The Nerd's Revenge/C20 Showing His Medical Skills
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The Nerd's Revenge/C20 Showing His Medical Skills
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C20 Showing His Medical Skills

Wang Xiaochuan would have been ecstatic in the past, but now, he had become a millionaire in the blink of an eye!

He was no longer the young man who would get excited over a few thousand dollars. Today's earnings, although substantial, were just the beginning. He was confident that this million was only the first of many more to come.

After sharing Wang Xiaochuan's medicine, the other bosses were content and raised their glasses in a toast to him.

Du Hao was the first to speak up, "Wang, we were blind to your talents earlier and doubted you. Please accept our apologies and don't hold it against us."

"It's not a big deal!" Wang Xiaochuan dismissed with a wave of his hand. "Seeing is believing, so I understand your initial doubts."

"But Xiaochuan, you truly are remarkable. You said you developed these three medicines by studying medical texts? It seems you must have really mastered those books," Du Hao added.

"I know a bit," Wang Xiaochuan replied modestly.

"You're being too modest, Xiaochuan," Lin Qianyi interjected, addressing the group. "Honestly, I'm the most qualified to speak on this, as I've personally experienced Xiaochuan's medical expertise."


"Is that so?"

The crowd's interest was piqued, and they urged Lin Qianyi to share more details.

She recounted the story of how Wang Xiaochuan had sobered her up instantly with his massage techniques.

Upon hearing this, everyone's respect for Wang Xiaochuan grew.

They had assumed he had simply capitalized on a family recipe to make his fortune, but to their surprise, he was not only capable of creating new medicines but also possessed medical knowledge.

Throughout history, those skilled in medicine have held a revered status. The wealthy bosses, despite their riches, could not escape the inevitabilities of life, such as illness and death. Being wealthy, their greatest fear was poor health that prevented them from enjoying their fortunes. Thus, they held doctors in even higher esteem than the average person.

"Xiaochuan, I'm getting on in years and my legs have been aching. Do you have any treatment for that?"

"Xiaochuan, I've always had stomach issues. Do you have a remedy?"

Out of nowhere, the bosses began treating the place like a hospital, bombarding Wang Xiaochuan with questions about whether there was a cure for their various ailments.

In the midst of the chaos, Du Hao noticed Ma Shoucheng sitting silently in his seat, head bowed. The recent misunderstanding regarding Wang Xiaochuan was largely due to Ma Shoucheng. After Lin Qianyi attested to the miraculous nature of Xiaochuan's formula, there was a sense of resentment toward Ma Shoucheng; they felt they had nearly wronged a truly gifted healer because of him.

From that point on, Ma Shoucheng found himself ostracized, with none of the other bosses paying him any mind. Du Hao, observing Ma Shoucheng's persistent silence, grew suspicious.

Ma Shoucheng had abstained from the scramble for Xiaochuan's medicine, which Du Hao initially attributed to a guilty conscience. However, seeing Ma Shoucheng's demeanor now, Du Hao couldn't shake a growing sense of dread.

It appeared that Ma Shoucheng hadn't moved since the commotion began. Acting on instinct, Du Hao reached out to give Ma Shoucheng a nudge, only to inadvertently push him off his chair and onto the floor.

To their horror, Ma Shoucheng lay on the ground, his face deathly pale and struggling to breathe.

"Ma Shoucheng! What's wrong with you?" Du Hao cried out, drawing the immediate attention of everyone present. Seeing Ma Shoucheng's condition, they were all gripped by urgency.

Despite their grievances, Ma Shoucheng was once a friend, and his current state had them frantic with worry.

"What happened to Ma Shoucheng?"

"I'm not sure, but it looks like he might be having a heart attack. Could it be his heart condition acting up?"

Upon hearing a boss mention Ma Shoucheng's heart condition, Lin Qianyi dashed out of the room and called from outside, "Someone call an ambulance, quick! We have a heart attack case here!"

After giving orders to the staff, Lin Qianyi, concerned that the ambulance might not arrive in time, came up with a plan. She instructed the waiters to knock on every private room in the establishment, inquiring whether any of the evening's patrons were medical professionals.

Just as Lin Qianyi finished instructing the waitstaff to immediately start asking around, Wang Xiaochuan stood up and called out to them.

