The Nerd's Revenge/C5 Selling Medicine
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The Nerd's Revenge/C5 Selling Medicine
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C5 Selling Medicine

Wang Xiaochuan had been restless in his room for quite some time, only settling down when the bustling sounds of traffic began to fill the streets outside. It was then that he paused to contemplate his future.

Having witnessed Bao Fan's successful endeavors, Wang Xiaochuan realized he no longer needed to continue his job as a delivery driver. He could instead dedicate all his efforts to earning money through his pharmaceutical skills. Moreover, he believed he could explore additional avenues for income, especially with the extensive medical knowledge of the Universal Sage at his disposal.

Once he had roughly mapped out his plans, Wang Xiaochuan checked the time and decided to head to the delivery company to submit his resignation to Lai.

Upon seeing him, Lai scrutinized Wang Xiaochuan with a puzzled expression, as if he were seeing a stranger.

"Xiaochuan, is that you?"

"Yes, Lai, what seems to be the problem?"

Lai continued to examine Wang Xiaochuan, finally voicing his thoughts, "Xiaochuan, you seem different somehow. Your face, your skin – you didn't get plastic surgery, did you?"

"You must be kidding, Lai. I haven't changed a bit," Wang Xiaochuan responded with a chuckle.

"Really? No change?" Lai was clearly baffled. "Or is it just my eyes playing tricks on me?"

Wang Xiaochuan, eager to avoid further questions, quickly handed over the 600 yuan he had saved to Lai and broached the subject of his resignation, citing plans to start a small business.

Lai, hearing of Wang Xiaochuan's intention to resign, set aside his suspicions and engaged in a serious discussion about it. After some negotiation, Lai consented to Xiaochuan's request to resign. However, Wang Xiaochuan agreed to stay on for another month, giving Lai time to find a replacement.

Wang Xiaochuan felt it was only right to honor the support and financial help Lai had provided him in the past.

Following their agreement, Wang Xiaochuan was busy until midday, when he delivered an order to the People's Hospital in the city. As he stepped out of the hospital, his attention was captured by three peculiar individuals nearby – a man and two women.

The man appeared to be in his twenties and was dressed quite smartly.

The two women, one older and one younger, were also well-dressed. The older woman seemed to be in her forties or fifties, while the younger one was about the same age as the man. They didn't look like they came from an average household.

Wang Xiaochuan noticed the trio because the leading man's face was streaked with tears, his emotions running high. As he left the hospital, he kept shouting, with the two women closely following behind him.

Despite some distance, Wang Xiaochuan's exceptional hearing allowed him to catch their conversation with crystal clarity.

"Hou! Stop this nonsense. Let's go home! There has to be a cure for your illness!" said the younger woman.

The older lady chimed in, "Exactly, son. Gao Qin is right. If we can't find a cure here, we'll head to the provincial city. If not there, then to Aklicpool, Zhonghai, or even abroad. I refuse to believe that there's no cure for your illness!"

The man they called Hou was tall and handsome, but his brow was furrowed with anger and bitterness.

Hearing the women behind him, he scowled deeply, stopped in his tracks, and turned to yell at them, "It's no use! It can't be cured! My life is over like this!"

"Mom, just tell Dad to consider he never had a son. I can't give him the grandson he desires!"

"Gao Qin, we're getting a divorce tomorrow. What's the difference between staying with me, a good-for-nothing, and being a widow? You'd be better off divorcing me and finding someone else!"


Wang Xiaochuan's curiosity was piqued by their conversation. He looked at the man and thought, 'This guy is quite presentable. Could he be impotent? Why else would he mention being a widow?'

But as it turned out... he was fortunate to run into me!

After overhearing their exchange, Wang Xiaochuan contemplated selling his kidney-reinforcing drugs to them.

He figured that, given their sophisticated attire and eloquence, they were likely well-off, if not wealthy. Approaching them to sell his medicine could very well be successful.

Wang Xiaochuan took the initiative, calling out, "Take a look here, ancestral kidney-reinforcing drugs! They work after just one dose!"

To his surprise, the three passersby merely glanced at him before walking right past.

Undeterred, Wang Xiaochuan knew that the older woman, who had mentioned taking her son to doctors in other cities or even abroad, must be wealthy. To someone like her, spending ten or twenty thousand yuan for a cure wouldn't be an issue. Missing this opportunity would be something he'd deeply regret.

So, Wang Xiaochuan quickly turned and followed them, whispering to the man, "Brother, are you looking to buy some medicine? I've got a kidney-reinforcing drug that's incredibly effective!"

The two women just gave him a glance and turned away dismissively.

