The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C16 New Mission
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The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C16 New Mission
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C16 New Mission

"Tell me, where does the Dragon Clan usually reside? Why has almost nobody ever seen you?"

Liu Yangshuo struck up a casual conversation with the Primordial Thunder Dragon during a lull in activity.

"We are of the Dragon Clan. How could we possibly live among you? You inhabit a region known as the Oskulos Continent, while we have ascended to the more advanced Fa Continent. Think of it as 'the heavens above.'"

The Primordial Thunder Dragon huffed and gazed into the clear sky.

"Ascension? When will I be able to ascend?"

The very word represented a state of being that every cultivator aspired to reach, and Liu Yangshuo was certainly no exception.

"Shed your mortal coil and elevate your soul. Only then can you achieve the ultimate state of Ascension. You've got a long way to go. Keep practicing diligently."

"Ding! A new main quest has emerged. Would you like to accept?"

Why did a mission have to pop up now? Well, it was timely; he had nearly depleted his supply of King Blood Points with the Heavenly Incense Bone Refinement Paste. Time to take on more quests to accumulate King Blood Points.


"Your new main quest: Become the premier veterinarian of Hagan Bay and triumph in the competition. Completion of the mission will reward you with 100,000 King Blood Points."

With that announcement, the system fell silent, but Liu Yangshuo's heart raced at the thought. 100,000 King Blood Points! He had never encountered such a fortune in his lifetime.

Noticing Liu Yangshuo's momentary daze, the Primordial Thunder Dragon grew curious.

"Caught up in a daydream?"

"Ah, no. Have you ever heard of Hagan Bay?"

Liu Yangshuo inquired, assuming the Primordial Thunder Dragon might be familiar with the place.

"Indeed, it's a favorite among all demonic beasts."

The Primordial Thunder Dragon offered a light smile, seemingly fond of the location.

"Why do you say that? Are there many demonic beasts there?"

"Absolutely, and not just demonic beasts—humans too. Hagan Bay might just be the last bastion in the world where humans and demonic beasts live together in harmony."

The Primordial Thunder Dragon settled back onto Liu Yangshuo's wrist and continued.

"From what you're saying, it seems the more advanced a person's or a demonic beast's cultivation, the greater the animosity between them. So why would they live together in harmony?"

Liu Yangshuo was baffled by what he heard.

"That place is a gathering spot for all the doctors, which is why Hagan Bay is also known as Undying Bay."

Once the Primordial Thunder Dragon finished explaining, Liu Yangshuo had an epiphany. It made sense now why the system tasked him with winning a certain competition.

"Thinking of heading to Hagan Bay? You do seem to be a beast doctor; it could be quite educational for you."

With the Primordial Thunder Dragon at his side, Liu Yangshuo was in the safest company possible.

He nodded in agreement.

"Alright then, I have an old friend there anyway. It'll be like visiting family. Let's set out."

The Primordial Thunder Dragon, without giving it much thought, showed Liu Yangshuo the way and promptly fell back asleep.

As the Primordial Thunder Dragon had indicated, Hagan Bay was situated at the very eastern edge of the vast Oskulos Continent, against the endless ocean, in a bay city. The journey there would take no less than a week.

Meanwhile, far away within the Blood Sect, one of the nine tightly closed doors burst open, and a figure emerged in haste.

His hair was wild, his nose hooked, his eyes small and beady, and his skin seemed to cling to his skull. Were it not for the blood-red glow in his eyes, one might mistake him for a skeleton.

"What's the matter, Old Nine? You seem furious," a raspy voice called out from behind another closed door, grating like nails on a chalkboard, sending shivers down one's spine.

"My disciple was killed right before my eyes. I will find the murderer and make them pay with their life!"

Old Nine, the elderly man who had charged out, was the subject of the inquiry.

"Your disciple was mediocre in every way. I never understood what you saw in him. His death surely means he was outmatched."

The voice from within the door spoke to Old Nine with a deceptive intimacy, yet the words spared no feelings, cutting to the bone.

"Hmph! I've marked that man with the Blood Sect's decree. I'll hunt him down to the ends of the earth!"

With those words, Old Nine's body was shrouded in swirling Ghosts, and his spiritual force surged dramatically.

"Don't act rashly! The Sect Master's grand scheme is just a few months away from commencing, and our sect is in dire need of people right now. Any personal vendettas can wait until later!"

The voice within the door took on a grave tone.

Upon hearing the title 'Sect Master,' Old Nine's demeanor visibly deflated. With a cold huff, he retreated to his room and slammed the door shut with force.

Seven days flew by, and on the final morning, Liu Yangshuo caught sight of a vast harbor in the distance.

Dismounting and entering the city on foot, it was exactly as the Primordial Thunder Dragon had described: In Hagan Bay, humans and demonic beasts strolled the streets openly, and the shops lining the streets were predominantly medicinal herb outlets.

"This place is bustling!"

Liu Yangshuo's eyes darted about, his head swinging from side to side as if he were a bobblehead.

"I nearly forgot to mention, some of the beast clans here keep male pets—those delicate, tender-skinned humans with a knack for healing. Be on your guard. If someone takes an interest in you, I can't offer any assistance," the Primordial Thunder Dragon warned Liu Yangshuo with a touch of malicious glee.

Liu Yangshuo's face stiffened. Had he known about this risk, he would have given it serious thought before venturing here. His future certainly didn't include being kept by anyone.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Liu?"

A delicate voice suddenly sounded from behind.

At the sound, Liu Yangshuo felt a softness in his bones and quickly spun around.

"That's me!"

Behind him stood a girl in a stunning qipao, her hair adorned with two perfect buns. Her iconic smile was captivating, and Liu Yangshuo found it impossible to look away.

"Mr. Liu, we noticed you as soon as you arrived. You must be weary from your travels. Please, come with me to Fragrance Tower to rest. Our master wishes to speak with you," the girl said with a respectful curtsy.

Faced with such a request from a beauty, how could Liu Yangshuo refuse? He followed the girl without a second thought.

As they proceeded, various creatures couldn't help but ogle the girl's striking figure. Yet, the moment they caught sight of the jade pendant engraved with the character for 'Fragrance' on her waist, they averted their eyes promptly.

Before long, Liu Yangshuo found himself standing before an antiquated pavilion, guided there by the young girl.

She was a girl of few words, simply taking the reins from Liu Yangshuo and leading the horse away.

"Miracle Doctor Liu, please enter. I have been awaiting your arrival for quite some time," came a voice, unexpectedly gentle, resonating within Liu Yangshuo's mind.

Taken aback, Liu Yangshuo realized that this must be the voice of the pavilion's master, the one the girl had mentioned.

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