The Nerd's Revenge/C10 Becoming Friends
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The Nerd's Revenge/C10 Becoming Friends
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C10 Becoming Friends

Upon seeing the situation, Meng Xiaoxuan was the first to exclaim, "Captain Wang, what is this about?"

Wang Jun immediately stiffened his posture and addressed her, "Xiaoxuan! Process Brother Wang's paperwork immediately. Today's incident is all a big misunderstanding."

"A misunderstanding?" Meng Xiaoxuan was frantic. "Captain Wang, we caught him red-handed. This man is suspected of trafficking counterfeit medicine, and we have irrefutable evidence, witness testimonies, and confessions. How can this be a misunderstanding? Plus, he resisted and even assaulted the officers during the arrest. We have witnesses for that too!"

"Xiaoxuan, I heard something about a wager between you and him. Didn't you say that if he could prove his medical skills, you'd release him? Now, tell me, what was the outcome of your bet? Did you lose?"

Meng Xiaoxuan was momentarily speechless.

Wang Jun, observing her reaction, continued, "Moreover, those so-called pieces of evidence I reviewed in the interrogation room are merely one-sided claims. How can we detain someone on such flimsy grounds? Considering you're new to the force, I'll overlook this mistake. Now, quickly go with Xiaochuan to..."

Before Wang Jun could finish his sentence, Meng Xiaoxuan shot Wang Xiaochuan a fierce glare, spun on her heel, and stormed off through the crowd.

Wang Jun let out a wry chuckle and warmly took Wang Xiaochuan's hand, saying, "Xiaochuan, I apologize. Xiaoxuan is still a rookie, and her professional skills are not quite there yet. I'm sorry on her behalf. Come on, I'll go with you to finish the paperwork."

After escorting Wang Xiaochuan out of the interrogation room and completing the necessary formalities, Wang Jun pulled out a business card and enthusiastically handed it to Wang Xiaochuan.

He then said, "Wang Xiaochuan, you've really done me a huge favor today. Even though there's a big age gap between us, I want to acknowledge you as my brother based on today's events. From now on, your problems are my problems. If you ever face any trouble in Drison, I'll help you out even if it costs me everything I have!"

"You're too kind, Captain Wang... too kind..."

"Ah, drop the formalities. No more 'Captain Wang.' Just call me Mr. Wang. We both share the Wang surname; who knows, maybe we were one family five hundred years ago."

"Alright, Mr. Wang, I'm helping you because you were a soldier. I've always looked up to soldiers since I was a kid. It's just too bad I was too frail back then to pass the military physical."

"Haha, frail?" Wang Jun thumped Wang Xiaochuan on the shoulder with a laugh. "Brother Wang, just look at those muscles. There aren't many in our police force who can hold a candle to you. You're selling yourself short."

Wang Xiaochuan didn't know how to respond, so he just offered an awkward smile.

Eventually, Wang Xiaochuan was escorted out of the police station by Wang Jun. It wasn't until they reached the entrance that Wang Jun reluctantly waved goodbye.

By the time Wang Xiaochuan stepped outside, night had fallen. He pulled out his phone to check the time and noticed several missed calls from Bao Fan. He suspected Bao Fan was reaching out about the kidney-reinforcing drugs, so he promptly returned the call.

As expected, as soon as Bao Fan picked up, he blurted out, "Hello? Xiaochuan, do you still have that medicine? Your sister-in-law has been nagging me to get some from you..."

He was cut off by a woman's voice in the background, "What nonsense are you spouting now?"

Suppressing a chuckle, Wang Xiaochuan replied, "Absolutely, Bao Fan. I've prepared ten new bottles for you, and I've got them on me."

"Ten bottles? Oh my! Honey, you're in for a treat this time."

Bao Fan was overjoyed, laughing away on the phone, while his wife chided him with a playful "You're impossible!"

Wang Xiaochuan cleared his throat to interrupt Bao Fan's laughter, "Bao Fan, if you need them now, could you come and pick me up? I'm currently at the city police station..."

He was cut off by Bao Fan's sudden exclamation, "What? The city police station? Xiaochuan, hold tight. I'm on my way to rescue you!"

With that, Bao Fan ended the call.

Clearly, Bao Fan had misunderstood. Wang Xiaochuan quickly tried to call back to clarify, but Bao Fan's wife informed him that Bao Fan had already dashed out the door, so hurriedly that he'd even forgotten his phone.

Left with no other option, Wang Xiaochuan found himself waiting outside the entrance of the police station. Bao Fan, perhaps worried about losing his supply of kidney-reinforcing drugs, arrived at breakneck speed. In less than fifteen minutes, Wang Xiaochuan watched as Bao Fan pulled up to the Public Security Bureau in a Porsche Cayenne.

"Wang, Brother Wang! I've come to rescue you!" Bao Fan called out.

Wang Xiaochuan was about to greet him when he realized that Bao Fan seemed not to recognize him. Shouting, Bao Fan rushed past him and headed straight for the bureau. Fortunately, after only a few steps, Bao Fan stopped abruptly, turned, and blinked at Wang Xiaochuan, who was still standing there in shock.

"You are... Wang Xiaochuan?! My goodness!"

Returning with a look of astonishment, Bao Fan slapped his forehead and exclaimed, "Xiaochuan, what happened to you? You've become so pale since yesterday; I barely recognized you!"

