The Nerd's Revenge/C12 This Was All a Misunderstanding
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The Nerd's Revenge/C12 This Was All a Misunderstanding
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C12 This Was All a Misunderstanding

In the early morning, a sliver of sunlight slipped through the gap in the curtains, illuminating Wang Xiaochuan's face.

He furrowed his brow and rose from the floor. A night's rest had somewhat replenished his genuine energy, but his body still ached from overexertion.

Before Wang Xiaochuan could attend to his discomfort, he heard a woman's voice behind him.

Turning around, he noticed the bed's blanket stirring. A head then emerged, bleary-eyed and weary.

"Ah, my head is pounding."

Lin Qianyi rubbed her eyes and temples while sitting up in bed, stretching her arms and yawning deeply.

Her actions caused the blanket wrapped around her to slide down, inadvertently revealing her form.

Wang Xiaochuan caught a glimpse and found himself unable to look away, standing there, transfixed.

Meanwhile, Lin Qianyi, oblivious to her exposure, continued to yawn. It took her more than ten seconds to sense something was amiss. When she finally opened her eyes and saw Wang Xiaochuan, she was taken aback.

"You, you are…"

Whether it was the change in Wang Xiaochuan's appearance or her grogginess, Lin Qianyi hesitated before asking in confusion, "Are you Wang Xiaochuan?"

As soon as the words left her mouth, she sensed something wrong. Glancing down, she let out a startled cry.

"Wang Xiaochuan! You brute, what have you done to me!?"

Lin Qianyi snatched up the blanket, wrapping herself tightly once more.

Burrowed in the blanket, her face was etched with regret and near despair. She had been so cautious, having left her hometown to preserve her honor, only to find it seemingly lost in a bewildering moment.

Wang Xiaochuan quickly tried to reassure her, "Sister Qianyi, you've got it all wrong. I haven't done anything. Please, let me explain..."

From within the blanket, Lin Qianyi cut him off, "No need for explanations! Wang Xiaochuan, I can't believe you're this kind of person! Leave! I never want to see you again!"

"Sister Qianyi..."

"Go away!"

Wang Xiaochuan let out a sigh of resignation. If only he hadn't fainted in this room from the excessive depletion of his genuine energy, perhaps Lin Qianyi wouldn't have overreacted so much, even if he had passed out in the living room instead.

Her emotions were all over the place now, and no amount of explanation seemed to make a difference.

With that in mind, Wang Xiaochuan apologized, "Qianyi, I guess I'll be heading out then."

"Get out!"

Lin Qianyi showed no interest in detaining him, continuing her tirade from beneath the covers.

With no other option, Wang Xiaochuan left, carrying a mix of helplessness and indignation with him.

Once downstairs, he suddenly remembered that his electric delivery scooter was still at the hospital.

He had just hailed a taxi when Bao Fan's call came through.

"Hey, Xiaochuan, where are you at the moment? What happened with Ms. Lin yesterday?" Bao Fan inquired with a teasing tone.

"Ah, Mr. Bao, let's not go there. I've just been chased out by Qianyi," Wang Xiaochuan replied with a sigh.

"What?" Bao Fan exclaimed in surprise, "Chased out? Did you really... you know, with Ms. Lin last night? You're quite the guy!"

"Stop joking, Mr. Bao. I don't have the nerve for that. Honestly, I got an internal injury fighting some thugs last night, and after I helped Qianyi upstairs, the pain hit and I blacked out."

"No way?" Bao Fan sounded concerned, "Xiaochuan, are you sure you're okay? Do you need me to take you to the hospital?"

"It's not necessary. I feel a lot better after some sleep. But when I woke up this morning, so did Qianyi. She found me in her room and, well, she got the wrong idea and sent me packing," Wang Xiaochuan explained, feeling awkward.

"I see..." Bao Fan chuckled on the line, "Don't fret, Xiaochuan. I'll clear things up with Ms. Lin. She won't hold it against you. But really, Xiaochuan, who are you?"

Bao Fan's curiosity was piqued, "I used to think you were just a country boy making a living in the city. But now, you're a mystery to me. How can you be so incredible? Your family's recipe is like a magic medicine, and you're skilled in martial arts. You're practically a hidden master!"

"Bao Fan, you're really exaggerating," Wang Xiaochuan chuckled. Bao Fan's words seemed a bit over the top, but they helped alleviate some of the discomfort Wang Xiaochuan felt from the recent issue with Lin Qianyi.

"Speaking of which, Bao Fan, did you need something from me?"

"Well, actually, there is something. Xiaochuan, your sister-in-law was wondering if you have any other types of magic medicine besides those for kidney health. You know, like diet pills or beauty treatments? She believes that with your family's extraordinary medical abilities, there must be more than just one type of remedy."

Diet pills and beauty treatments?

