary people, and Zhengguanjia was managing the investment business, so they could not delay others from making money.

Moreover, it was impossible to find his master, the Lingyifeng. He could use a casual punch to exert more than a few thousand points of strength, but when the Linyi saw his master casually breaking a tree that was thicker than him with a single punch, he gave up on the idea of testing his master. In the end, only the wild boy was left.

In the end, just as she was about to compete, the princess of Dongmenxiuling came over to cause trouble …

Shaking his head helplessly, Linyi who was walking towards the study room slowly withdrew his thoughts. At this time, Linyi was filled with curiosity. Why was Master looking for him?

Could it be that he had found a conscience and wanted to fulfill his master's responsibility? Thinking back to what he had experienced in the past two months, other than giving him three books on the first day and taking him to be a Dianwushi guard a month ago, the master who had abandoned his responsibilities did not give a damn about him anymore.

Let's see, who's master is like this?

Using the words of the humanoid Guangnao, who had a disciple as bitter as him? It was one thing for Master to not pay attention to him, but he still needed to rely on his disciple to earn money to support his family. This spot must have been turned upside down, right?

At this time, he finally walked to the door of the study room, and the problem that he was thinking about returned to its original place. Why was Master looking for him?

As he thought, Linyi pushed open the door and entered.

Inside the study room, Lingyifeng was sitting in front of a desk, an inch thick book placed in front of him.

"This is my master's self-created spell, 'Blue Lotus'. I'll give you one month of time to learn it!" Lingyifeng was as straightforward as ever, and threw the book in front of him to Linyi.

Linyi hurriedly caught it and looked at it properly. At the center of the cover of the book, two large words were written in a flamboyant manner: Green Lotus! At the bottom right was a small line of words: Spiritual Tier High Rank.

Linyi only felt his heart beating even faster, following that, the Lingyifeng's cold voice rang beside his ears: "The entire《 Blue Lotus》 is divided into the 'Qingyan's Transformation' and the 'Green Lotus's Transformation'. Look carefully, I'll only use it once. "

Linyi immediately looked at Lingyifeng with rapt attention.

Lingyifeng slowly extended a hand out. Linyi did not hear anything from his mouth, but he could feel a "weng" sound coming from his brain. A loud sound rang out. The mysterious pressure that he felt when he used the [Blood Activating Art] and chanted the incantation suddenly filled the entire study room.

Moreover, the pressure was constantly increasing, far surpassing the pressure when Linyi was using the [Blood Activating Art] and the divine incantations. With the increasing pressure, Linyi only felt his heart beating more and more frequently, and even breathing became difficult …

"Bam!" This time it was a distinct sound.

A dark green flame appeared in Lingyifeng's outstretched hand, and the dark green sparks jumped about as if they were alive. The pressure that pressured the Linyi to the point that he couldn't breathe was as if a whale was sucking water. It was completely absorbed into the dark green flame and only occasionally revealed a trace of it, rendering this infant fist-sized dark green flame's power terrifying.

"Look carefully, this is the key to the entire Blue Lotus!" The connection between the Qingyan Form and the Azure Lotus Form! " A loud shout came from the Lingyifeng.

So what happened just now was just the prelude! Linyi was embarrassed, the pressure from the prelude had almost made him gasp for breath, wasn't he going to be suppressed later on?

Fortunately, the things that the Linyi was worried about did not happen.

The dark green flame in the Lingyifeng's hand wriggled slowly. At first, one could still see that it was a cyan flame, but as the dark black divine scripture continued to flow out of the Qingyan and circle around the Qingyan, the cyan flame's shape suddenly changed. The sparks shrunk into the form of a turtle and turned into a drop of green water.

Divine runes continued to appear, and the azure water droplets were constantly changing shape as the divine runes appeared. After a while, a lotus flower gradually took shape.

The narration was complicated, but all these changes happened in an instant!

Lingyifeng held onto the green lotus, looked at Linyi coldly, and asked indifferently: "Did you see it clearly?"

Linyi maintained his stare from before, a contemplative look appearing in his eyes, as divine inscriptions flashed from time to time. Seeing that, the green lotus in Lingyifeng's hand disappeared. Without looking at Linyi again, he walked out of the study.

"Guangzai, have you recorded it down?"

I never expected that you, Linzai, would gather the divine scriptures of the spirit level so quickly. And it's a Spiritual Tier High Rank technique! "

The voice of the human-shaped Guangnao appeared in Linyi's mind. After receiving a positive reply, Linyi let out a long breath.

"You can tell me now why you called me to collect the divine scripture of the spirit level, right?" Linyi asked the human-shaped Guangnao in his mind.

"Hehe, not yet. I'll give you the answer after I study it for a while. " The humanoid Guangnao laughed.

"F * ck!" Linyi scolded: "Bastard, are you messing with me!? You told me before that you told me about it after gathering some spirit level or higher inscriptions!? "

"I did say that … However, I did not say that I would tell you that day! " The humanoid Guangnao yawned, "Don't worry, I didn't mess with you. There was naturally a reason why I wanted you to collect the Spiritual Tier and later divine runes. However, it was just a guess before. He had to verify it. Otherwise, if I were to tell you earlier, wouldn't it be a waste of your happiness to say that I didn't do so? "

Linyi thought about it, and felt that the words of the humanoid Guangnao made sense. He asked, "Then you must tell me if your research is good or bad for me."

"Advantages, absolutely benefits!" The humanoid Guangnao replied without hesitation: "If my guess is correct, I can tell you this, you will definitely be able to refresh the world to its peak at the fastest speed!"

Hearing that, Linyi's eyes immediately lit up, "Then I'll wait for your good news!"

"Noproblem, see you later."

"Slap?" Linyi frowned, "What nonsense!"

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