The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C11 The First Sign of the Nitai Pressure
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The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C11 The First Sign of the Nitai Pressure
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C11 The First Sign of the Nitai Pressure

Liu Yangshuo's spear struck the Earth Scorpion's toughest claw, lingering a second longer than the last strike had.

After swiftly retreating, Liu Yangshuo used the rebound to return to his original position, focusing on steadying his breath.

The Earth Scorpion inspected its right pincer, the one Liu had just struck. Despite the similarity of the blows, its limited intelligence couldn't discern any difference. Then, a nearly imperceptible crack appeared on its smooth shell, right where Liu's spear had connected.

"Success!" Liu Yangshuo exclaimed with a surge of excitement.

Through constant practice and the Primordial Thunder Dragon's guidance echoing in his mind, Liu Yangshuo had begun to understand the essence of Stacking Waves—channeling a covert strength into the opponent's body to later unleash it explosively. Mastering this technique was a challenge, but Liu Yangshuo had just successfully executed it.

"To grasp even the basics of Stacking Waves in under two months shows exceptional talent," the Primordial Thunder Dragon observed. "Rest well these next couple of days; we'll be ready to depart soon."

No sooner had the dragon finished speaking than both it and the Earth Scorpion turned their attention towards the cave's entrance.

"What's going on?" Liu Yangshuo asked, noting the disturbance in the two mighty beasts.

"Someone has entered the area and is now entangled with the perimeter guards," the Primordial Thunder Dragon replied nonchalantly.

But these 'little guys' the dragon referred to were not the Kemus gorillas Liu had encountered before; they were the formidable demonic beasts of Yilan Mine, each with depths of strength. Whoever had entered was surely in peril.

"Take me there, quickly!" Liu Yangshuo urged, looking to the Primordial Thunder Dragon. With a flick of his wrist, he channeled spiritual force into his spear, transforming it into a silver needle that he then slipped into his storage ring.

"Very well, I'm only a day or two from regaining my full power. I doubt we'll run into trouble," the Primordial Thunder Dragon mused, then morphed into a small silver dragon, wrapping around Liu Yangshuo's wrist in a scene reminiscent of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect's master.

With a graceful leap, Liu Yangshuo landed squarely on the back of the Earth Scorpion and swiftly rode it out of the cave.

Outside the cave was Lee Gang, who had ventured into the Yilan Mine alone. His predicament was beyond the word 'dangerous.' Surrounded by five demonic beasts of the Spirit Communication Realm, Lee Gang, who was merely at the Spirit Transformation level, fought desperately for his life. He swung his hammer relentlessly, but the beasts were content to simply cut off his escape, biding their time until he was too weak to resist becoming their next meal.

"Is this where I meet my end? It's such a shame... I couldn't find Brother Liu or rescue the captain..." Lee Gang's heart sank with despair as he felt his spiritual force dwindling, and his hammer strikes grew slower.

At the critical moment when a bear-shaped demonic beast lunged at Lee Gang, a black pincer struck out of nowhere, sending the creature flying.

"Scum! Back off!" Liu Yangshuo roared, unleashing a formidable, nameless pressure that scattered all the demonic beasts surrounding Lee Gang in an instant.

Lee Gang, drained of his spiritual force, collapsed into unconsciousness.

"Such immense pressure! It rivals even my own!" The Primordial Thunder Dragon on his wrist was taken aback by the sheer force of Liu Yangshuo's beastly aura, filled with awe.

The demonic beasts, now recoiling in terror, recognized the soul-deep fear of Liu Yangshuo's might. In their world, where power is everything, his display of dominance was enough to deter them from daring another attack.

It was then that Liu Yangshuo recalled the skill he'd acquired from the system - Transformation Pressure. It was merely a facade, but against weaker foes or enemies, it could still have a surprisingly potent effect.

With the demonic beasts dispersed, Liu Yangshuo hoisted the unconscious Lee Gang onto the Earth Scorpion's back.

"Kid, that skill you just witnessed could be invaluable to you at this stage. But remember, once your cultivation level rises, you mustn't rely on it anymore..."

The Primordial Thunder Dragon spoke to Liu Yangshuo.

"Hmm? Why not?"

Liu Yangshuo was perplexed. His Transformation Pressure should have been enough to deter enemies unfamiliar with him. Why was it off-limits?

"In the realm of the powerful, demonic beasts are seen as walking treasures, particularly those with advanced cultivation. Using it could draw the attention of reclusive elders you'd rather not meet."

The scorn had vanished from the Primordial Thunder Dragon's voice. If the esteemed dragon of the Dragon Clan could be pursued, Liu Yangshuo certainly wasn't exempt.

After a moment of reflection, Liu Yangshuo gave a nod of understanding.

The Earth Scorpion was swift, and with dusk approaching, it managed to deliver Liu Yangshuo and the unconscious Lee Gang to the Yilan Mine's entrance before nightfall—the furthest point it could reach.

With Lee Gang in tow, Liu Yangshuo dismounted the Earth Scorpion. As he was about to set off, the creature behind him emitted a plaintive hiss.

"Oh, I nearly forgot you."

The Primordial Thunder Dragon glided gracefully to the Earth Scorpion's front. Despite its small size, the Earth Scorpion lay prostrate in reverence.

A breath of dragon qi was released from the dragon's maw, and the Earth Scorpion's tiny eyes sparkled with excitement as it eagerly inhaled the gift.

"Digest this well; you've been a great help recently."

With that, the Primordial Thunder Dragon coiled back onto Liu Yangshuo's wrist.

The Earth Scorpion nodded appreciatively and turned to retreat into the depths of Yilan Mine. That single breath of dragon qi would soon give rise to a formidable demonic beast within the mine, but that tale was yet to unfold.

"Hey, kid, I've heard your human world is full of exquisite delicacies. Is it true?"

As they were still a ways from Lostbrook, the Primordial Thunder Dragon struck up a conversation with Liu Yangshuo to pass the time.

"Your beast kind doesn't enjoy fine food? Surely you, a Primordial Thunder Dragon, have indulged before."

Liu Yangshuo, shouldering the hefty Lee Gang, was grateful for his cultivation. Without it, the burden would have been overwhelming.

"From the moment we're born, our Dragon Clan has never consumed anything but spirit stones. We extract the spiritual force within them, which sustains our lives and enables us to grow rapidly," said the Primordial Thunder Dragon with a hint of pride in his voice.

And rightfully so, as pride was well-earned. After all, only the Dragon Clan could manage the vast consumption of spirit stones required to nurture their dragons from birth to adulthood.

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