The Nerd's Revenge/C6 Treating Illness
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The Nerd's Revenge/C6 Treating Illness
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C6 Treating Illness

The group made their way to the hospital's parking lot and climbed into a Santana, departing from the hospital grounds.

En route, Wang Xiaochuan and the others exchanged introductions. Through Hou, he learned that the man's full name was Hou Ping, and the other two were his mother and his wife, Gao Qin.

Hou Ping's residence was nestled in a serene neighborhood not too far from the hospital, and they arrived there shortly.

The neighborhood was modest in size, with buildings that bore the marks of time. Despite this, the landscaping was lush, and the security was impressively strict.

As they entered the neighborhood, Wang Xiaochuan glanced out the Santana's window at the entrance and noticed the sign: County Party Family Housing Facility.

Upon reaching Hou Ping's home, they were greeted by a spacious and classically styled living room that radiated an air of affluence.

Hou Ping ushered Wang Xiaochuan inside and had his mother serve some tea while he eagerly fetched a bottle of medicine and downed its contents.

After taking the medicine, Hou Ping inquired, "Mr. Wang, how quickly will the medicine start working?"

Wang Xiaochuan observed the now-empty bottle of kidney-reinforcing drugs and inwardly chuckled. He replied, "You'll feel the effects very soon, and I suspect it'll be quite noticeable. Normally, a single mouthful is sufficient. The last person who drank the entire bottle in one go visited the restroom seven times in one night."

"Really? It's that effective?"

Hou Ping, visibly excited, rubbed his hands together and settled onto the sofa in anticipation of the miracle to come. Meanwhile, Gao Ren and his mother sat on the opposite side, skeptically observing from a distance.

Confident as ever, Wang Xiaochuan sipped his tea while admiring the room's furnishings. He mused about the distinctiveness of a wealthy person's home and envisioned his own future abode styled similarly, albeit with a modern European flair in place of the outdated decor.

After a short time, Hou Ping suddenly clutched his stomach and announced with a peculiar look, "Mr. Wang, I'm starting to feel something!"

"That's to be expected," Wang Xiaochuan responded calmly.

Hou Ping's next words caught Mr. Wang off guard. "That's not right, Mr. Wang. My stomach feels somewhat hot, but there's no response down there."

Upon hearing this, Wang Xiaochuan immediately glanced downward and indeed, Hou Ping's pants were flat, showing no sign of a reaction.

Moreover, Hou Ping suddenly clutched his stomach again, his face contorted in discomfort. "Ouch! Mr. Wang, why is my stomach getting hotter? Something's not right here!"

The situation was indeed quite alarming, as Hou Ping began to writhe in pain on the couch, clutching his abdomen. Meanwhile, his lower region remained unresponsive.

Witnessing Hou Ping's sudden agony, Gao Ren and his mother became restless. They called out Hou Ping's name and hurried over to him.

Gao Ren gave Hou Ping a quick look before standing up abruptly. As he bellowed, he began to pound on Wang Xiaochuan's chest. "You charlatan! What have you done to Hou Ping? What did you give him to eat? What's wrong with him?!"

Hou Ping's mother, who had already harbored doubts about Wang Xiaochuan, now turned to him with a look of fury. "I'm warning you, if anything happens to Hou, you'd better be ready to face jail time!"

Wang Xiaochuan remained unmoved by their reactions, puzzled by the situation. He knew his kidney-reinforcing drugs were effective; Bao Fan could attest to that. So why were they not working for Hou Ping?

In his bewilderment, Wang Xiaochuan narrowed his eyes and silently focused his genuine energy into his gaze as he examined Hou Ping.

The medical techniques passed down by the Universal Sage included a special four ways of diagnosis, distinct from regular traditional medicine. This method required the use of genuine energy and was a diagnostic approach exclusive to those who practiced Immortal cultivation.

After employing this technique, Wang Xiaochuan's eyes temporarily gained the ability to see through the human body, revealing any underlying illnesses.

Wang Xiaochuan now observed an anomaly within Hou Ping.

In his lower abdomen, there was a mass of blood and Qi that had coagulated.

This mass wouldn't significantly impact a person's overall health, but it could render a man impotent, unable to father children.

The concoction Hou Ping had just ingested was unexpectedly obstructed by a mass of Qi, preventing it from reaching its intended destination. Witnessing this, Wang Xiaochuan realized that this cluster of blood energy was the root cause of Hou Ping's infertility.