The man, visibly annoyed, turned and asked, "Brother, what are you implying? Why would I need kidney-reinforcing drugs?"

Wang Xiaochuan smiled, lowering his voice, "No need to pretend. I heard your loud call earlier. You're in luck; my kidney-reinforcing drug is highly effective and guaranteed to work."

After Wang Xiaochuan finished his pitch, the two women shooed him away like he was a bothersome fly, "Go away, we're not interested."

"Yeah, go deceive someone else. We're not falling for it."

The man, however, was more receptive. He sighed and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but kidney-reinforcing drugs are of no use to me. I've tried many, even those prescribed by doctors, but nothing has worked."

"That's because their drugs lack potency. Trust me, my drug is highly effective. If it doesn't work, you won't have to pay a dime."

Perhaps it was the promise of no charge that swayed the man to believe Wang Xiaochuan.

"Really? Are you certain your drug will work?" The man's voice quivered with a mixture of hope and desperation, like a drowning man clinging to a lifeline.

Wang Xiaochuan flashed a grin. What's a little inhumanity? His medicine could rejuvenate an old hound; it would undoubtedly work for a young man.

"Absolutely, it works. If not, you won't owe me a dime."

The man clutched Wang Xiaochuan's hands earnestly and said, "But I must be honest with you, I have other issues besides that one. Will your medicine truly be effective?"

"Other issues?" Wang Xiaochuan hesitated. "Related to that same matter?"

"You could say that," the man confirmed with a nod.

"Well then, that's alright. As long as it's an issue in that department, my medicine will do the trick!"

"Hou Ping!"

Just then, the older woman spoke up, "Hou Ping, it's clear this guy is a con artist. Why are you even listening to him?"

The younger woman also addressed him, "Honey, how could your condition possibly be cured by kidney-reinforcing drugs? This man is obviously a fraud. Listen to Mom, we'll go back and figure something out. Don't get taken in by these scammers!"

"Mom! Gao Qin!"

Hou Ping stepped in front of Wang Xiaochuan, addressing the two women, "You both heard the doctor today. The hospital doesn't even know what's wrong with me. If the hospital is out of options, why shouldn't I try someone else?"

"But you can't just go to any scam artist! Look at his clothes, all filthy. You'd actually trust medicine from someone like that?"

The accusations of 'liar' were flying from all directions, and Wang Xiaochuan, despite his interest in the sale, was reaching his limit.

"Hey, could you please stop calling me a liar? Who's a liar here? I may be wearing worn-out clothes, but my medicine is a family heirloom. Big bosses are willing to pay ten thousand a bottle for it. If you're not interested, that's fine. I'm not forcing anyone to buy."

With that, Wang Xiaochuan turned to leave, but Hou Ping grabbed his arm.

"Master, please ignore them. I just want to know, can your medicine truly heal my ailment?"

"Absolutely, I've said it time and again. If you're skeptical, I'm willing to wait until you see results before I accept payment."

Wang Xiaochuan's words made even Lian Jiao and his wife pause.

In a world full of swindlers and peddlers of fake cures, it was rare, if not unheard of, to find someone like Wang Xiaochuan, who was willing to wait until the medicine proved effective before taking payment.

Could he really cure his own child's (husband's) illness?

"Okay, young master, hand over the medicine. I'll try it right now," Hou Ping urged, a sense of urgency in his voice.

Wang Xiaochuan promptly pulled a bottle of kidney-reinforcing drugs from his pocket. This particular bottle was reserved for Bao Fan, and he had planned to visit Bao Fan today if time allowed. Unexpectedly, it seemed someone else would reap the benefits.

Upon seeing the medicine bottle, Hou Ping's eyes gleamed with excitement, and he was about to drink it down.

At that moment, Wang Xiaochuan intervened, "Hold on, this is a public place. My medicine is very potent. What if you can't contain yourself in front of all these people?"

Wang Xiaochuan's earnest warning left Lian Jiao and the others, who had been skeptical, somewhat bewildered.

Could his medicine actually be effective?

"Hou, why don't we go home and try the medicine?" Lian Jiao couldn't help but propose.

"Mom!" Hou Ping's wife, Gao Qin, tugged at Lian Jiao with displeasure, "Why are you joining in on this? Do you really believe a delivery guy could possess some magic medicine?"

"Little Gao, with Little Hou in such a state, we should at least give it a shot."

The young woman, Gao Qin, frowned and remained silent for a while.

Seeing this, Hou Ping said, "Alright, let's head home then. Young master, would you mind coming with us? You did say earlier that if the medicine doesn't work, there's no need to pay."

Wang Xiaochuan, brimming with confidence in his medicine, agreed without a moment's hesitation.

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