The Nerd's Revenge/C11 Hero Saving Beauty
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The Nerd's Revenge/C11 Hero Saving Beauty
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C11 Hero Saving Beauty

"Has this kid's brain turned to mush from watching too much TV?"

The gang of thugs erupted in raucous laughter, clearly not taking Wang Xiaochuan seriously, their faces twisted in mockery.

Especially the leader, with his edgy style, who pulled a dagger from his pocket and flashed it skillfully in front of Wang Xiaochuan. He sneered, "Kid, you see this? If you don't want to get hurt, then beat it. We're in a good mood today and would rather not get our hands dirty."

"Did you catch that?"


"If you don't scram, we'll make sure you regret it!"

With the advantage of numbers, the thugs took turns taunting Wang Xiaochuan and his sole companion.

These thugs were no small-time crooks; they ran the show on the local bar street.

As long as they weren't committing murder, there seemed to be no line they wouldn't cross in this district.

Wang Xiaochuan stepped forward, ready to speak his mind, but Bao Fan at his side held him back, whispering, "Xiaochuan, don't be rash. Leave it to me."

Bao Fan then raised his hands and stepped towards the thugs, calling out, "Gentlemen, I'm Bao Fan. Please, as a favor to me today, let the lady go."

The leader of the thugs spat out contemptuously, "Beat it! Who are you to ask for a favor? Why should we listen to you?"

Bao Fan managed a smile and replied, "Bro, you may not know me, but surely you've heard of Brother Black Panther? We're tight."

Brother Black Panther had a certain notoriety in the county's underground scene, and Bao Fan, with his extensive business dealings, was familiar with various figures from all walks of life. Now, he was reluctantly dropping Brother Black Panther's name as leverage.

To his surprise, the mention only provoked more laughter from the thugs.

The thug leader chuckled, "What Brother Black Panther? He's nothing but a black cat. Just so you know, we roll with Chen Hao!"

"Damn," Bao Fan muttered, stepping back to explain to Wang Xiaochuan, "I'm sorry, Xiaochuan, these guys are on bad terms with the big shot I know. Should I call the cops now?"

"No need," Wang Xiaochuan said, his patience worn thin. He bellowed at the people opposite him, "I'm going to count to three. Scram, immediately!"

"F*ck, you're even cockier than us. I'll show you!" a thug blustered, rolling up his sleeves and charging at Wang Xiaochuan, fist aimed at his face.

Bao Fan cried out in alarm, "Xiaochuan, watch out!"

Unperturbed, Wang Xiaochuan turned and flashed a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Bao Fan. Stay behind me."

With a swift motion, he raised his hand and, before the thug's fist could connect, delivered a resounding slap to the man's face.


The thug spun through the air like he'd been hit by a rampaging dragon, completing three revolutions before crashing to the ground.

A moment later, a pained howl erupted from him. "My, my teeth!"

Cradling his swollen right cheek, the thug's mouth oozed blood, occasionally spitting out a yellowed tooth or two.

The other thugs watched in shock, their faces a picture of disbelief.

What just happened? A mere teenager had knocked out a grown man's teeth with a single slap?

Damn, that's insane!

Wang Xiaochuan was surprised himself. Although he had disciplined Liang Yue's dog before, this was his first real combat experience since starting his foundation building training. He hadn't expected to be this formidable already. It made him wonder, as he grew stronger, would he eventually possess abilities akin to those of immortals, like Earth Escape?

Looking up, he scanned the dazed thugs and commanded sharply, "Are you lot still here? Get lost!"

"F*ck! Who do you think you are? I was running the streets when you were still in diapers! You dare to act tough in front of me? I'll slash that smug look off your face!"

The gang leader bellowed, brandishing a dagger and charging at Wang Xiaochuan with malicious intent.

Wang Xiaochuan's brow furrowed. These thugs were clueless about the severity of their actions. Approaching with a dagger like that could be lethal for an ordinary person.

"Since you can't grasp the gravity of the situation, don't blame me for not holding back."

Before his assailant could thrust his knife, Wang Xiaochuan sprang into the air, his foot lashing out in a powerful kick. He struck first, sending the gang leader soaring through the air.

To the disbelief of the other thugs, their boss was propelled seven or eight meters before crashing onto a bicycle with a resounding crash.

The gang leader felt as though he'd been hit by a car, his insides seemingly shattered.

Clutching his stomach, he bellowed in a mix of pain and rage, "What are you waiting for? Attack him! He's just one guy!"

The thugs snapped to attention, realizing that no matter how tough this guy was, he couldn't possibly take on all of them at once, could he?

Without hesitation, the remaining gang members exchanged glances, drew their knives, and charged at him, cursing furiously.

Bao Fan, having already retreated to a safe distance, pulled out his phone, ready to call the police at a moment's notice.

