The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C19 Three Men in Black
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The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C19 Three Men in Black
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C19 Three Men in Black

The competition spanned five events and was set to last a full three days, a clear indication that these were not challenges just anyone could take on.

Liu Yangshuo had poured over the schedule all night long.

As dawn broke, the first crow of the rooster stirred the Primordial Thunder Dragon from its slumber.

"You didn't sleep at all last night, did you?" yawned the Primordial Thunder Dragon.

"Hehe, just watch—I'm going to clinch first place this time. Come on, let's hit the streets," Liu Yangshuo said, his eyes ringed with dark circles but his energy undiminished. He straightened his clothes and headed out the door, the Primordial Thunder Dragon trailing behind him reluctantly.

The morning market was bustling by the time they reached the main street.

"Why go to all this trouble? Didn't the Pavilion Master tell you yesterday that you could ask her for anything you need?" the Primordial Thunder Dragon whispered from the safety of Liu Yangshuo's sleeve.

"Some things you have to handle on your own. Plus, this is the Liu family's secret recipe. If someone else got their hands on it, I'd be at a huge loss," Liu Yangshuo replied nonchalantly, strolling with his hands clasped behind his back.

"Stop with the theatrics. I doubt anyone would even take your secret recipe if you gave it away," the Primordial Thunder Dragon scoffed, giving Liu Yangshuo a sidelong glance before curling up to resume its nap.

Unperturbed, Liu Yangshuo continued his leisurely perusal of the street. Oddly enough, he wasn't visiting the typical apothecaries or pill furnace shops that a doctor might. Instead, he was buying an assortment of items like rice wine, brown sugar, and goose eggs, as if he were a housewife preparing to cook a feast.

It wasn't until nightfall that Liu Yangshuo returned to Fragrance Tower, promptly secluding himself in his room.

"What's the report? Where did he go today? What did he purchase?" Hsu Chengqiu inquired, listening intently as a qipao-clad young woman recounted Liu Yangshuo's activities for the day.

"Brown sugar and goose eggs? Are you certain there's no mistake?" Hsu Chengqiu's brow furrowed. With the competition looming, one would expect Liu Yangshuo to be gathering medicinal herbs, not shopping for what seemed like a postpartum care package. What was he up to?

"I can assure you, I wasn't mistaken. Miracle Doctor Liu nearly came to blows with the woman selling goose eggs over their exorbitant price."

The girl chuckled ruefully. It might sound like a tall tale, but it was the honest truth of today's events.

"Alright, you may go. Keep me updated on any further developments."

Hsu Chengqiu gestured dismissively, and the girl bowed out of the room with respect.

"Is this man truly enigmatic, or does he have a hidden depth?"

At this point, even Hsu Chengqiu was at a loss to discern Liu Yangshuo's intentions.

Back in his room, Liu Yangshuo, having busied himself for a while, succumbed to fatigue and collapsed onto his bed, snuffing out the oil lamp.

The girl, eavesdropping outside, caught no hint of activity. She was about to peek through a crack in the door when a bolt of lightning, as thick as a thumb, shot towards her.


Struck squarely by the lightning, she toppled to the ground.

"Return to Pavilion Master Hsu and inform her that there's no need for such tactics; we're all allies here. I'll be ready to meet tomorrow."

Liu Yangshuo's voice carried through the door, which a gust of wind promptly shut.

The girl scrambled to her feet and hurried off.

The following morning, as Liu Yangshuo was dressing, a knock sounded at the door.

"Miracle Doctor Liu, may I come in?"

Hsu Chengqiu's voice filtered through the door.

With a light chuckle, Liu Yangshuo opened the door.

"Please, Pavilion Master Hsu, come inside to talk."

Hsu Chengqiu entered without further ado.

"Did you rest well last night, Miracle Doctor Liu?"

"Quite well, save for the nuisance of a few mosquitoes."

Liu Yangshuo's smile was knowing as he met Hsu Chengqiu's gaze, his eyes twinkling with implication.

Hsu Chengqiu blushed, well aware that no mosquitoes were about in this season; it was a clear reference to the eavesdropping girl from the previous night.

"Ahem. Please, Miracle Doctor Liu, no offense was meant. The Hagan Competition is of great significance to Fragrance Tower. And while you come highly recommended by the sect master of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, I have yet to witness your abilities firsthand. It's difficult for me to fully relax without that assurance."

Hsu Chengqiu bowed slightly and spoke.

"Pavilion Master Hsu, you're overly concerned. I'm not offended. Being a simple country fellow, it's quite normal for me to be underestimated. But I assure you, the championship of the Hagan Competition will be effortlessly mine."

Liu Yangshuo declared with unwavering confidence.

"If Miracle Doctor Liu is so certain, then it would be rude of me to say more. I wish you a resounding victory and a triumphant return."

With those words, Hsu Chengqiu gracefully exited the room.

She truly was a decisive woman; it's no wonder she rose to be a pavilion master.

Liu Yangshuo commended her silently.

"Just be careful not to overinflate your boasts now, or you might not be able to live up to them later," the Primordial Thunder Dragon teased as it emerged from Liu Yangshuo's sleeve.

"Can't you root for my success for once? Just watch and see how I clinch the competition with ease."

Liu Yangshuo maintained his air of supreme confidence.

"Listen, I have to take care of something for an old friend I met recently. It'll take about three days, so you'll need to look after yourself."

"Alright, go on. Just make sure you're back in time for the competition."

Liu Yangshuo dismissed the concern with a wave of his hand.

Still, the Primordial Thunder Dragon felt uneasy and, with a slight tremor, a strand of its mane drifted from its back and nestled into Liu Yangshuo's hair.

Once done, the dragon soared out the window.

Despite appearing indifferent to the dragon's departure, Liu Yangshuo couldn't help but become more vigilant. He was all too aware of his current vulnerability. Without the Primordial Thunder Dragon, the dangers at Hagan Bay would become far more acute.

Sure enough, on the second night after the dragon's departure, three figures clad in night garb and masked faces appeared atop the Fragrance Tower.

"The Fragrance Tower hasn't filed for withdrawal. Mu Yunlong, what's your excuse?" one of the shadowy figures demanded icily.

"Hmph, I don't need your guidance. It's the fault of the Ouyang family's weak poison for not finishing off Hsu Chengqiu. Otherwise, we wouldn't be dealing with all these complications."

The man known as Mu Yunlong let out a disdainful snort.

"Enough bickering. Fragrance Tower didn't pull out of the competition because they've secured a new contestant. That's the very reason I summoned you two good-for-nothings in the dead of night."

The third figure cloaked in black was clearly a woman by the sound of her voice. She peered down from the eaves, her gaze fixed on the room below where Liu Yangshuo was staying.

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