The Nerd's Revenge/C9 Miracle Doctor
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The Nerd's Revenge/C9 Miracle Doctor
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C9 Miracle Doctor

Captain Wang Jun led the criminal police team at the County Public Security Bureau. A former soldier, he had joined the bureau after his military service.

Today, Wang Jun learned that the bureau's newest addition, a promising young officer, had just cracked a case involving a fraudulent doctor. Intrigued, he decided to check on her progress.

This officer was no ordinary recruit. Upon her transfer to the bureau, the higher-ups had explicitly instructed Captain Wang to look out for her.

Approaching the interrogation room, Wang Jun was taken aback to find it surrounded by a throng of police officers, effectively barricading the entrance.

Amidst the commotion, exclamations such as "Incredible!" "Spot on!" and "My goodness!" could be heard from within.

Bemused by the disarray, Wang Jun cleared his throat to get their attention. As the officers turned and recognized him, they snapped to attention and saluted. "Captain Wang," one officer explained, "Xiaoxuan apprehended someone selling counterfeit medicine today. However, the suspect insists he's a legitimate doctor. Xiaoxuan challenged his claim, and now they're locked in a standoff."

"A bet? This is absurd!" Captain Wang's face darkened with disapproval as he strode into the interrogation room. Before he could utter a word, Meng Xiaoxuan grabbed him and turned to Wang Xiaochuan, "Wang Xiaochuan, this is the last one. Can you determine his ailment?"

"Meng Xiaoxuan!" Captain Wang was about to scold her for involving him when he overheard the young man named Wang Xiaochuan comment, "This man? Odd, he has multiple signs of fractures. Looks like he's endured quite a bit. And his right leg..."

Wang Xiaochuan's scrutiny of Captain Wang's right leg prompted Wang Jun to assess the young man in return. The more he observed, the more puzzled he became. Wang Xiaochuan didn't fit the image of a doctor, yet he had accurately identified old injuries from Wang Jun's time in the army. Now, why was he so fixated on his right leg?

Back when he served in the military, Wang Jun was once injured by a bullet in his right leg. Even though the bullet was removed, several fragmented pieces remained lodged too dangerously to extract and were left inside.

Over time, these remnants in Wang Jun's right leg began to take a toll on his health. In recent years, the damp and cold weather would trigger relentless pain in his right leg, a pain that had started to interfere with his work.

Last month, Wang Jun consulted a doctor who explained that the bullet fragments were compressing the nerves in his right leg, leading to nerve system complications.

The fragments were embedded too deeply for removal, so the doctor advised Wang Jun to step down from his frontline duties as a police officer and take on a desk job to avoid overstraining his leg, which could result in a permanent limp.

Due to the sensitive nature of his condition, Wang Jun had kept silent about it, and no one at the police station was aware of his situation.

But now, observing the young man's demeanor, could it be that he had noticed something?

Wang Jun's confusion was interrupted when Wang Xiaochuan looked up and said, "Officer, your leg is on the verge of giving out, isn't it?"

"Hey, kid, you get a few compliments and you start acting smart? What kind of way is that to speak? Show some respect; this is Captain Wang we're talking about!"

"Exactly, Captain Wang is a former soldier with a strong physique. His leg couldn't possibly be failing him."

"Meng Xiaoxuan was right earlier; this kid must have been making lucky guesses."

"Indeed, he's not even twenty yet. How could he possibly understand medicine?"

Before Wang Jun could respond, the surrounding officers, having heard Wang Xiaochuan's assessment, began to murmur among themselves, casting scornful glances at Xiaochuan.

Yet, the next words from Wang Jun left everyone in utter astonishment.

"Everyone, including Xiaoxuan, out!"

"Ah? Captain Wang, what's this about?"

"I won't say it again. Out!" Wang Jun pointed emphatically towards the door, his voice booming.

As the situation turned dire, everyone quickly filed out in a rush.


With the door firmly shut and locked, and after turning off all the surveillance devices in the room, Wang Jun took a seat at the interrogation table and looked sternly at the young man before him. "Kid, how did you come to know about my condition? Have you been tracking me at the hospital?"

Wang Jun was in disbelief that his closely guarded secret about his potential disability had been revealed. Mulling it over, he concluded that the hospital was the only place it could have happened. Maybe this kid was there on the same day and had overheard the conversation between the doctor and himself.

Wang Xiaochuan, however, strongly denied the accusation. "How could that be? I'm meeting you for the first time today."

"Then how did you find out about my right leg? Tell me, how did you come to know?" Wang Jun pressed.

"How else? I figured it out on my own. But let's not dwell on that," Wang Xiaochuan said dismissively, waving his hand. He then pointed at Wang Jun's right leg and continued, "Officer, I heard someone mention you were once a soldier? I have the utmost respect for people like you, which is why I've decided to heal your leg right now. Don't worry, I'll treat you free of charge."