Wang Xiaochuan stood alone, resolute in the face of the oncoming mob.

"Hmph, you're asking for it!"

With a cold snort, Wang Xiaochuan's cultivation technique surged through him at full force, and he charged into the crowd like a wraith.

No longer holding back, Wang Xiaochuan unleashed the full power of his genuine energy for the first time. Each punch and kick sent a thug flying.

In under a minute, the once menacing gang was sprawled on the ground, clutching their limbs and groaning in pain.

"He... he actually won?" Bao Fan's eyes bulged, his expression one of utter shock.

He had assumed Wang Xiaochuan was merely a minor figure who had risen to prominence on the coattails of his ancestors' medicinal recipes. Little did he know, Wang Xiaochuan was a formidable master in disguise.

With such prowess, Wang Xiaochuan would never have remained obscure, even without those recipes.

In the midst of Bao Fan's astonishment, Wang Xiaochuan stepped forward and addressed the downed thugs, "Aren't you going to scram?"

"Let's get out of here! This guy's not human; he's a demon!"

The thugs scrambled to their feet, thoroughly terrorized by Wang Xiaochuan's beating, and they didn't dare linger any longer.

They supported each other and scrambled away in disarray.

Before long, the ruffians had all scattered.

Once they were gone, Wang Xiaochuan shifted his attention to Lin Qianyi.

"Sister Qianyi, are you okay?"

At that moment, Lin Qianyi was bracing herself against the wall, attempting to leave. Her steps were shaky, and she would wobble after just a few paces.

Upon hearing Wang Xiaochuan's voice, Lin Qianyi squinted her eyes, confused, and halted.

"Xiaochuan? Where am I?"

Suddenly, Lin Qianyi swayed to the side, looking as though she would topple over.

Wang Xiaochuan quickly stepped in and caught her, her warm body collapsing into his embrace.

A strong, sweet scent filled his nostrils. Wang Xiaochuan, who had never been this close to a woman, turned beet red.

Thankfully, Bao Fan arrived just then. Seeing the woman in Wang Xiaochuan's arms, he exclaimed in surprise, "Oh my, isn't that Ms. Lin? Why is she so terribly drunk today?"

Bao Fan's presence steadied Wang Xiaochuan, who then asked, "Bao Fan, you know Sister Qianyi?"

"Who doesn't in Drison? She's quite the figure here," Bao Fan remarked with a sigh. "Xiaochuan, you've played the hero today."

"Hero? Please, Bao Fan, don't tease me," Wang Xiaochuan replied, a touch embarrassed. "Bao Fan, Qianyi seems to have had too much to drink. We can't just leave her like this; should we take her home?"

"Yes, of course. I know where she lives; it's in Sunken City, right? Xiaochuan, let's go take her home."

And so, Wang Xiaochuan carried Lin Qianyi to Bao Fan's car, and with his directions, they drove to Lin Qianyi's apartment building.

Since Bao Fan's wife had called him to hurry home, he didn't accompany Lin Qianyi upstairs. Instead, he entrusted Wang Xiaochuan with the task of escorting her home.

"Xiaochuan, I'm sorry, but my wife is waiting, and I need to get back quickly," Bao Fan apologized.

"It's fine, Bao Fan, go ahead. I've got this under control."

After Bao Fan left, Wang Xiaochuan single-handedly carried Lin Qianyi up the stairs. Using her key, he opened the door and gently laid her on the bed.

Once everything was settled, Wang Xiaochuan surveyed Lin Qianyi's room.

He had been to her place many times but had never ventured beyond the front door. Now, seeing the interior for the first time, his curiosity was piqued.

But before he could take it all in, Lin Qianyi stirred on the bed, murmuring as if she were about to awaken.

"It's so hot! I'm burning up!"

Wang Xiaochuan turned to look and froze, his heart racing.

Lin Qianyi was twisting on the bed, unconsciously tugging at her clothes. In just a few moments, she had torn her clothes open, revealing a black lace bra underneath.

Wang Xiaochuan felt his nose tingle as if he might bleed, and he quickly grabbed the blanket to cover her enticing form.


After covering her, he breathed a sigh of relief. He had nearly lost control, but thankfully, his self-restraint had prevailed in the end.

"I can't stay here any longer. I might lose control."

Determined to leave, Wang Xiaochuan started to walk away but suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of fatigue wash over him.

Upon checking, he realized that he had overused his genuine energy today, leading to excessive depletion. His body was at its limit.

"How could this happen? I need to get out of here first."

Struggling to reach the bedroom door, Wang Xiaochuan's body grew heavier, his eyelids drooping. Just three steps from the door, he could no longer hold on and collapsed to the floor, succumbing to a deep sleep.

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