The Nerd's Revenge/C7 The Pretty Policewoman
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The Nerd's Revenge/C7 The Pretty Policewoman
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C7 The Pretty Policewoman

Hou Ping thought he was dreaming, but a sharp pinch to his face had him crying out in pain.

"Wife! Mom! Look!"

He leapt off the couch and embraced his wife, shouting with excitement, "Wife, can you feel it? Can you feel it? Am I cured? Am I really cured!?"

Gao Qin, upon hearing this, looked down and her face flushed with embarrassment. She saw that Hou Ping's previously unresponsive 'little brother' had miraculously come to life!

While Gao Qin was bashful, Lian Jiao was much more open in her reaction. Overjoyed to see her son's ailment healed, she rushed over and enveloped both her son and daughter-in-law in a tearful embrace.


"Mom, it's true, I'm cured! Your son's no longer a failure! I won't be the subject of ridicule anymore!"

"Mom, it's a miracle, Mr. Wang is truly a divine healer!"

The three of them were effusive in their praise, looking at Wang Xiaochuan with eyes filled with reverence and gratitude.

Releasing her son, Lian Jiao clung to Wang Xiaochuan, expressing her heartfelt thanks, "Divine Doctor! Thank you! Thank you so much! You've saved my son and our entire family!"

Lian Jiao wasn't exaggerating. The family had been on the brink of collapse. Without Wang Xiaochuan's intervention, Hou Ping and Gao Qin might have ended up divorcing, and her relationship with her son could have turned hostile.

Meanwhile, Hou Ping's respect for Wang Xiaochuan went beyond gratitude. Having witnessed the entire healing process, he was in awe of the young man's extraordinary medical skills.

Could his technique even be called acupuncture? Hou Ping had never heard of acupuncture that didn't require the use of golden needles!

Such medical prowess was nothing short of miraculous. Surely, not even the most renowned acupuncture masters in the country could perform needle-free acupuncture like this.

Lost in these thoughts, Hou Ping's face suddenly turned pale.

"Mom, Mr. Wang, could you please wait outside for a moment?"

In a rush, Hou Ping pulled Gao Ren into the house. Shortly after, a surprised shout came from inside, "Hou, what are you doing? Mom is still outside... Ah!"

This was quickly followed by a series of breathless gasps.

Lian Jiao's cheeks turned a bright red, but Wang Xiaochuan was understanding; the medicine Hou Ping had ingested was taking effect. Although he had neutralized some of the kidney-reinforcing drugs while resolving the blood energy earlier, the remaining dose was now evidently working.

Thus, he suggested that he and Lian Jiao wait outside together. Without a word, the already embarrassed Lian Jiao agreed, and they left.

The two sat awkwardly in the residential garden, waiting for two hours before Hou Ping emerged, pale but with a look of exhilaration. Gao Ren followed, her face flushed and radiant.

Holding a leather bag, Hou Ping approached Wang Xiaochuan, pulling Gao Ren along to give a deep bow. "Divine Doctor Wang, thank you for saving me! It's been years since I've felt this way."

"It's nothing, just a minor issue. Mr. Hou, there's no need for thanks."

"Divine Doctor Wang, you are like a parent to me. Without you, I doubt I would live much longer! Here, take this—100,000 yuan in total. 10,000 is for the kidney-reinforcing drugs, and the remaining 90,000 is for treating my longstanding ailment."

With that, Hou Ping handed the leather bag to Wang Xiaochuan.

Upon opening it, Wang Xiaochuan saw stack upon stack of thick bills, more money than he had ever seen. His breathing quickened with excitement.

After a deep breath to calm his racing heart, he looked back up at Hou Ping and Gao Ren.

Following Hou Ping, Gao Ren spoke with a hint of regret, "Divine Doctor Wang, I apologize for any offense today."

Now with the money in hand, Wang Xiaochuan had already let go of any earlier displeasure. He dismissed it with a wave, "It's fine! You were just deeply concerned about Mr. Hou's health."

Hou Ping added, "Divine Doctor Wang, if it's alright with you, I'd like us to become good friends and exchange contact information. When my wife becomes pregnant, I'd be honored if you would consider being my child's godfather. After all, without you, there would be no child..."

"Sure thing, no problem. But please, don't call me Divine Doctor Wang. It feels odd to me. Just Xiaochuan or Wang will do."

