The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C14 Gem Puppets
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The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C14 Gem Puppets
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C14 Gem Puppets

Liu Yangshuo and the old Taoist were in hot pursuit through the secret passage, with Liu gaining ground swiftly under the Primordial Thunder Dragon's guidance, rapidly closing the gap with the elder.

"Damn, what's with this kid? Has he got the nose of a dog? I can't keep this up."

Gasping from the relentless chase, the old Taoist could hear Liu Yangshuo's footsteps growing louder. With no other choice, he pulled two dolls from his robes and tossed them into the air, his hands moving quickly to form mystical seals.

Before their eyes, the dolls began to inflate, their features sharpening into clarity, donning armor and brandishing broadswords, until they stood as two towering armored giants over two meters tall.

"Block him!"

He commanded the puppets before bolting ahead once more.

Fueled by rage, Liu Yangshuo charged through the passage, spear in hand, ready for combat.

"Watch out!"

The Primordial Thunder Dragon's warning cry came just in time. Without a moment to spare, Liu Yangshuo swung his spear horizontally, shielding his head.

"Clang! Clang!"

The broadswords struck the spear with a force that nearly brought him to his knees.

"These puppets wield strength comparable to the Fifth Layer of Spirit Communication. Handle them yourself," the Primordial Thunder Dragon's voice echoed in his ear. If he couldn't overcome these minor adversaries, thoughts of vengeance were futile; he might as well go home and get some rest.

Liu Yangshuo remained silent, his focus laser-sharp on the looming swords before him. The puppets' strength was overwhelming, and their surprise attack in the darkness had brought the blades perilously close to his skull.

"Back off!"

With a fierce bite to his tongue, the sharp pain jolted his senses. Summoning an extraordinary burst of power, Liu Yangshuo pushed with 120% of his might, managing to fend off the two hulking figures.

Despite their formidable strength, the puppets were not quick on their feet. Perhaps burdened by their own mass, even their retreat was sluggish and labored.

Liu Yangshuo's actions were significantly quicker. He deftly pushed aside the two puppets and surged forward, his spear thrusting straight for the forehead of Puppet Number One.


The blow was deflected by the puppet's helmet, but this was all part of Liu Yangshuo's plan. He was merely gauging the extent of damage his attacks could inflict on the puppets. Now it was time to get serious.

As his initial strike missed, Liu Yangshuo was backing away when Puppet Number Two's broadsword swept toward him from behind, aiming to decapitate him. Liu Yangshuo's pupils constricted; he ducked swiftly, dodging the deadly arc, and in one fluid motion, sprang to his feet. His spear lashed out like a whip, striking Puppet Number Two's broadsword.

"Stacking Waves!"

Indeed, Liu Yangshuo had unleashed the first form of Stacking Waves in combat for the first time. The technique's hidden energy doubled the broadsword's speed, the overwhelming force rendering the puppet unable to wield it. The sword, now beyond its control, swung down and severed the head of Puppet Number One. The towering figure crashed to the ground with a thunderous fall.

"Excellent spearmanship!"

Even the Primordial Thunder Dragon on his wrist couldn't resist commending Liu Yangshuo for his quick-witted response.

"Now it's just you and me! Bring it on!"

Despite the considerable drain on his stamina from deploying Stacking Waves, Liu Yangshuo was brimming with a warrior's zeal.

Puppet Number Two, still expressionless as ever, raised its broadsword for another strike at Liu Yangshuo.

"Do you really think I'd fall for the same move twice?"

With a light snort, Liu Yangshuo deftly sidestepped, the blade whistling past his nose.

Though Liu Yangshuo had only reached the Great Perfection of the Dispersed Spirit Stage, the essence of the Myriad Beasts Mantra was the relentless tempering of one's physique. Thus, his bodily strength was on par with cultivators in the Spirit Communication Stage—he was nothing less than a humanoid demonic beast.

Puppet Number Two swung its sword repeatedly, yet failed to graze even a single hair on Liu Yangshuo.

"You're too slow. You think you can stop me with such feeble strength?"

Liu Yangshuo sneered, effortlessly sidestepping another strike. With a fluid motion, he spun his spear and landed a blow on Puppet Number Two's head.

The concealed power of Stacking Waves burst forth. The puppet's helmet remained unscathed, but its head shattered from within.

A ghastly pallor washed over the old Taoist as he coughed up blood. His lifeblood was intertwined with the puppets', and their destruction by Liu Yangshuo's hand wounded him in turn.

"How could they fall so quickly? Must I resort to using that?"

Clutching the pocket over his heart, the old Taoist ran, his expression one of deep anguish.

"Well done, you're mastering Stacking Waves more with each use."

The Primordial Thunder Dragon commended, confirming that true progress comes from the heat of battle.

"It's trivial. These puppets were far too weak. I'm looking forward to a real challenge."

Liu Yangshuo swelled with pride at the praise, his confidence soaring, while the Primordial Thunder Dragon fell silent, seemingly lost in thought.

Time passed as the gap in the tunnel between them narrowed. The old Taoist's stamina waned; as a puppeteer, he had never been known for his physical prowess, and now, injured, he was no match for Liu Yangshuo.

"Old Taoist, stop running!"

Liu Yangshuo's voice echoed just as the old Taoist glimpsed the secret passage's exit.

"You won't catch me! Master, save me!"

In a moment of desperation, the old Taoist retrieved a cherished item from his chest—a small segment of dark brown bone. With a decisive snap, black smoke billowed from the fracture.

"Please, hold on, fellow Daoist. Spare my disciple, and I shall be eternally grateful!"

The black mist morphed into a shadowy portal, its destination unknown. From within, a sinister voice beckoned.

Elation struck the old Taoist at the sight of the tunnel. He lunged forward, knowing that if he could just enter, he would be whisked away to his Master's side.

"In your dreams! Meet your end!"

With a cold huff, Liu Yangshuo hoisted the long spear above his head, channeling all the remaining spiritual force within him to the spear's tip before hurling it forward.


The old Taoist's smile, moments from stepping into the teleportation channel, abruptly solidified. Glancing down, he saw a silvery-white spear tip protruding from his heart.

"My dear adversary, such merciless tactics. Though your face eludes me, for a senior to strike down a junior, isn't this tantamount to the Blood Sect being bullied? Rest assured, the Blood Sect will not forget this affront!"

Within the teleportation channel, a desiccated hand swept up the old Taoist's body and shut the passage, leaving only Liu Yangshuo's long spear behind.

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