The Nerd's Revenge/C17 A Conflict Outside the Bathroom
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The Nerd's Revenge/C17 A Conflict Outside the Bathroom
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C17 A Conflict Outside the Bathroom

Before the gathering began, Wang Xiaochuan made another trip to the herbal medicine market and invested in a fresh batch of herbs, spending over three hundred thousand yuan. Coupled with the expenses for his haircut and new clothes today, he had shelled out nearly forty to fifty thousand yuan. Now, his bank account was dwindling, with less than two hundred thousand yuan remaining.

Staring at his now flattened backpack, he couldn't help feeling a bit wistful. Money truly burned a hole in one's pocket. While purchasing herbs was an essential expense for his income and cultivation, and therefore non-negotiable, the cost of clothing was another matter. He was baffled at how he managed to spend forty to fifty thousand yuan on attire in just a few hours.

He looked at the designer clothes Lin Qianyi had picked out for him and lamented, "Ah, the lifestyle of the wealthy is indeed different. It looks like I need to make even more money." With that thought, he packed all his newly prepared herbs into his bag, ready to hawk them at the evening's event if the opportunity arose.

As five o'clock approached, Wang Xiaochuan, dressed in a sharp suit, slung his bag over his shoulder and rode his scooter to Sunken City. His unique and eye-catching ensemble drew the attention of many onlookers along the way.

Upon reaching Bao Fan's building, he found Bao Fan had already retrieved his car and was waiting for him. Bao Fan was taken aback upon seeing him. "Oh my, is that you, Xiaochuan?"

He quickly approached and gave Wang Xiaochuan a thorough once-over. "Xiaochuan, I always said you didn't care enough about your appearance. But look at you now—your build, your looks, you're not far off from my younger days."

From behind Bao Fan, a woman in her thirties with an alluring presence stepped forward and playfully tugged at his ear. "Can't you go one day without exaggerating? Even in your younger years, you couldn't hold a candle to Xiaochuan."

"Ouch! Wife, please let go!" Bao Fan yelped. After she released him, he wrapped an arm around her with a grin and introduced her to Wang Xiaochuan, "Xiaochuan, meet your sister-in-law, Dong Yan. This is your first time meeting her. She'll also be joining us at the party tonight."

Wang Xiaochuan immediately greeted her with a cheerful, "Hello, sister-in-law!"

Dong Yan playfully shoved Bao Fan aside and approached with a grin, appraising Wang Xiaochuan. "Xiaochuan, that medicine of yours is truly miraculous. Our Old Bao has been so much better thanks to it. He's been as lively as a rooster these days."

"You shouldn't say such things in public, you know?" Bao Fan chided, his face flushed as he pulled Dong Yan back, then turned to her, "Honey, now that Xiaochuan is here, we should get going. Xiaochuan, hurry up and get in the car."

Wang Xiaochuan was just about to mention Lin Qianyi when a black Mercedes-Benz SUV rolled up beside them, imposing and majestic. Yet, to everyone's surprise, the person who stepped out was none other than the stunning Lin Qianyi.

"Wow, Lin Qianyi!" Bao Fan exclaimed, clearly taken aback.

"Bao Fan, Sister Dong, Xiaochuan," Lin Qianyi greeted each in turn. "Bao Fan, Xiaochuan told me about your gathering today, and I'd love to join if that's alright?"

"Of course, you're welcome! In fact, today's venue is none other than your Crimson Palace, Lin Qianyi. We wouldn't dare keep you from it," Bao Fan replied with a smile.

As it turned out, the venue for Bao Fan's gathering was indeed the Crimson Palace, the restaurant owned by Lin Qianyi herself.

"What a pleasant coincidence. Thank you, Bao Fan," Lin Qianyi said with a smile, then turned to Wang Xiaochuan. "Xiaochuan, will you be riding with me or with Bao Fan?"

Wang Xiaochuan hesitated briefly before deciding, "Sister Qianyi, I'll ride with you."

"Xiaochuan, you scamp, choosing beauty over loyalty!" Bao Fan teased with a chuckle before heading to his car.

"Alright, then ride with her! I'll go with your sister-in-law. Let's hit the road!"

Soon, the two luxury cars departed from Sunken City, one trailing the other, en route to the Crimson Palace. This was Wang Xiaochuan's first time in Lin Qianyi's car, and he was surprised to find that such a delicate beauty drove a vehicle even more commanding than Bao Fan's.

Lin Qianyi noticed Wang Xiaochuan's curious glances and guessed his thoughts. "What's the matter, Xiaochuan? Do you think this car doesn't suit me?"

"Well, a bit. I actually imagined you'd be driving a sports car."

"I'm not fond of those feminine cars. I've always preferred something with a commanding presence, whether it's a car or a person..."

Wang Xiaochuan's heart raced upon hearing her words.

It reminded him of the night he played the hero, exuding a commanding aura.

Could it be... Qianyi's earlier remarks were subtle hints directed at me?

While Wang Xiaochuan was lost in thought, they had already pulled up to the Crimson Palace.

Lin Qianyi, who had arrived from out of town two years prior, had built her business from scratch. In under two years, she had transformed the Crimson Palace into one of the most prestigious and upscale restaurants in the area.

