The Nerd's Revenge/C16 I Am His Girlfriend
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The Nerd's Revenge/C16 I Am His Girlfriend
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C16 I Am His Girlfriend

When Wang Xiaochuan stepped out of the private room, both Zhou Yao and Lee Qi were taken aback, as if they were seeing him for the first time.

Lee Qi, in particular, was noticeably impressed. Previously indifferent to Xiaochuan, her gaze now held a hint of admiration.

Zhou Yao caught the unusual gleam in his girlfriend's eyes, and his expression immediately soured, jealousy raging within him.

As a well-known personality on campus, he had always considered himself superior. Handsome, wealthy, and dating the most sought-after girl at school, he exuded an innate sense of superiority over everyone.

Yet, in Xiaochuan's presence, that sense of superiority had vanished.

"Hmph! No matter how you dress yourself up, you're still just a delivery boy! Wang Xiaochuan, where exactly did you get your money from?"

"Where else does money come from if not earned?" Xiaochuan replied coolly, feigning surprise. "Oh, that's right, there's also the kind you get from daddy. But Young Master Zhou, as I recall, your father is just a bureau chief, not a business owner, right? How does his salary afford you the luxury to spend here?"

"What my dad earns is none of your business!" Zhou Yao snapped, his teeth clenched. "But you, a mere delivery boy, how could you possibly have so much money? It must be stolen. Wang Xiaochuan, I never took you for a thief!"

"Accusations require proof, don't they?" Xiaochuan retorted with a cold laugh.

The shop owner found the situation quite entertaining. Could someone introduced by Bao Fan really be a thief?

"Do we really need proof?" Zhou Yao jabbed a finger at Xiaochuan, "Everyone at school knows you're just a peasant from Teuwell, with both your parents long gone. You scrape by with delivery jobs. If you didn't steal this money, did you find it? I'm calling the police to unveil your true face!"

"I wondered which mad dog was yapping outside. Turns out it's the son of Director Zhou!"

Just then, a sultry voice unexpectedly floated from behind them.

Xiaochuan, taken aback, recognized the voice instantly. He turned to see an attractive figure emerging from a hair salon suite.

The woman arrived clad in a silk short-sleeved blouse, her figure graceful and full. The black skirt, embellished with sparkling crystals, lent her an air of elegance and nobility.

Her entrance captivated everyone in the room.

This enchanting lady approached with a fluid grace, then hooked her arm around Wang Xiaochuan's, leaning in with familiarity.

"Dear, what a coincidence to see you here today."

"Sister Qianyi?" Wang Xiaochuan was rooted to the spot in shock. Wasn't this Lin Qianyi? What was she doing here?

And who was she referring to as "Dear"?

Wang Xiaochuan's instinct was to look around, but he quickly realized Lin Qianyi had been addressing him.

"Uh... Sister Qianyi, what's going on?"

"It's simple, my dear. If I hadn't come, you would've been picked on."

Her use of "Dear" was even more pronounced this time, leaving the onlookers dumbfounded, with some even audibly heartbroken.

"What? Who is this guy? Why is Lin Qianyi calling him 'dear'?!"

"It's outrageous! Wasn't it said that Lin Qianyi wouldn't spare any man a glance? To think she'd fall for someone younger!"

The barbershop's clientele had come out to see what the commotion was about and were now wailing in despair at the sight before them.

Zhou Yao and Lee Qi stood frozen, eyes wide with disbelief at the woman before them.

Lee Qi, unfamiliar with her, felt this woman was so captivating that she outshone even the female stars on television, stirring a sense of inferiority within him.

Zhou Yao, meanwhile, was in a state of shock, his face pale.

He was well-acquainted with Lin Qianyi. He had once met her at a dinner at her restaurant with his father and had been awestruck by her beauty.

Many times, during his intimate moments with Lee Qi, he had fantasized about Lin Qianyi.

But his father had warned him about Lin Qianyi's complex background, how even the city's leaders treated her with utmost respect. Zhou Yao knew then that a woman like her was beyond his reach.

But now... But now...!

Why was his goddess hand in hand with someone as lowly as Wang Xiaochuan? Zhou Yao was shaking all over, consumed by a jealousy that nearly drove him mad.

"Sister Qianyi, what are you doing?" Wang Xiaochuan asked in a hushed tone.

"Idiot, I'm helping you! I've heard everything about your situation with them. Don't worry, leave the rest to me," Lin Qianyi whispered into his ear, her breath fragrant and intoxicating.

Lin Qianyi then turned her attention to Zhou Yao, challenging him, "Zhou Yao, who were you planning to have arrested? I dare you to say it again!"

Zhou Yao, eyes fixed on Lin Qianyi's hand firmly clasped with Wang Xiaochuan's, inquired, "Ms. Lin, what is your relationship with him?"

"He's my boyfriend," Lin Qianyi replied coolly. "Zhou Yao, even your father wouldn't dare to misbehave in my presence. And now you have the audacity to accuse my boyfriend of being a thief?"

"Ms. Lin, it was all a misunderstanding. How was I to know that my old classmate would end up being your kept man?"

"Kept man? Hehe."

Lin Qianyi let out a mocking laugh before fixing her gaze on Zhou Yao. "What gives you the right to speak about my boyfriend like that? He's self-sufficient and can earn a great deal of money on his own. And you? Nothing but a leech dependent on your parents!"

"He can earn a great deal of money?" Zhou Yao said coldly, glancing at Wang Xiaochuan. "Regardless, I'll let today's incident slide out of respect for you, Ms. Lin."