Wang Xiaochuan smiled, pulled out ten bottles of kidney-reinforcing drugs from his bag, and handed them to Bao Fan. "Mr. Bao, here are the drugs you requested."

To Wang Xiaochuan's surprise, Bao Fan didn't immediately accept the bottles. Instead, he expressed his concern, "Let's talk about the drugs later. Wang, what are you doing at the police station? Did the cops give you trouble?"

Bao Fan's concern caught Wang Xiaochuan off guard. He hadn't expected such care from Bao Fan, who he thought was just another client. It warmed his heart.

"It's nothing serious," he replied with a smile. "I just had a bit of a misunderstanding with the police, but it's all cleared up now."

"Good. If anything comes up, Xiaochuan, don't hesitate to call me. I've got a few connections at the station."

After the exchange, Bao Fan's face lit up as he finally took the medicine bottles and carefully placed them in his car. He then retrieved a large bag containing a hundred thousand yuan. Even though Wang Xiaochuan had already seen such an amount at Hou Ping's earlier that day, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

Including Hou Ping's hundred thousand, he had made a whopping two hundred thousand today!

Two hundred thousand yuan – in the past, even if Wang Xiaochuan scrimped and saved, it would have taken him over a decade to amass that much. But now, he had effortlessly earned it in a single day.

At that moment, Bao Fan turned to Wang Xiaochuan and asked, "Xiaochuan, where to next? It's getting late. Do you need a ride home?"

The mention of home made Wang Xiaochuan slap his forehead in realization.

"Ah! Right, my bike!"

He had just remembered that his old electric bike was still parked at the hospital!

Even though Wang Xiaochuan was now quite wealthy, with a hundred thousand yuan in his pocket, his frugal habits made it hard for him to simply abandon his electric bike.

Upon hearing that Wang Xiaochuan needed to retrieve his bike from the hospital, Bao Fan immediately offered to drive him there.

Wang Xiaochuan felt a bit awkward. "Mr. Bao, isn't your wife waiting for you at home? I can manage on my own."

"It's no trouble," Mr. Bao dismissed with a wave of his hand. "My wife has had enough of my company for the day; she clung to me all day long. I can't let her get too comfortable with that. She can manage on her own for a bit."

Seeing Mr. Bao's insistence, Wang Xiaochuan stopped protesting and settled into the passenger seat.

As the Cayenne glided through the streets, Wang Xiaochuan gazed out the window at the vibrant nightlife, filled with a sense of wonder.

His life had taken a turn for the better. If he kept on this path, his future was sure to be bright, and all his dreams were within reach.

Lost in his hopeful thoughts, Wang Xiaochuan's attention was suddenly drawn to a figure walking unsteadily on the sidewalk outside the car window.

The figure was fleeting, but the transformed Wang Xiaochuan could tell that the person was undoubtedly stunning.

However, it wasn't her beauty that caught his eye. In the brief moment he saw her, he noticed a group of shady-looking men, dressed like thugs, stealthily following her, seemingly up to no good.

Could it be...?

A troubling thought suddenly crossed Wang Xiaochuan's mind.

Known for his kind heart, Wang Xiaochuan had previously acted heroically, and even though that incident had nearly cost him his life, it hadn't dampened his compassionate spirit.

Moreover, having received the Medicine Sovereign's legacy and grown stronger, he felt an even greater responsibility to intervene in such situations.

"Stop the car! Stop the car!"

The car came to a halt amidst a piercing screech of brakes.

Bao Fan looked at Wang Xiaochuan in astonishment as he leaped out of the vehicle. He quickly rolled down the window and asked, "Xiaochuan, what's going on?"

Wang Xiaochuan scanned the area only to realize that he had lost sight of Sister Qianyi, and he inwardly cursed the situation.

"Bao Fan, I just saw a girl who might be in danger. I have to go help her!"

"What? Really? Xiaochuan, hold on, I'm coming with you!"

Bao Fan pulled the car over and joined Wang Xiaochuan in the search for Lin Qianyi.

As they walked along the sidewalk, Wang Xiaochuan noticed several upscale restaurants and a bar street in the vicinity. It seemed the thugs had emerged from that bar street.

But where had they disappeared to?

Unable to find them, an idea sparked in Wang Xiaochuan's mind. He concentrated his genuine energy in his ears and, after a moment, his enhanced hearing picked up some dubious noises.

"Get away, what are you trying to do? Don't touch me!"

The voice was somewhat muffled, but after listening intently, Wang Xiaochuan was certain it was Sister Qianyi's voice!

The sound was coming from a small alley just ahead of them.

Without hesitation, Wang Xiaochuan quickened his pace towards the alley, with Bao Fan right on his heels.

Arriving at the alley's entrance, they saw a group of men encircling a stylishly dressed woman. Her hair was a mess, obscuring her face, but her tall, shapely figure was undeniably alluring.

One of the ruffians, grinning salaciously, was holding her tight, his hands ominously close to grabbing her behind.

Just then, a forceful voice erupted from the street: "Stop right there!"

The thug paused briefly in surprise before turning his head.

Approaching from the alley's entrance were two individuals: a youth who appeared to be under twenty and a portly middle-aged man.

After a brief moment of astonishment, the thug burst into raucous laughter. "Hahaha! Check out those two. What do they think they're doing? Playing the heroes in a damsel-in-distress scenario? Hahaha, I never thought we'd actually witness something like this!"

His cohorts behind him clutched their bellies, laughing so hard they doubled over.

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