"What?" Wang Jun's heart raced at the prospect. "Young man, what did you just say? You can heal my leg?"

Even with his experience of life and death on the battlefield, Wang Jun's heart had never pounded as fiercely as it did in that moment. Since learning that his leg might be permanently damaged, he had been plagued by sleepless nights and a loss of appetite, feeling as though his world was crumbling. But now, hearing Wang Xiaochuan's claim that he could heal his leg was overwhelmingly exciting.

Wang Xiaochuan nodded confidently. "No problem, I'm about 80% sure I can do it."

He had already devised a treatment plan for Wang Jun's leg injury. According to the medical techniques passed down by the Universal Sage, curing Wang Jun's condition was surprisingly straightforward. Medication wasn't even necessary; all it would take was the application of genuine energy to dissolve the shrapnel in his leg.

Without the shrapnel, the nerves in Wang Jun's right leg could naturally heal, eliminating the threat of disability. However, given his current level of skill, using genuine energy to dissolve the shrapnel was still somewhat challenging, so he refrained from making any guarantees.

An 80% certainty was more than enough to pique Wang Jun's interest.

"Kid, I'm counting on you!" Wang Jun approached, releasing Wang Xiaochuan from the interrogation chair, then grabbed his hand and gave it a firm shake.

"Rest assured!" Wang Xiaochuan said with a smile.

Wang Xiaochuan crouched in front of Wang Jun, and with a bit of theatrics, pressed his right hand onto Wang Jun's right leg, feigning a massage.

But having never learned proper massage techniques, he was unsure of his own strength, and Wang Jun couldn't help but yelp in pain.

Thankfully, the pain was fleeting. Soon after, Wang Jun felt no more discomfort. Instead, he was overwhelmed by an unprecedented sense of comfort that made him grin from ear to ear.

At that moment, Wang Xiaochuan had begun channeling genuine energy into the injury on Wang Jun's right leg.

Under his control, the genuine energy quickly latched onto the shrapnel embedded in Wang Jun's leg, beginning to dissolve and evaporate it.

Wang Jun felt a soothing warmth spread through his body at Wang Xiaochuan's touch, leaving him feeling incredibly refreshed.

Regrettably, this sensation was short-lived and soon vanished.

Wang Jun opened his eyes in disappointment, only to find that Wang Xiaochuan had already released his hand.

"Why did you stop? Keep going!"

Continuing would have exhausted me. This brief session has already worn me out.

Wiping away sweat, Wang Xiaochuan found massaging Wang Jun far more taxing than administering acupuncture to Hou Ping.

His initial thoughts were confirmed; his current level of cultivation was indeed too low to sustain the outward flow of genuine energy for an extended period.

It was clear he needed to prepare more Soul Draught to enhance his cultivation further.

But that would have to wait until after he had left the police station.

Standing up, Wang Xiaochuan patted Wang Jun on the shoulder and suggested, "Captain Wang, why don't you take a few steps and see how it feels?"

Eagerly, Wang Jun straightened up and began to walk around the interrogation room.

Only a few steps in, his face lit up with irrepressible delight.

"Haha! It's okay! It doesn't hurt at all anymore!"

Prior to this moment, Wang Jun's leg hadn't been completely crippled, but the shrapnel had caused irreversible damage. His right leg had been frequently plagued with stabbing pains while walking.

But now, the pain had vanished entirely. Wang Jun walked as if his leg had never been injured in the first place. Moreover, he noticed a significant reduction in pain throughout other areas of his body as well.

Seeing the joy on Wang Jun's face, Wang Xiaochuan asked nonchalantly, "Uh... Captain Wang, can I go now?"


Outside the door, Meng Xiaoxuan and the rest of the group were growing increasingly impatient. They were puzzled by Captain Wang's abrupt dismissal of everyone and only a few harbored suspicions that Wang Xiaochuan's claims might be true.

Was their Captain Wang's leg truly at risk of becoming crippled?

As soon as these thoughts were shared, they were met with a barrage of objections from the others.

"What? Captain Wang, a cripple? Come on, he just took first place in several events at the last police skills competition. If he's at risk of a crippled leg, then what does that say about ours?"

"Exactly, that kid is definitely spouting nonsense."

While the group was abuzz with speculation, the door to the interrogation room swung open. Meng Xiaoxuan, who had been waiting eagerly by the door, saw Wang Xiaochuan emerge with a grin. She was about to confront him when she caught sight of Captain Wang.

To her and everyone else's astonishment, there was Wang Jun, a man who never minced words even in front of the chief, now nodding and bowing to Wang Xiaochuan with a look of utmost respect, trailing behind him like a loyal follower.

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