The Nerd's Revenge/C8 I Really Know Medicine
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The Nerd's Revenge/C8 I Really Know Medicine
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C8 I Really Know Medicine

Upon arriving at the police station, Wang Xiaochuan was immediately taken to the interrogation room.

It was his first time in such a place, and he couldn't resist looking around. The room was exactly like the ones he had seen on TV: four walls, an office desk with a computer and printer, and a bright lamp.

Aside from the desk, the only other piece of furniture was an interrogation chair.

Unbeknownst to Xiaochuan, this chair was custom-built to restrain the person seated in it, typically reserved for suspects of serious crimes or particularly dangerous criminals. Prolonged sitting would become quite uncomfortable.

Under normal circumstances, Xiaochuan wouldn't have been subjected to this chair, but his recent actions had landed him here. He had managed to offend a newly appointed policewoman at the station and had retaliated against an officer, prompting some of the younger cops to use this room as a means of reprimanding him.

Now, Xiaochuan sat restlessly in the chair, his movements restricted.

Facing him were two officers, one of whom was the attractive policewoman he had offended.


"Wang Xiaochuan."




"Delivery boy."

The male officer leading the interrogation gave a knowing smile, as if he had just discovered Xiaochuan's vulnerability.

"A delivery boy, huh? Why would you be selling fake drugs instead of delivering food?"

"I'm not! Officer, I may be a delivery boy, but the drugs I sell are genuine, not fake!" Xiaochuan protested, growing desperate at the thought of being convicted and imprisoned.

He was at a pivotal point in his life, and he couldn't afford to spend his best years behind bars.

"That's absurd!" the policewoman interjected sharply, slamming her hand on the desk. "You've already confessed that the drugs you sold had neither authorization nor a sales permit. Isn't that the very definition of counterfeit drugs?"

"But Officer, the absence of those documents doesn't necessarily mean the drugs are counterfeit," Xiaochuan argued with conviction. "My drugs may lack authorization and a sales permit, but they are not fake. They truly work."

"Effective?" scoffed the policewoman. "Do you take us for toddlers? Your medicine's origins are unclear, and yet you claim it's effective?!"

"It's not unclear; I made the medicine myself."

"Heh..." The policewoman rolled her eyes dismissively. "There's no point in discussing it further. You're just a delivery guy. How could you possibly manufacture medicine?"

"I'm telling the truth! I really can make medicine! And it's not just that—I understand medical practices as well!"

At this, even the male police officer beside her couldn't help but chuckle.

"Come on, you're only eighteen. How much medical knowledge could you possibly have?"

"Ugh, what is it with you all? Why won't any of you believe me?" Wang Xiaochuan felt a sense of helplessness. Reluctantly, his thoughts turned to Hou Ping, whom he had just parted ways with. If Hou Ping were here, maybe he could vouch for him.

But he had just promised to keep Hou Ping's secret. If he were to bring him in now, wouldn't that reveal his secret to the police?

As Wang Xiaochuan struggled to find a way to prove himself, the female officer suddenly proposed, "Wang Xiaochuan, you claim to have medical knowledge, so I'll give you a chance. If you can prove yourself right here in front of us, we'll believe you're not a fraud."

Upon hearing this, the male officer next to her looked concerned and whispered, "Xiaoxuan, isn't this against protocol?"

Meng Xiaoxuan fixed her gaze on Wang Xiaochuan, her expression steely. "No worries. I intend to debunk his claims publicly, forcing him to abandon any delusions and confess his wrongdoing!"

Meng Xiaoxuan's mind flashed back to the previous encounter, and she seethed with anger. It was the first time a man had touched her in such a manner, especially in front of her colleagues. Had it not been for her duty as a police officer, she would have slapped him right then and there.

Though she couldn't retaliate at the time, she was determined to make this young man concede wholeheartedly!

Unexpectedly, the young man before her didn't show any hint of intimidation after hearing her challenge. Instead, his face brightened with enthusiasm. "Alright, that sounds like an excellent idea."

"What?" Meng Xiaoxuan's face registered shock before she clenched her teeth and demanded, "So tell me, how do you intend to prove your medical expertise?"

"Oh, that's easy..." Wang Xiaochuan shifted in his seat, finding a more comfortable position, then squinted his eyes, focusing his genuine energy into his gaze, and took another look at the two individuals before him. He could easily discern the state of their health.

Pointing at the male officer, he said, "Officer, unless I'm mistaken, you've been coughing quite a bit lately, and you're producing a lot of phlegm, aren't you?"

"Huh? How did you know?" The male officer was astounded.

"I can also tell that you're a frequent smoker with a strong addiction," Wang Xiaochuan continued, shaking his head. "It's not a healthy habit. I strongly advise you to quit smoking immediately. If you don't, I fear for the condition of your lungs."

"This..." The male officer's face was a picture of disbelief. Turning to Meng Xiaoxuan, he confirmed, "Xiaoxuan, he's right. The doctor gave me the same advice when I had a check-up a few days ago."

Could he really possess medical knowledge? Impossible, it had to be sheer luck!

Meng Xiaoxuan was inwardly adamant in her refusal to believe that this young man, not even twenty years old, could genuinely possess such medical knowledge.

Due to her family background, Meng Xiaoxuan had encountered numerous renowned traditional medicine masters in China and had even sought their guidance in studying traditional medicine.

Yet, each master had emphasized that learning traditional medicine was not akin to modern medicine; it couldn't be mastered in just a few years. The depth and complexity of traditional medicine required a lifetime of dedication from its practitioners. Even those septuagenarian and octogenarian masters hadn't fully grasped all its aspects and continued to study relentlessly.

If such esteemed masters still had much to learn, how could this young man, not even twenty, dare to claim he understood medicine?

Humph! He must have just had a stroke of dumb luck and guessed correctly!

With this thought, Meng Xiaoxuan straightened up and challenged him, "Wang Xiaochuan, then take a look at me. What's wrong with my health?"

"You?" Wang Xiaochuan glanced at her, then flashed an innocent smile and said, "Miss, you're in great shape, no serious issues. But I bet your shoulders are often sore, right? It looks like you might have a mild case of shoulder inflammation, which isn't easy to treat. It comes with the territory of having a larger chest, I suppose."

Shoulder inflammation? Large chest?

Upon hearing this, the male police officer's eyes involuntarily darted to Meng Xiaoxuan's chest. A few seconds later, he grasped Wang Xiaochuan's implication, his face flushed with embarrassment, and he quickly averted his gaze.

Although his look was brief, Meng Xiaoxuan still noticed it and her face turned a deep shade of red.

Clutching her chest, she couldn't help but lash out at Wang Xiaochuan, "You, you filthy rascal! I'll make you regret those words!"

After speaking, Meng Xiaoxuan rose from her desk, ready to confront Wang Xiaochuan, but the male police officer beside her held her back firmly. "Xiaoxuan! Stay calm, calm down! You can't break the rules like this!"

The male police officer tried to soothe Meng Xiaoxuan, but Wang Xiaochuan provocatively added, "What's the matter with you, lady? You asked me to check if something was wrong, and I honestly did. Why are you trying to hit me now?"

He then addressed the police officer, "Officer, her reaction just proves I was right. Now, do you believe in my medical skills?"

"In your dreams!"

Meng Xiaoxuan wrenched free from her colleague's grip, took a deep breath, and fixed her piercing gaze on Wang Xiaochuan.

"That was just dumb luck. Just wait, I'll bring someone else. If you can diagnose them correctly, then I'll believe you truly have medical expertise!"

"Sure, but please be quick about it. I need to get home for dinner," Wang Xiaochuan responded with confidence.

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