"Sister Qianyi, I have some medical knowledge. How about I take a look at Boss Ma first?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Qianyi couldn't help but furrow her brow. She was aware of Wang Xiaochuan's impressive medical skills, but Ma Shoucheng was suffering from heart disease—a condition vastly different from anything Wang Xiaochuan had previously encountered. Lin Qianyi was uncertain whether his skills would be effective in this situation.

However, her momentary doubt was quickly dispelled by her trust in Wang Xiaochuan.

She nodded and said, "Xiaochuan, go ahead and give it a try..."

With everyone's eyes on him, Wang Xiaochuan approached Ma Shoucheng.

He had already assessed Ma Shoucheng's condition; the man's heart had nearly stopped beating, and he was clinging to his last breath, teetering on the brink of death. If he didn't receive help within ten minutes, he would indeed be facing his final judgement.

Luckily, Wang Xiaochuan was present.

Wang Xiaochuan knelt down in front of Ma Shoucheng, placed his hand on the man's chest, and began to massage it while infusing his heart with genuine energy brimming with life.

Stimulated by the genuine energy, Ma Shoucheng's heart unexpectedly started to beat again.

With the continuous infusion of genuine energy, his heart rhythm began to stabilize.

Ma Shoucheng slowly opened his eyes, and his complexion shifted from pallid to healthy and rosy.

"What... What's happened to me?" he asked, looking around at everyone with a bewildered expression.

"Ah, Boss Ma, you're finally awake."

"Yes, Boss Ma, you've narrowly escaped death."

It was then that Boss Ma noticed a hand on his chest and, following it, saw Wang Xiaochuan, whom he had just been skeptical of.

"What... What are you doing to me?" Ma Shoucheng cried out in alarm.

As Wang Xiaochuan saw him come to, he withdrew his hand. Before he could respond, someone else chimed in: "Ma Shoucheng, if it weren't for Divine Doctor Wang's intervention, you might not be alive right now! You really should be thanking him!"


Ma Shoucheng's memory came flooding back as he pieced together the recent events. He had been brooding over a perceived slight from Wang Xiaochuan and was drinking alone when a sudden, intense pain gripped his heart. The pain struck so swiftly that he had no chance to cry out for help before losing consciousness.

Recalling that moment of despair, a fresh sheen of cold sweat broke out on Ma Shoucheng's face.

He quickly scrambled to his feet and bowed with his hands clasped in a gesture of respect.

"Mr. Wang, thank you. I sincerely apologize for my earlier disrespect. I hope you can forgive my impertinence..."

"Let it go. You're a friend of Bao Fan, which means we're all part of the same community. Just be more mindful in the future," Wang Xiaochuan said with a casual smile.

He added, "By the way, I took the liberty of checking your heart condition. It seems your heart failure is due to excessive weight and the strain it puts on your body. If you want to prevent a recurrence, you should consider losing some weight. My diet pill could be particularly effective for your situation."

Ma Shoucheng had complete faith in Wang Xiaochuan's words. He immediately placed an order for diet pills worth 100,000 yuan and even purchased a bottle from another proprietor to start taking right away.

Just then, the ambulance that had been called to the restaurant arrived. Even though Ma Shoucheng was now out of danger, everyone still urged him to get checked out at the hospital.

Initially, Ma Shoucheng was reluctant, fearing that it might give Wang Xiaochuan the impression that he doubted his abilities. However, after Wang Xiaochuan himself suggested a hospital visit, Ma Shoucheng, though hesitant, bid everyone farewell with a respectful bow and boarded the ambulance.

Once Ma Shoucheng had departed, the rest of the group settled back into their seats and resumed their meal and conversation.

Despite the earlier scare, the mood at the table grew even livelier after witnessing Wang Xiaochuan's remarkable healing talents.

Some guests who were feeling unwell seized the opportunity to have Wang Xiaochuan diagnose and treat them.

Wang Xiaochuan was unfazed. These people were potential future clients, and his abilities were now stronger than ever. Treating everyone wouldn't exhaust him as it might have in the past, so he generously attended to each person, addressing their minor ailments.

Upon witnessing his skill, everyone was impressed by Wang Xiaochuan's prowess. None of the doctors they had previously consulted could match his ability to effectively treat their ailments.

Thus, in addition to his reputation as a supplier of magic medicines, Wang Xiaochuan also earned the title of Divine Doctor.

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