The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C13 Living Chief
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The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C13 Living Chief
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C13 Living Chief

Liu Yangshuo's heart sank with a silent curse. Without hesitation, he pulled a black cloth from his Storage Ring and masked his face.

The red-robed elder spotted the missing roof tile in an instant. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a gust of palm wind, shattering the roof and creating a gaping hole.

"What could a puppet master, versed only in the most basic Puppetry Technique, possibly be up to at this late hour?"

Liu Yangshuo seized the opportunity to leap through the breach and into the house, casting a sly glance at the puppet behind the old Taoist. "Who are you? I'd advise against sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, or you'll have no one but yourself to blame for my merciless response."

The elder quickly stashed the puppet up his sleeve and scrutinized the masked figure before him. Realizing that Liu Yangshuo had only attained Great Perfection in the Dispersed Spirit Stage, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"You needn't concern yourself with who I am. Rather, I have some questions for you," Liu Yangshuo said, casually surveying the room with his hands clasped behind his back.

"And why should I indulge you? A junior at the Dispersed Spirit Stage dares to be so bold. It seems I must teach you a lesson on behalf of your elders."

The old Taoist's anger turned to mocking laughter. As he summoned the spiritual force of the Spirit Transformation Stage, a fierce wind whipped through the room, causing the doorposts to tremble.

Liu Yangshuo felt a wave of suffocation—this was the raw power of a Spirit Communication Stage master, far beyond his current ability to confront.

"Brat! Face my wrath!"

The elder's fingers curled into a claw, lunging for Liu Yangshuo's face.


A formidable pressure erupted from Liu Yangshuo, the mimic pressure of the Primordial Thunder Dragon. This time, to avoid detection, the dragon had enveloped the room, making the old Taoist the sole witness to the overwhelming force.

For a moment, the elder felt as though he stood toe-to-toe with a primordial beast. Liu Yangshuo's eyes, once calm, now blazed with lethal intent.

The old Taoist's throat tightened, and he stumbled backward in retreat until he reached the door, where his legs gave out, and he slumped to the ground.

"Is it time for my questions now?"

Liu Yangshuo strode up to the old Taoist and planted his foot on the door panel beside the old man's right ear.

"Of course, of course! What would Senior like to inquire about?"

The old Taoist bobbed his head frantically, terrified that speaking too slowly might irritate Liu Yangshuo.

"What's your role in the City Lord's Mansion? Also, what transpired with the search team captain when he visited? Why was he so gravely injured?"

Liu Yangshuo's tone remained cool and detached.

"Er... I serve as the City Lord's officiant and typically steer clear of political matters. As for the search team captain's injuries, I'm clueless. That... that was the City Lord's doing, not mine, Senior!"

The old Taoist's voice grew increasingly plaintive until he was nearly on the brink of collapsing into tears on Liu Yangshuo's leg.

"Do you think he's lying?"

Liu Yangshuo silently communicated with the Primordial Thunder Dragon.

"It doesn't seem so, but it's better to be safe. I'll place a mark on him to thwart any potential treachery he might be plotting."

After a moment's contemplation, the Primordial Thunder Dragon released a nearly imperceptible strand of mane from its neck, which slipped into the nape of the old Taoist's neck.

"I'll trust you this once. But be aware, the price of deceiving me is a one-way ticket to death."

Liu Yangshuo exuded a faint aura of his imitative pressure.

"I wouldn't dare!"

The old Taoist's head wagged like a tumbler toy. When he finally regained his composure, Liu Yangshuo had vanished from the room.

With Liu Yangshuo gone, the old Taoist exhaled deeply, unwittingly releasing a puddle beneath him, having been frightened into incontinence by Liu Yangshuo.

His face flushed with a mix of pale and crimson hues, the old Taoist seemed to reach a resolute decision. He shoved the adjacent bookshelf aside and disappeared into the hidden passageway behind it.

Having left the old Taoist's quarters, Liu Yangshuo made a beeline for the City Lord's chamber. With the Primordial Thunder Dragon's covert protection, he successfully infiltrated the City Lord's private room.

He gently lifted the covers, and to his surprise, the City Lord was still deep in slumber, seemingly undisturbed by any intrusion.

"Sleeping like the dead, huh? Isn't he worried about assassins?" Liu Yangshuo chuckled.

"Something's off. Check his pulse and breathing," the Primordial Thunder Dragon urged, sensing something amiss.

Liu Yangshuo nodded, placed his hand under the City Lord's nose, and then pressed it lightly against his chest.

"How odd. He's breathing but has no heartbeat. What's happening here?"

Liu Yangshuo was stunned by the situation before him. The City Lord seemed like a corpse that could breathe.

"We've been duped. I underestimated that Puppet Master's capabilities. A Puppet Master with Spirit Communication level skills wouldn't be confined to such rudimentary puppetry."

The Primordial Thunder Dragon was filled with remorse, having been outwitted by a Spirit Communication practitioner.

"What are you saying? That guy..."

Liu Yangshuo was equally taken aback. The old Taoist had nearly scared him witless, yet he had managed to ensnare them in his trap.

"Exactly. The City Lord has been turned into a living puppet. Outwardly, he appears normal, but he's actually dead. The Puppet Master we encountered earlier is the one pulling the strings."

"Damn it, playing me for a fool! We're going back to find him!" Liu Yangshuo exploded with rage, ready to confront the old Taoist.

"I'm advising you not to interfere this time. The power behind that Puppet Master is something even I hesitate to provoke."

The Primordial Thunder Dragon was cautioning Liu Yangshuo for the second time, his tone revealing the formidable strength behind the Puppet Master.

"Why? I can't just let Brother Wang's death go unavenged!" Liu Yangshuo demanded, his brows knitted in anger.

"Sigh, the forces behind this individual are dreaded by nearly every sect on the continent. I nearly fell for their schemes myself. But since I've promised to ensure your safety for three years, I'll stand by you, even if it means entering a dragon's lair or a tiger's den. You just have to promise me one thing: if we encounter any of their sect's experts, you must flee immediately, without a moment's hesitation."

Despite feeling cornered, the Primordial Thunder Dragon was bound by the Dragon Clan's deep respect for oaths. Its pride wouldn't allow it to forsake Liu Yangshuo.

Liu Yangshuo gave a nod and burst through the door, sprinting towards the old Taoist's quarters.


The roof of the old Taoist's room was shattered once more as Liu Yangshuo, spear in hand, charged in. But there was no sign of the old Taoist, not even a trace of life.

"He's in the secret tunnel, after him!"

The Primordial Thunder Dragon, with its keen sense of smell, instantly picked up on the old Taoist's scent.

Without a moment's hesitation, Liu Yangshuo plunged into the secret passage, spear at the ready.

"Old Taoist with the bull's nose! Stop running!"

Liu Yangshuo's bellow reverberated through the tunnel, quickly reaching the ears of the red-robed old Taoist who was still fleeing.

"How did this kid get back so fast?"

The old Taoist inwardly cursed, quickening his steps even more.

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