Wang Xiaochuan rummaged through the Sage's legacy and, sure enough, he found them.

He responded, "Bao Fan, I do have the medicines you're talking about. I'll prepare some for your sister-in-law to try when I get a chance."

"Great, great!" Mr. Wang was ecstatic on the phone. "Alright, Xiaochuan, we're all set then. I'll go find Ms. Lin right now and make sure everything is explained clearly. You can count on me."

"Thanks, I'll give you a call later," Wang Xiaochuan said before ending the call.

As Wang Xiaochuan went to fetch his electric scooter, Lin Qianyi, who had been hiding at home, was curled up in bed for quite some time. Suddenly, a thought struck her.

She threw back the covers and inspected the bedsheet, relieved to find no traces. After examining her body and finding nothing amiss, she began to recall the events of the previous night.

Had she really missed her chance with Wang Xiaochuan?

Just then, Lin Qianyi's phone rang. She was surprised to see the caller ID.

"Bao Fan? Why is he calling me?"

Without much thought, Lin Qianyi answered the call.

"Hello? Bao Fan?"

"Ms. Lin? Are you alright now?"

"I'm fine... What do you mean by that?" Lin Qianyi asked, confused.

"Oh, you really don't remember? Ms. Lin, don't you recall that Wang Xiaochuan and I took you home last night?"

Bao Fan raised his voice as he recounted the entirety of the previous evening's events to her.

His words quickly stirred Lin Qianyi's own memories.

By the time Bao Fan ended the call, Lin Qianyi's face was beet red with embarrassment.

Could it really have been me who wronged him?

Ugh, why didn't he just explain a little more?

For the first time in her life, Lin Qianyi felt such deep guilt. She hurriedly climbed out of bed, intent on calling Wang Xiaochuan to apologize, but then she realized she didn't have his number.

Bao Fan might have it, but Lin Qianyi was too embarrassed to ask him for it.

Just then, an idea struck her, and she quickly opened the food delivery app...

Wang Xiaochuan had just reclaimed his electric bike from the hospital. He was debating whether to return to work with Lai or to visit the herbal medicine market to check for ingredients for diet pills and calleidic. His phone began to ring.

"Hello, Xiaochuan? Why aren't you at work today? I've got an urgent matter for you."

"What's up, Lai? I had to pick up my bike; I left it somewhere else yesterday. What's going on?"

Lai's voice boomed, "Something odd happened today. A customer specifically requested you for delivery. We tried to call her to make an exception, but she insisted on you."

"Ah? Who would be so insistent?"

"Hehe," Lai chuckled, "You sly dog, still playing dumb! The one asking for you is none other than the gorgeous Ms. Lin. Tell me, when did you get so chummy with Ms. Lin?"

Wang Xiaochuan hastily replied, "It's a misunderstanding, Lai. There's definitely some confusion here."

"Well, I don't care about that. You better get here fast. She's placed a big order, and if you don't show, we'll lose the sale and the vendors will be furious."

After the call, Wang Xiaochuan felt uneasy. What was Lin Qianyi thinking, specifically asking for him to deliver her order? Could she still be harboring thoughts of revenge?

But hadn't Bao Fan assured him that he would clear things up with Lin Qianyi? Maybe Bao Fan had forgotten?

Wang Xiaochuan reached for his phone, intending to call Mr. Bao to inquire about something, but then abruptly shoved the phone back into his pocket.

'Forget it, I'm not who I used to be. Even if Lin Qianyi really wants to confront me, what of it? Could I, a descendant of the Universal Sage, actually fear her?'

With that thought, Wang Xiaochuan steeled himself, jumped on his electric scooter, and opened the delivery app to accept an order. After picking up the takeout from the restaurant, he made his way back to Sunken City.

Holding the takeout, Wang Xiaochuan stood at Lin Qianyi's doorstep, took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell: "Hello, delivery for you."

The door swung open with a clang.

Startled, Wang Xiaochuan instinctively stepped back, his eyes going wide.

Lin Qianyi had changed into a black dress that hugged her figure, accentuating her elegant curves. The dress plunged at the neckline, revealing a glimpse of her fair skin.

Feeling a tickle in his nose, Wang Xiaochuan quickly looked down and extended the takeout towards her: "Hello, your delivery."

"Wang Xiaochuan, you used to call me Sister Qianyi, didn't you? Why have you stopped today?"


Wang Xiaochuan couldn't help but look up, only to find Lin Qianyi motioning him inside.

"Come in."

"Sister Qianyi, what's this about? I already explained that this morning's incident was a misunderstanding."

"Enough with the excuses. Do you want the whole building to hear about our business? Get inside!" Lin Qianyi seized his arm, pulling him toward the room.

With a resigned bite of his lip, Wang Xiaochuan yielded and entered.

The door slammed shut behind them.

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