The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C1 I Am a Veterinarian in the Fantasy World
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The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C1 I Am a Veterinarian in the Fantasy World
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C1 I Am a Veterinarian in the Fantasy World

In the heart of Flatreach territory, a young man in plain white garments lounged on an imposing armchair, soaking up the sun and yawning incessantly.

"Doctor Liu, please look at my Wang Cai. He hasn't had a bite to eat or a drop to drink in two days." A distressed noblewoman, clutching a tiny puppy no bigger than her hand, hurried up to the young man, pleading for help.

The youth, barely opening his eyes, offhandedly remarked, "He's swallowed your earring. Feed him some purgative beans, and he'll recover by tonight."

"Doctor Liu, my parrot has stopped speaking!"

"He's decided that talking to you is beneath his intelligence."

"Doctor Liu, my turtle hasn't moved in a month."

"Congratulations, it has passed away peacefully."

"Doctor Liu, what should I do about my sow in heat?"

"Hmm? I suggest you leave before I'm compelled to draw my saber."


Indeed, this youth was none other than Flatreach's beloved friend to pets, the hero of cats and dogs, the veterinary prodigy — Liu Yangshuo.

Despite his daily routine with ordinary animals, upon arriving in this world, a system had granted him an extraordinary ability — the Beast King System. The title might sound imposing, but so far, Liu Yangshuo had discovered no other talents beyond conversing with these domestic creatures, which had led to some frustration.


A thunderous dragon-like bellow echoed from above. Suddenly, a massive demonic beast adorned with blue scales, resembling a lion yet not quite, plummeted from the heavens, nearly reducing Liu Yangshuo's small animal clinic to rubble.

"Is that not the Blue Water Kylin from the Spirit Beast Sect?"

"Indeed it is! I've only ever heard tales, but to witness it in the flesh today — it's simply magnificent..."

The startled onlookers, who had retreated a good dozen meters, gazed in awe at the imposing Blue Water Kylin and began murmuring among themselves.

"Are you the veterinarian here?"

A delicate voice floated down from the Kylin's back.

Rubbing the grit from his eyes, Liu Yangshuo finally made out two figures atop the vast creature: a benevolent elderly man with white hair and a young girl in a flowing blue gown, who appeared to be in her mid-teens.

"Indeed. And who might you be?"

Liu Yangshuo inhaled deeply, steadying his shaking legs before speaking.

"Master, can he truly handle this? Blue is a divine beast, and he's nothing but a sleazy vet who treats pigs."

The girl voiced her discontent to the white-haired elder.

Liu Yangshuo bristled at her words. Being called a veterinarian was one thing, but sleazy was another matter entirely! He was, after all, quite pleased with his refined looks that he'd been blessed with in this life.

"Ahem... Young lady, let's stick to the matter at hand without resorting to personal attacks. My clinic may be modest, but there's no ailment I can't treat."

With resolve, Liu Yangshuo adopted an air of wisdom and regarded the Blue Water Kylin before him with a newfound scorn, as if it were merely an oversized dog.

"Tong'er, that's no way to behave! Apologize to Miracle Doctor Liu this instant!"

The white-haired elder chided the girl sternly.

Intimidated by the elder's anger, the girl bowed her head and murmured a barely audible, "Sorry," to Liu Yangshuo.

"No harm done. She's just a child, after all. Now, tell me, what's troubling the Blue Water Kylin?"

Liu Yangshuo gestured magnanimously.

The elder's eyes sparkled as he and the girl dismounted from the Blue Water Kylin, landing gracefully before Liu Yangshuo. He bowed and said:

"Miracle Doctor Liu lives up to his reputation, discerning our purpose with but a glance. Indeed, it's the Blue Water Kylin. Of late, it's been acting out of sorts, shunning its cold pond retreat for the heart of the earth. Our Spirit Beast Sect is at a loss for what ails it."

Liu Yangshuo mused to himself, "The old man sure knows how to play his cards. Though I'm used to treating common pets, facing a divine beast is a first. If I fail, it could cost me my life... But so be it! If death is my fate, I'll face it head-on!"

No longer could Liu Yangshuo afford to take things lightly. He shed his former air of defeat and approached the Blue Water Kylin with measured steps, locking eyes with the creature.

Upon witnessing the scene, the young girl was taken aback. In a hushed tone, she addressed the white-haired elder, "Master, could he be some kind of reclusive master? In our sect, fewer than ten dare to meet Blue's gaze, yet this man shows no sign of spiritual force."

"Quiet now, just observe," the elder instructed. "I cannot ascertain the level of this miraculous healer. To gaze upon Blue with such ease, Miracle Doctor Liu's cultivation must be at the very least... at the Mortal Transcendence Stage." With each word, the elder's gaze upon Liu Yangshuo grew more reverent.

Liu Yangshuo, however, possessed no such cultivation. Not only was he lacking the Spirit Transformation Stage, but he hadn't even reached the most fundamental Dispersed Spirit Stage. And between those two were the stages of Spirit Communication, Spirit Transformation, Spirit Separation, Spirit Enlightenment, and Profound Spirit—all of which he had not attained. The primary reason he could lock eyes with the Blue Water Kylin was the Beast King System.

"Brother, may I inquire about your surname?"

Liu Yangshuo posed the question to the Blue Water Kylin through the Beast King System, testing the waters.

"Didn't you hear them? They call me Blue. But who are you, exactly? Since my birth, only the founding sect master of the Spirit Beast Sect has been able to converse with me in this manner," Blue responded with a hint of curiosity, though in reality, it merely extended its tongue and licked its lips.

"Well, that's quite a tale. But first, tell me about yourself. Is there anything amiss, anything I can assist you with?" Liu Yangshuo pressed, seizing the opportunity to communicate with Blue.

"There's nothing wrong with me. It's just that every ten thousand years, our Qilin tribe must undergo a transformation. I need to procure the Earth Core Flame to evolve into a Hellfire Qilin. However, Tong always worries I'm ill. If I were to leave, she'd stop eating and drinking, which is why it's been postponed until now..." Blue finished, casting a concerned glance toward the girl named Tong.

"Understood," Liu Yangshuo nodded.

"Miracle Doctor Liu, have you discerned what ails the Blue Water Kylin?" The white-haired elder, noticing Liu Yangshuo's attention turned toward him, inquired with utmost respect.

"Hehe, congratulations to your sect. Little Blue is in no trouble at all—he's on the verge of transforming into a Hellfire Kylin."

Liu Yangshuo assumed the air of a sage and chuckled lightly.

Upon hearing this, Tong and the white-haired elder were ecstatic. Such an event was a cause for great celebration within the Spirit Beast Sect! At the same time, they both became certain of one thing: the refined young man before them was undoubtedly a reclusive master!

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