The Nerd's Revenge/C1 A New Student
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The Nerd's Revenge/C1 A New Student
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C1 A New Student

At the bus stop outside the People’s Hospital of Drison, Wang Xiaochuan removed the bandage from his head and smoothed his hair before boarding the arriving bus. As he sat there, gazing out the window at the receding scenery, he was overwhelmed with emotion.

It had been half a month. He never anticipated that a hospital visit would turn into a two-week stay. That half a month seemed like an eternity.

Half a month earlier, Xiaochuan had attempted to perform a good deed by apprehending a thief on the street. Ironically, he didn't manage to catch the thief, but ended up with a head injury caused by an object that fell out of nowhere, landing him in the hospital.

To make matters worse, the bystander who had asked for his help in chasing the thief vanished without a trace. With no witnesses, Xiaochuan couldn't prove his act of bravery, and the incident was ultimately left unresolved. Consequently, the burden of the hefty medical bills fell squarely on his shoulders.

Xiaochuan's family was far from affluent. He grew up without a mother, and his father had died from overwork. Facing stark poverty, he had been forced to drop out of high school and seek work in the city. After nearly a year of labor, he had managed to save just around 10,000 yuan, all of which was now consumed by his medical expenses.

These circumstances would have crushed anyone's spirit, yet Xiaochuan felt an indomitable pride swelling within him. Just half a month ago, he was a simple migrant worker from a poor family, but now, he had transformed into an unparalleled master of the universe, the chosen successor of the Universal Sage!

Without thinking, Xiaochuan's hand went to the jade pendant at his chest. This very pendant, which had caused his injury, was actually a magic tool crafted by the Universal Sage to find a worthy heir. It housed the vast knowledge the Sage had left behind.

On the day Xiaochuan regained consciousness in the hospital, a nurse handed him the jade pendant he had clutched throughout his unconscious state. The moment he held it again, the pendant grew warm, and a flood of information streamed into his mind.

After carefully reading through the material, he finally understood the history of the jade pendant.

This was why, despite having only five dollars left in his pocket, Wang Xiaochuan's face showed no hint of defeat.

The opportunity granted by the Universal Sage had opened a gateway to a new world for him, profoundly altering his mindset.

He was convinced that with this jade pendant, he could reach the pinnacle of life just like the protagonists in novels, making those who scorned and despised him quake at his feet!

But in the next moment, a rumbling stomach brought him crashing back to reality.

He rubbed his shrunken belly and glanced at his empty wallet, murmuring, "No, even with the Sage's legacy, I need to make some money to sustain myself first."

With that thought, he pulled out his phone and called his former workplace.

Before his hospital stay, Wang Xiaochuan had been a delivery man. He wondered if they had replaced him during the past half-month.

"Hello, Xiaochuan?" boomed a voice on the other end.

"Lai, it's me. I've just been discharged..."

Before he could finish, Lai interjected, "Xiaochuan, I'm aware of your situation. I've kept your job open for you. Don't worry, focus on getting better, and you can come back to work once you're healed."


A wave of gratitude washed over Wang Xiaochuan. Lai, who had also come from the countryside to work in the city, had always looked out for him since he started the job.

"There's no need, Lai. I racked up quite a bill at the hospital, so I was thinking of coming in tomorrow. Would that be alright?"

"Are you sure you're up to it? Don't push yourself. If you're short on cash, just let me know, and I can lend you some."

"No, I'm good to go," Wang Xiaochuan assured him quickly.

"Okay, then see you tomorrow."

After a few more words with Lai, Wang Xiaochuan heard the bus announce his stop. He bid farewell to Lai and disembarked.

Stepping off the bus, he was greeted by the sunset. His temporary home in Yonio Village was still a short walk away.

Yonio Village is nestled within the city of Drison and stands as the last remaining shantytown. Wang Xiaochuan chose to make his home here, drawn by the affordable rent.

Upon entering the village and traveling a bit further, Wang Xiaochuan's residence was just ahead. His abode was a modest three-story structure in the shantytown. A family occupied the first and second floors, while he resided in a cramped space of less than ten square meters on the third floor. The amenities were basic, but the low rent was a significant advantage. The only downside was his neighbors, who were notoriously difficult to live with.

"Ah, Xiaochuan, you're back?"

As he was about to ascend the stairs, a robust middle-aged woman burst out from the ground floor, wielding a shovel and followed by an aggressive dog. The dog barked menacingly at the sight of Wang Xiaochuan.