"Okay, Xiaochuan it is. And since we're on the subject, you don't need to call me Mr. Hou. I'm just a bit older than you, so Mr. Hou will suffice."

Hou Ping then produced another business card and handed it to Wang Xiaochuan. "Additionally, I have a favor to ask of you."

"You've probably figured it out already. My entire family is part of the County Party Committee. My father is Hou Changping, the Secretary of the Committee, and I'm the Director of the Committee's Office. So, about my illness..."

Before he could continue, Wang Xiaochuan had already grasped his meaning.

"Rest assured, I'll keep your secret. This sort of thing isn't something you spread around."

Hou Ping's face brightened with relief, and he offered another business card, encouraging Wang Xiaochuan to reach out if he ever needed anything.

After some more conversation, noticing the day was getting on, Wang Xiaochuan excused himself.

Leaving the County Party Committee's residential compound, he first securely deposited the money and then remembered his electric bike was still at the hospital. He hailed a taxi and headed back to the hospital entrance.

As he was about to leave on his bike, he suddenly heard someone in the distance shout, "Look, that's the guy!"

In the next instant, a flurry of footsteps approached.

Several police officers, led by the hospital security, hurried toward Wang Xiaochuan.

"We're the police, stay where you are!"

Before long, the officers encircled Wang Xiaochuan as if they were closing in on prey.

The officers pointed at Wang Xiaochuan and barked, "Get down, now! Hands up!"

"Officer, there must be some mistake. I haven't done anything wrong," Wang Xiaochuan protested, clearly bewildered.

"Mistaken identity? Impossible," sneered one of the officers, stepping aside as the hospital security guard moved forward, pointing at Wang Xiaochuan, "That's the guy! The con artist selling fake medicine at the hospital entrance. I saw him with my own eyes selling drugs to someone!"

"I was selling medicine at the hospital entrance today, but it certainly wasn't counterfeit!" Wang Xiaochuan insisted vehemently.

However, at that moment, a crystalline female voice emerged from behind the officers.

"Then may I inquire, do you possess a license to sell medicine? Does your product have the necessary approval number?"

As the voice spoke, several officers stepped aside, allowing a striking female officer to make her way through the crowd.

Wang Xiaochuan looked up and was immediately captivated.

The officer was petite with vibrant short hair, an oval face adorned with two shallow dimples, exuding an extraordinary beauty.

Beyond her beauty, her figure was also striking, with a prominent chest that nearly obstructed Wang Xiaochuan's view as he crouched on the ground.

As she approached, not only Wang Xiaochuan but also the onlookers and hospital security guards couldn't help but stare.

She halted in front of Wang Xiaochuan and asked, "Well, you don't have any of the things I mentioned, do you?"

Wang Xiaochuan flashed a sheepish grin and admitted, "It seems I don't..."

"Exactly. Take him away!"

At the female officer's command, a policeman lunged at Wang Xiaochuan, his movements rough as he attempted to forcefully restrain Wang Xiaochuan's hands behind his back.

A surge of anger welled up in Wang Xiaochuan, and he instinctively pushed the officer away, forgetting that he had already reached the foundation-building stage and his strength far exceeded that of an ordinary person.

With just a gentle shove, the officer was sent flying into the back of the female officer.

She stumbled and was about to fall onto Wang Xiaochuan's electric scooter.

Without a second thought, Wang Xiaochuan swiftly stepped forward, his hands sliding around her waist, and caught her in his arms.

A subtle scent enveloped him, momentarily intoxicating him.

But amidst the disorienting contact, something felt amiss.

Wang Xiaochuan couldn't resist looking down and realized his hands had inadvertently wandered to an inappropriate place.

The policewoman turned her head, her eyes wide with fury, as if she were ready to strike.

Wang Xiaochuan quickly released his grip, his face flushed with embarrassment as he stammered, "I... I didn't mean to do that just now..."

The policewoman clenched her teeth and smoothed out the wrinkles on her uniform where Wang Xiaochuan had grabbed it, all the while scolding, "Great, on top of selling counterfeit drugs, you've just added another charge: assaulting an officer!"

"It's a misunderstanding, I swear! I was only trying to help!"

Wang Xiaochuan's face was the picture of frustration, but the surrounding officers paid no heed to his pleas. Amidst a few sharp rebukes, they pushed him into the patrol car and headed for the Public Security Bureau.

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