He grabbed Lee Qi, who was still stunned, and said, "Come on, we're leaving!"

"Hold on!" Lin Qianyi called out suddenly.

"Ms. Lin, what more do you want?" Zhou Yao spun around, visibly angry. He had already backed down out of respect for Lin Qianyi. Was she still not satisfied?

"Zhou Yao, I want you to understand that my boyfriend is not someone you can afford to provoke. After today, stay away from him," Lin Qianyi stated flatly.

Her words hung in the air like a threat, leaving Zhou Yao feeling humiliated. With a cold huff, he quickly walked away, pulling Lee Qi along with him.

Once they had left the shop, Wang Xiaochuan leaned in and quietly asked Lin Qianyi, "Qianyi, what was that warning about? You don't really think I'm scared of Zhou Yao, do you?"

"You're such a goof," Lin Qianyi said with a slight smile. "I'm aware of your capabilities; you don't need my assistance. I was actually looking out for Zhou Yao. That Zhou Yong's son is nothing but an arrogant kid. I only gave him a warning for his father's sake, to prevent him from bothering you and getting himself into trouble later on."

"That sounds about right."

Wang Xiaochuan huffed, only to notice that the patrons in the shop were now whispering and pointing at him.

"Who would've thought Lin Qianyi had a boyfriend?"

"That guy is really handsome; he and Lin Qianyi make such a stunning pair."

"If I were Lin Qianyi, I'd definitely choose a boyfriend that handsome."

Feeling uncomfortable with the chatter, Wang Xiaochuan quickly settled the bill, grabbed his bag, and led Lin Qianyi out of the shop.

Outside, their hand-in-hand appearance also turned heads among the passersby.

"Look, isn't that Lin Qianyi?"

"Who's that pretty boy with her? Daring to hold Lin Qianyi's hand—I ought to teach him a lesson!"

The piercing stares from the onlookers made Wang Xiaochuan squirm with discomfort. With no other option, he led Lin Qianyi into a secluded service corridor to catch his breath.

"Qianyi, why did you do that back there?"

Lin Qianyi chuckled, "Didn't I tell you? I was helping you out. How did it feel, having everyone's eyes on you just now? Pretty good, right?"

"It was fine, I guess. But Qianyi, doesn't this kind of act affect your reputation?"

"I don't have a boyfriend, so what's the harm? And... if you're really concerned, you could always become my boyfriend for real."

Wang Xiaochuan's breath hitched, and his heart began to race.

Just then, Lin Qianyi burst into laughter. "I'm just teasing you. No need to be on edge. After you saw me in that embarrassing situation at home, I just wanted to even the score a bit. Aren't you pleased?"

Wang Xiaochuan quickly shook his head.

"Plus, I haven't even thought about looking for a boyfriend yet," Lin Qianyi said with a chuckle. "Oh, by the way, what brought you to Tredo today, and you even got a new hairstyle? What prompted that?"

"Oh, I've got a get-together tonight. Bao Fan wants to introduce me to one of his friends, so he suggested I spruce myself up a bit," Wang Xiaochuan explained.

"Bao Fan's friend? What a small world—I know him too. Tell you what, I'll come along with you tonight."

She paused, then inquired, "Did you manage to buy any clothes yet?"

Wang Xiaochuan shook his head. "No, I haven't. I'm just wearing this one outfit I have on."

Upon hearing this, Lin Qianyi linked her arm with his and led him outside, saying, "Well, since you're here, why not take the opportunity to buy a few more items? Come on, I'll help you pick them out myself."

And so, the two spent time together in the mall, picking out several pieces of clothing.

Despite the pleasure of Lin Qianyi's company, Wang Xiaochuan found the shopping trip quite uncomfortable. Lin Qianyi attracted a lot of attention; wherever they went, they were met with pointing fingers and whispers, which left Wang Xiaochuan feeling quite embarrassed. It wasn't until they left the mall that he was able to fully relax.

Once they were on the street, Lin Qianyi turned to see Wang Xiaochuan's relieved expression and couldn't help but smile.

"Xiaochuan, is shopping with me that uncomfortable? You look like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders."

"No!" Wang Xiaochuan quickly replied, "It's just a bit overwhelming, that's all. Qianyi, being with you is a lot of pressure."

"That's not pressure, that's prestige!" Lin Qianyi retorted with a smile. Then, glancing at her watch, she asked, "Xiaochuan, we still have some time before five o'clock. What's your plan now? If you're ready to head back, I can give you a lift."

"There's no need, I've got my car."

"Where is it?"

"Just over there!" Wang Xiaochuan pointed not too far ahead.

Lin Qianyi stood on her tiptoes to look in the direction he indicated. But when she saw that it was just a modest electric car, she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"You're something else, you know that? You have a small fortune in your backpack, and yet you don't want to upgrade your ride? Aren't you worried someone might snatch your bag while you're zipping around on your electric scooter?"

"It's all good. No one's going to snatch my bag," Wang Xiaochuan said with a smile. "Besides, I don't even have a driver's license yet. Even if I bought a car, I couldn't drive it."

"You've got me there. Well, I'm off. My car's in the parking lot. See you tonight," Lin Qianyi said with a wry smile, shaking her head. She gave him a wave, then turned and walked away with a confident stride.

Wang Xiaochuan watched her until she disappeared into the parking lot, then he turned and hopped onto his modest electric scooter.

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