This was Liang Yue, Xiaochuan's neighbor, known for her sharp tongue and mean spirit. She was the village's notorious shrew, and despite Xiaochuan being her neighbor, she never missed a chance to mock him due to his lack of wealth and influence.

True to form, Liang Yue didn't waste a moment before launching into her usual taunts. "Xiaochuan, I heard you've been in the hospital recently? What happened, did you get into a fight? Hehe, you know, you country folks never seem to work hard, just laze around all day."

"Mind your own business!" Wang Xiaochuan's previously good mood was soured by her comments. He snorted dismissively, unwilling to engage further, and attempted to bypass her to reach the stairs.

But Liang Yue was relentless, positioning herself and her dog to block his path. "What's the matter? Did I strike a nerve? Xiaochuan, I've always said you'll never amount to much, just destined to stay in Teuwell and be a farmer for life. Not like my son, who's not only university-educated but is destined to become a high-ranking official and bring honor to our family!"

Her booming voice drew the attention of the entire neighborhood, prompting curious onlookers to peer out from their windows.

The stares of those around him, coupled with Liang Yue's recent insults, caused Wang Xiaochuan's face to alternate between shades of green and white as a surge of anger welled up inside him.

He bit back his fury and retorted, "What kind of nonsense are you spouting? I acted out of a sense of justice this time."


Liang Yue curled her lips into a sneer, "You, acting out of justice? Please, give me a break! Wang Xiaochuan, it looks like you're not only a failure but also a compulsive liar. If you were truly acting out of justice, why didn't the police present you with a commendation banner? You're nothing but a motherless cur, a young man who's mastered nothing but the art of swindling."

"Repeat what you just said?"

Usually, Wang Xiaochuan could shrug off Liang Yue's barbs, but this time, she had crossed a line by bringing his parents into it—something he despised, especially since both had passed away.

His fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white, Wang Xiaochuan stepped even closer to Liang Yue.

"Oh, look at that! Has the sun started rising in the west? What's the matter, Wang Xiaochuan? You want to hit me? Come on then! Take one more step and see if I don't have the dog tear you apart!" Liang Yue taunted, emboldened by the presence of her fierce yellow dog.

The onlooking neighbors tensed up, worried for Wang Xiaochuan.

They were all too aware of Liang Yue's dog's reputation as a vicious brute. Everyone gave it a wide berth, remembering the drunk who had failed to do so and ended up with a nasty bite, losing a good chunk of flesh.

Now, Wang Xiaochuan was at a crossroads: back down or face a potentially painful consequence.

"Woof, woof, woof..."

The dog, seeming to understand Liang Yue's words, lunged forward, straining against its leash and barking ferociously at Wang Xiaochuan, the sound painfully loud to the bystanders' ears.

"Xiaochuan, let it go!"

"Xiaochuan, stop being upset with Liang Yue and head home, will you?"

The neighbors raised their voices in concern, urging Wang Xiaochuan not to act impulsively.

Yet, they were unaware that Wang Xiaochuan had undergone a transformation.

He was no longer the humble farmer of the past; he had become the heir to the Universal Sage.

How could the esteemed heir of the Universal Sage tolerate such disrespect from a shrew?

He stepped forward, ready to slap the woman who had insulted his parents.

Liang Yue, unfazed, stomped her foot and commanded, "Dog, bite him!"


At her command, the dog barked and lunged at Wang Xiaochuan.

The bystanders gasped in shock, some closing their eyes and pulling their children away, unable to watch.

But Wang Xiaochuan was unfazed. He lifted his right leg and delivered a kick to the charging dog.

Since receiving the Sage's inheritance, Wang Xiaochuan had cultivated a strand of genuine energy within himself during his half-month stay at the hospital. This seemingly ordinary kick sent the dog tumbling through the air, rolling several times before coming to a halt.

As it struggled to its feet, the once ferocious dog was now shaking with fear.

With a dismissive snort, Wang Xiaochuan took another step forward, sending the dog into a panic. It scrambled toward Liang Yue, seeking refuge in its owner's arms.

But the dog's hefty frame knocked Liang Yue to the ground.

To make matters worse, the kick had damaged the dog's internal organs, causing it to defecate and urinate, smearing Liang Yue in the process.

The spectacle drew laughter from the neighbors, who were also struck with curiosity. What had happened to Wang Xiaochuan? In just half a month, how had he become so formidable that even Liang Yue's dog feared him?

Wang Xiaochuan paid no mind to the whispers and stares of the neighbors, nor to Liang Yue's tantrum on the ground. He ascended the stairs and made his way back to his home.

Upon his return home, the sounds of Liang Yue's tantrum from downstairs subsided after a short while.

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