Wang Xiaochuan understood the problem, but Hou Ping's relatives were in the dark. The two women were irate, blaming Wang Xiaochuan for the mishap. He tried to clarify, "You're both mistaken. My medicine is fine. The issue is with Hou Ping himself; there's a blockage in his lower abdomen that's stopping the medicine's effects. Please step aside; I need to perform acupuncture to clear the obstruction."

"How can you expect us to believe you? You're so young; how could you possibly be skilled in acupuncture? What are you really up to? Has Hou ever done anything to wrong you? Why would you want to hurt him?" Gao Ren accused, pointing at him angrily.

Wang Xiaochuan felt helpless but understood their distress. As he was about to explain further, Hou Ping, amidst his agony, interjected, "Mom... Gao Ren, let Mr. Wang assist me..."

"Hou!" Gao Ren exclaimed, her voice filled with emotion, "He's the reason you're in this state. Can you still trust him?"

"Just let him try. If it doesn't work, then take me to the hospital..."

Gao Ren's fists were clenched, her body shaking with the internal struggle. She was torn; she couldn't believe the delivery man truly had medical knowledge, yet they were out of options for Hou Ping's condition.

She looked to Lian Jiao for guidance, who, after a brief pause, gave a nod of approval.

With a pained expression, Gao Ren finally conceded, "Fine, try it. But let me warn you, if anything happens to Hou, you'll regret it for the rest of your life!"

Wang Xiaochuan gently pushed past Gao Ren, positioned Hou Ping on the sofa, and began to lower his trousers for the acupuncture treatment.

Hou Ping's mother, alarmed, quickly grabbed Wang Xiaochuan's hand. "What are you doing?"

"As I've mentioned before, he needs acupuncture," Wang Xiaochuan explained.

"Acupuncture? But where's your needle?"

"My hands are my needles. Please, quiet down; I'm about to begin."

With that, Wang Xiaochuan raised his index finger and pointed it toward Hou Ping's lower abdomen.

"Xiao Gao, are my eyes deceiving me, or does Mr. Wang actually have a golden needle in his hand?"

"Mom, you're not seeing things; he's got nothing in his hand!"

"Nothing? How can he perform acupuncture without golden needles?" Lian Jiao was immediately alarmed.

Gao Qin watched Wang Xiaochuan intently, seething, "He's a charlatan, he must be!"

Wang Xiaochuan gave them a brief look and said, "Whether I'm a charlatan or not, you'll find out soon enough. For now, please keep your mouths shut and don't interrupt the procedure."

"Fine! I'd like to see what tricks you have up your sleeve, you fraud!" Lian Jiao exclaimed angrily.

Gao Qin added with fury, "Exactly! And if anything happens to Hou, our family will hold you accountable!"

Unperturbed, Wang Xiaochuan simply shrugged and continued to gesture toward Hou Ping's abdomen.

Gao Qin and the others scoffed at his actions.

Could this man seriously be using his finger as a substitute for a golden needle?

"Hmph! Just as I thought, a complete fraud. How could a finger possibly serve as a golden needle?" Gao Qin mocked.

Yet, while they looked down on Wang Xiaochuan, Hou Ping, lying on the couch, was inwardly astounded.

He could clearly see that Wang Xiaochuan's index finger hadn't even touched him, but he felt a sensation as if his abdomen had been pricked by a needle.


Before Hou Ping could voice his confusion, Wang Xiaochuan gently tapped him with his other hand, saying, "No talking, stay focused. We're in the middle of treatment."

Hou Ping clamped his mouth shut at once.

Shadowless Needle!

That was the technique Wang Xiaochuan was employing. The Shadowless Needle, as he recalled from the Medical Code, was an acupuncture method that used genuine energy to form fine needles. To the untrained eye, these needles were invisible, hence the name.

Using the Shadowless Needle for acupuncture not only produced effects comparable to those of the golden needle but also allowed the use of Qi to stimulate the targeted area, enhancing the therapeutic impact of the treatment.

Wang Xiaochuan targeted the cluster of blood and Qi in Hou Ping's lower abdomen and skillfully inserted nine needles. Following that, he channeled his energy and massaged the area with his palms, effortlessly dispersing the entire cluster.

After completing the procedure, Hou Ping was astounded by the unexpected outcome. His body, which had shown no signs of improvement for over a decade, suddenly seemed to spring back to life.

This... This... This was nothing short of a miracle!

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