Upon their arrival, the parking lot was brimming with luxury vehicles, signaling a thriving business.

Stepping out of the car, Lin Qianyi warmly linked arms with Wang Xiaochuan, surprising both Bao Fan and Dong Yan.

"Xiaochuan, are you and Lin Qianyi that close?"

Wang Xiaochuan felt a bit embarrassed and tried to withdraw his arm, but Lin Qianyi held on. Before he could say anything, she interjected, "No, Bao Fan, we're just friends."

"Just friends? You expect anyone to believe that?"

Bao Fan whispered under his breath and nonchalantly led his wife into the restaurant.

Inside, the staff bowed respectfully at the sight of Lin Qianyi. Once past them, she released Wang Xiaochuan's arm and greeted her employees with the poise of a formidable businesswoman.

Seeing Lin Qianyi's assertive side for the first time, Wang Xiaochuan was quite intrigued.

Soon, they reached the top floor of the restaurant, which spanned several thousand square meters but housed only three private rooms, each more opulent than the last.

Stepping out of the elevator, Wang Xiaochuan noticed a restroom nearby and suddenly felt the need to use it.

He quickly apologized, "Sorry, I need to use the restroom. Bao Fan, please go ahead with Sister Qianyi and Lin Qianyi."

Bao Fan was about to mention that there was a bathroom in the private room, but Lin Qianyi interjected, "Bao Fan, you all go ahead. I'll wait here for Xiaochuan and bring him over later."

Seeing this, Bao Fan chuckled, "Alright, Xiaochuan is in good hands with Lin Qianyi."

Wang Xiaochuan didn't want Lin Qianyi waiting outside the restroom, but, overwhelmed by urgency, he had to go in.

The restroom on this floor lived up to its reputation as the finest in the restaurant, adorned with glittering gold and jade, leaving Wang Xiaochuan marveling as if he'd stepped into a grand mansion.

After using the facilities, Wang Xiaochuan was washing his hands when he heard an argument outside, Lin Qianyi's voice among them.

Alarmed, Wang Xiaochuan hurried out only to find a middle-aged man, half-bald and reeking of alcohol, manhandling Lin Qianyi.

"Lee Pei, let go, please!"

"Ah, Lin Qianyi, we didn't finish our drink last time. Now that everyone's here, let's pick up where we left off!"

Wang Xiaochuan, seeing this, let out a cold snort, stepped forward, and with a gentle push, moved the man away from Lin Qianyi.

"Ouch!" The man yelped in pain, looked up to see a young guy had pushed him, and angrily demanded, "Who the hell are you?"

"Xiaochuan?" Lin Qianyi exclaimed, surprised.

"Qianyi, I've got this."

Wang Xiaochuan positioned himself protectively in front of Lin Qianyi and confronted the middle-aged man, "I'd like to know who you are, harassing Qianyi like that?"

The man smirked mischievously, sizing him up, "Playing the hero, kid? Let's hear your name, see if you're qualified."

"Wang Xiaochuan!"

"And your profession?"

"I'm a delivery guy!"

"A delivery guy? Pfft!" The man spat disdainfully at Wang Xiaochuan's feet, "I thought you were some big shot's son. Turns out you're just a delivery guy? These days, even delivery guys dress up like somebody, huh?"

This was Ms. Lin's shop, and Wang Xiaochuan had no intention of getting physical. He gestured towards the elevator and retorted, "What's it to you? Close your trap and beat it!"

"Hey, a delivery guy getting cocky? You asking for trouble?"

The middle-aged man, a figure of some standing, was not used to being disrespected by a delivery person. In a rage, he swung at Wang Xiaochuan, aiming a slap at his face.

Wang Xiaochuan just smiled. The man was clearly worn out from too much indulgence. How dare such a wreck lay a hand on him?

With an effortless motion, Wang Xiaochuan caught the man's wrist and, with a gentle shove, sent him tumbling to the ground, rolling like a ball.

"Damn it, kid, you're dead!" The middle-aged man, fuming, got to his feet and jabbed a finger at Wang Xiaochuan. "You just wait. If you dare, don't go anywhere!"

After his threat, the man turned to leave. But just then, a voice echoed through the corridor.

"Who's causing such a commotion in Ms. Lin's shop? Oh, it's Lee Rong!"

Wang Xiaochuan looked over to see Bao Fan and another middle-aged man, dressed in an elegant Tang suit, approaching.

The man in the Tang suit seemed to know Lee Rong and didn't mince words. "Lee Rong, this is Drison, not your River Yang. You have no right to shout here. Besides, this young man is my guest. What do you want him to wait for?"

Lee Rong, sweating profusely, had been subdued like a mouse before a cat upon seeing the man in the Tang suit. Now, he quickly responded, "Oh, he's Mr. Du's guest? I see, it was all a misunderstanding. I merely wanted to invite Ms. Lin for a drink, not realizing this young man would take it the wrong way."

"Misunderstanding? Ms. Lin isn't some barmaid to accompany you for drinks. Now get lost!"

"Alright, I'm going, I'll leave immediately!" Lee Rong nodded repeatedly, bowing profusely before scurrying back into a suite.

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