The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C12 Puppetry Technique
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The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C12 Puppetry Technique
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C12 Puppetry Technique

"How many spirit stones would that be? Sheesh, you're living like a lord. Any chance you could spare some of that surplus for me?"

Listening to the Primordial Thunder Dragon's account, Liu Yangshuo couldn't help but feel the world's injustice. Here he was, an average Joe, trekking hundreds of miles just to find a decent spot for cultivation, while others were born right at the destination he longed for.

"Why would you want that? The dragon qi I exhale without a second thought is richer than the spiritual force in that tiny mine we just saw. Rest assured, sticking with me for the next three years, you won't be shortchanged."

Observing Liu Yangshuo's naivety, the Primordial Thunder Dragon scoffed with disdain.

"Well, that's fantastic. If you provide me with a daily dose of dragon qi, who knows? I might just undergo a complete transformation in three years."

Liu Yangshuo mused, already daydreaming about soaring through the skies with legions of adoring fans cheering from below.

"What do you take me for? Earning dragon qi comes with strings attached. That little scorpion served me for centuries before I granted it a single breath of dragon qi. If you want some, you'll need to trade something of equal worth."

The Primordial Thunder Dragon gave Liu Yangshuo a withering look, the Dragon Clan's avarice on full display.

"Then I might as well not bother. I can't live that long."

"You're giving up already? I was only teasing. Here's the deal: you bring me something I've never seen before, and I'll reward you with a breath of dragon qi. Fair and square, no tricks, no deceit—honest to all."

"I'll need to think it over..."

"You're a stubborn one, aren't you? You really don't recognize a good deal when you see it!"


Amid their bickering, Liu Yangshuo returned to Lostbrook with Lee Gang, making their way to the search team's headquarters.

Once Lee Gang was settled in, still unconscious, the team members, though stunned that Liu Yangshuo had emerged from the depths of the Yilan Mine, promptly escorted him to meet with Captain Wang.

"Who's responsible for this?"

Gazing at the comatose Captain Wang, Liu Yangshuo's anger surged, and he demanded, barely containing his fury.

"It was the City Lord's Mansion. The captain had gone there, and ever since he returned, he's been like this."

One of the search team members whispered,

"Get out, and don't come back in without my say-so."

Despite Liu Yangshuo's seemingly modest level of cultivation, his firm command left the more powerful members of the search team without the guts to object, and they promptly exited Captain Wang's room.

"Such brutal tactics. His meridians shattered, clavicle broken—this man will be useless even if he survives."

The Primordial Thunder Dragon immediately recognized the severity of Captain Wang's injuries and couldn't help but lament the perpetrator's savagery.

"Is there really nothing that can be done?" Liu Yangshuo inquired.

"No use. The human body is so fragile. At this point, all we can do is try to keep him alive," the Primordial Thunder Dragon responded with a shake of its head and a sigh.

Yet, Liu Yangshuo couldn't bear the thought of Captain Wang waking up to find himself permanently disabled. To him, that was a fate worse than death.

"System, are you there?"

"Ding! What do you require?"

This was Liu Yangshuo's first time proactively reaching out to the system.

"Do you have any pill that can heal the man before me?"

"A match has been found in the system's inventory: Heavenly Fragrance Bone Replenishing Paste. Redemption will cost 50,000 King Blood Points. Would you like to proceed with the exchange?"

"Exchange it!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Liu Yangshuo confirmed. Back at Yilan Mine, Captain Wang had shielded him from the Earth Scorpions' attacks on several occasions. If not for Captain Wang, he might have died multiple times over. Spending a mere 50,000 King Blood Points to restore Captain Wang's cultivation was a small price to pay.

"Ding! Exchange complete."

With the system's prompt, a white porcelain bottle materialized in Liu Yangshuo's hand.

"What's this?" the Primordial Thunder Dragon inquired, taking a whiff. Despite its millennia of existence, it had never encountered such a scent.

"This is... a concoction from my days as a veterinarian. Hopefully, it proves helpful."

Liu Yangshuo quickly concocted an excuse. The system was his secret alone, one he could never share, not even with those closest to him.

Thankfully, the Primordial Thunder Dragon didn't press with more questions.

Once the Heavenly Fragrance Bone Replenishing Paste was applied to Captain Wang, a delicate scent began to waft through the air, casting a dreamlike haze over the room. Captain Wang's complexion also appeared to soften somewhat.

"It's truly effective. Kid, you've got some skill. When your cultivation level is higher, come seek me out and serve as my personal physician," the Primordial Thunder Dragon commended Liu Yangshuo as he witnessed Captain Wang's astonishing recovery.

Liu Yangshuo was in no mood for humor.

"I need to make a trip to the City Lord's Mansion to uncover who's behind this attack on Captain Wang!" he declared, moving to leave.

"Hold on. Unless I'm mistaken, there are several powerful presences in the city, particularly one in that direction—a late-stage Spirit Transformation cultivator. To him, you're no more significant than a child," the Primordial Thunder Dragon cautioned, seeing Liu Yangshuo's impulsive behavior.

"I must go, regardless of the risk. Captain Wang is a strong cultivator; it's quite possible this individual is responsible."

"If you're set on this, then allow me to assist you," the Primordial Thunder Dragon offered with a soft sigh, enveloping Liu Yangshuo in his aura to conceal his presence. Now, even a late-stage Spirit Communication cultivator wouldn't be able to sense Liu Yangshuo.

"Thanks. Once this is over, you name your reward," Liu Yangshuo said in gratitude, then quietly pushed open the door and leapt onto the eaves, blending into the shadows like a black cat in the night.

Guided by the Primordial Thunder Dragon, Liu Yangshuo soon arrived at the dwelling of the Spirit Communication cultivator. As anticipated, it was part of the City Lord's Mansion complex.

But it wasn't the City Lord's main residence; rather, it was a small, dimly lit room in an auxiliary courtyard. Liu Yangshuo stealthily moved above the room, lifting a tile to peer inside.

There, an elderly Taoist in a red robe was fussing over a small puppet, murmuring indistinctly as he manipulated it.

"Unbelievable, in this day and age, to find someone still dabbling in such rudimentary puppetry," he mused.

The Primordial Thunder Dragon clearly understood the old Taoist's actions.

"What's Puppetry Technique?"

Liu Yangshuo was hearing about it for the first time and asked with curiosity.

"See that wooden figure in his hand? That's his conduit to the puppet. He manipulates the puppet through it. It's quite primitive. I've encountered a puppetry master who could control someone directly with just a connection of spiritual force. Now that's true Puppetry Technique," explained the Primordial Thunder Dragon.

But who was this person controlling?

While Liu Yangshuo was still trying to figure it out, the old house's beam, overburdened, creaked loudly.

"Who's there? Stop hiding! Show yourself!"

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