The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C10 An Accident in Lostbrook
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The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C10 An Accident in Lostbrook
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C10 An Accident in Lostbrook

It's curious how a spear technique that appears so simple could be so draining. Liu Yangshuo noticed his spiritual force depleting rapidly; a mere handful of moves had sapped nearly all of it, leaving him engulfed in a wave of weakness.

"What is this spear technique? It's bizarrely taxing."

He examined the long spear in his grasp, still feather-light, yet his arm throbbed with soreness.

"The technique is known as 'Stacking Waves.' Each move is more potent than the last, hence the exponential increase in spiritual force consumption. The wielder of your spear could move mountains and fill seas with the final move of Stacking Waves," the Primordial Thunder Dragon spoke with its eyes closed, its voice low. It had firsthand experience with the technique, though Liu Yangshuo had yet to master even the basic form.

That explained it.

Clutching the spear, Liu Yangshuo doubled down on his training, well aware that raw talent pales in comparison to relentless practice. Silence thereafter enveloped the Yilan Mine.

In Lostbrook, Captain Wang's search team had penetrated the Yilan Mine over ten times in just one month, barely pausing to rest between expeditions.

The townsfolk of Lostbrook buzzed with speculation—had the search team uncovered some treasure in the mine that demanded multiple trips to transport back to the city?

But the team members knew the truth. Captain Wang clung to the conviction that Liu Yangshuo was still alive, driven by the absence of his body.

Despite their efforts over the month, they hadn't turned up a single clue about Liu Yangshuo, nor had they encountered the Earth Scorpion again.

Before the break of dawn, Captain Wang was fully equipped and at the colosseum.

"Captain, let's call it off. We're all running on fumes. You know his chances of survival are slim after the Earth Scorpion took him..." Lee Gang approached and murmured to Captain Wang.

Captain Wang surveyed his team. They stood ready to depart, but the weariness in their eyes betrayed a fatigue no pep talk could dispel.

After more than a month of relentless searching, anyone would be at their breaking point.

"Brothers, I know you're all exhausted. Today, let me stand in for Brother Liu and ask you all, just one last time..."

Captain Wang's plea was cut short by the clashing sound of metal armor from behind.

He turned to see a group of soldiers clad in heavy silver armor.

"Lostbrook Search Team, attention!"

The soldiers halted in perfect unison, and a figure with a red-tasseled helmet stepped forward.

Captain Wang and Lee Gang exchanged a glance, then stepped forward and knelt on one knee.

The silver armor donned by these soldiers was the unmistakable emblem of the Lostbrook Royal Guards. Their presence here typically signified a direct command from the Lostbrook City Lord.

"I am the captain of the search team."

"The City Lord commands, due to the recent abnormal aggression of the demonic beasts in Yilan Mine, and considering your multiple entries into the mine, you are hereby summoned to the City Lord's Mansion for questioning!"

The soldier delivering the order spoke with an authoritative tone that brooked no argument.

Captain Wang's brow creased. He was aware that the violent behavior of the demonic beasts was unrelated to them, but given his team's recent activities, they were undeniably the prime suspects.

With a meaningful glance at Lee Gang, Captain Wang rose to his feet.

"I am the captain of the search team; my presence alone should suffice."

The soldier paused to consider, then nodded and stepped aside, gesturing for Captain Wang to follow.

That night, Captain Wang was returned to the search team, grievously wounded and barely clinging to life, dumped at the doorstep of their headquarters.

Lee Gang and the others summoned the finest doctor, who managed to pull him back from death's edge, though he remained unconscious.

What Captain Wang endured that day, or what the City Lord might have said to him, remained a mystery.

After a night of contemplation, Lee Gang made a difficult yet necessary decision. He ventured into the Yilan Mine alone in search of the enigmatic Liu Yangshuo.

This way, he would not risk the safety of his fellow search team members.

Deep within the Yilan Mine, Liu Yangshuo was drenched in sweat, tirelessly thrusting his spear. With each movement, faint afterimages seemed to ripple through the air.

Liu Yangshuo's cultivation had made a slight advancement, and he was on the cusp of breaking through the final barrier of the Dispersed Spirit Stage.

"Let's take a break," suggested the Primordial Thunder Dragon, which had nearly returned to full strength. It occasionally offered guidance on Liu Yangshuo's cultivation, though such instances were rare.

"Is there a problem?" Liu Yangshuo paused his exercises, exhaling deeply as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

"You've been practicing for quite some time. It's time to find you a sparring partner," the dragon declared with a snort. A rustling noise echoed from the adjacent tunnel.

Soon enough, the Earth Scorpion, a faithful underling, scuttled into the cave.

"You're not seriously expecting me to spar with it, are you?" Liu Yangshuo gestured toward the eager Earth Scorpion.

The dragon gave a nod of confirmation.

"Don't worry. You're not ready to go on the offensive yet. For now, it will merely defend. If you manage to land a hit, consider it a milestone," the dragon assured him.

The Earth Scorpion positioned its massive pincers defensively and coiled its body tightly, transforming into an impenetrable bastion.

Swallowing hard, Liu Yangshuo steeled himself for the challenge. He flourished his silver spear, creating a blur of movements, then with a powerful push off the ground, he soared into the air. He positioned his spear like a mighty axe, poised to cleave a mountain, and brought it down with full force onto the Earth Scorpion's armored back.


The sound of metal striking metal reverberated as the spear met the scorpion's carapace.

The force of the impact sent Liu Yangshuo flying back dozens of meters. His hands trembled uncontrollably, and blood trickled from the base of his palms.

"This is ridiculously tough!" Liu Yangshuo's brow furrowed. His strike had been delivered with all his might, yet it hadn't left so much as a scratch on the Earth Scorpion. Instead, he was the one left wounded.

"Keep in mind the essence of Stacking Waves. It's not about brute force. Reflect on the techniques I've shown you, the way each muscle is utilized," the dragon instructed with unprecedented seriousness. Perhaps it was looking to save itself some future hassle.

Liu Yangshuo closed his eyes, lost in thought for a brief moment. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, he snapped his eyes open, his stance unchanged as he executed the Mountain Splitting Style once more.

"Stacking Waves!"

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