The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C4 Successfully Hired!
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The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C4 Successfully Hired!
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C4 Successfully Hired!

"What's that you're saying, kid? We haven't had a new recruit in ages. Come on, come on, don't dawdle. Follow me for your interview, pronto."

The muscular man gave Liu Yangshuo a sidelong glance, signaling a servant to take Liu's horse away, and with a mix of skepticism and curiosity, Liu found himself being ushered into the inner residence.

"Boss! We've got a newcomer!"

The brawny man announced with excitement to a middle-aged man in the hall, who had a distinctive look with three straight scars running down his face and a black eyepatch covering his right eye.

"Great! We've finally found someone! But... I can't quite gauge this young man's cultivation level. There's just a faint ripple of spiritual force around him, hardly reaching the First Layer of the Dispersed Spirit Stage. Gangzi, are you sure you haven't made a mistake?"

The middle-aged man, known as Captain Wang, gave Liu Yangshuo a thorough once-over, then turned his gaze to the brawny man, Gangzi.

Gangzi felt a twinge of embarrassment; his excitement had made him overlook Liu Yangshuo's cultivation level. After all, their search team was no place for the weak.

"Cough, cough. Does cultivation truly mean everything? What really matters is the skill one possesses. Right, Captain?"

Liu Yangshuo, with his own unique take on bluffing, was unfazed. If he didn't pass, so be it. He wouldn't be the one feeling awkward.

Captain Wang hesitated, reflecting on his years of hard-fought battles in the mines, realizing he had overlooked a fundamental principle of the cultivation world: the level of one's cultivation wasn't the sole determinant of victory. There were plenty of instances where the underdog had triumphed.

"Today has been enlightening. Little brother... no, esteemed senior, how should I address you?"

Captain Wang bowed deeply to Liu Yangshuo, his tone filled with respect.

"Please, I'm not worthy of such honor. My name is Liu Yangshuo, nothing more than a simple rustic. What challenges must I overcome to join Captain Wang's search team?"

Liu Yangshuo offered a modest smile, deftly steering the conversation away from himself.

"I'm a bit older than you, so just call me Big Brother Wang. 'Captain' is too formal. You know, joining the search team only requires one test, but I'm sure it'll be a breeze for you."

Captain Wang stepped forward, clapped Liu Yangshuo on the shoulder, and led him to the beast-fighting arena behind the hall.

Upon entering the arena, Liu Yangshuo's legs buckled, nearly sending him to the ground. Before him stood a towering black gorilla, about eight feet tall, furiously pounding its robust chest, looking extremely agitated.

"Um... Captain Wang, what's this about?"

Liu Yangshuo asked, his voice quivering.

"Ha, this Kaimers Gorilla was quite the challenge to capture from the mines. It may only be at the Spirit Transformation stage, but don't be fooled—this demonic beast is ferocious. In a real fight, it can send even those at the Spirit Separation stage running scared. Survive under its assault for the time it takes an incense stick to burn, and you're in the search team."

With that, Captain Wang produced an incense stick from his pocket.

Liu Yangshuo breathed a sigh of relief. Dealing with demonic beasts was his forte, especially since he could communicate with them.

Before Captain Wang could even light the incense, Liu Yangshuo boldly approached the still-raging Kaimers Gorilla.

"Brother Liu, watch out! That beast is vicious!"

Captain Wang and Gangzi called out anxiously from behind.

But Liu Yangshuo was unfazed. He stood at the feet of the Kaimers Gorilla and locked eyes with it.

The gorilla raised its watermelon-sized iron fist, ready to bring it crashing down on Liu Yangshuo, but then it halted abruptly.

Moments later, the gorilla surprisingly settled down, squatting in front of Liu Yangshuo like an obedient child.

"What... What just happened?"

Gangzi and Captain Wang exchanged bewildered looks, clueless about Liu Yangshuo's actions.

As time ticked away, and the incense stick burned down, Liu Yangshuo slowly turned back.

"Captain Wang, does this mean I've passed the test?"

Liu Yangshuo let out a light chuckle.

"Absolutely! Please accompany Gangzi to get settled in your new quarters. As of today, you're part of the search team."

Though Captain Wang was taken aback, he quickly regained his composure and responded.

Liu Yangshuo gave a nod and followed the jaw-dropping Gangzi outside, while the Kameis gorilla behind him waved forlornly at Liu Yangshuo's retreating figure.

This is crazy.

The same thought struck Gangzi and Captain Wang simultaneously.

In reality, Liu Yangshuo had simply used the Beast King System to utter a straightforward question to the Ape King System: "Do you want to go home?"

With that, Liu Yangshuo effortlessly joined the Yilan Mine search team.

Elsewhere, within the opulent halls of the Spirit Beast Sect, a suave man reclined on his throne, attentively absorbing the report from an elder and a youth. Coiled around his left wrist was a silver dragon, as thick as a thumb.

The pair reporting were none other than Tong and the white-haired elder from Flatreach.

And the man? He was the current patriarch of the Spirit Beast Sect, Shao Hongbo.

"Oh? So, according to Elder Huyan, this young man's cultivation has reached the Mortal Transcendence Stage at the very least?"

Shao Hongbo toyed with the silver dragon, his interest piqued as he inquired.

"Reporting to the Sect Master, I cannot be certain, but the young man undoubtedly possesses an extraordinary gift; otherwise, he could not have withstood the Blue Water Kylin's aura."

Elder Huyan answered with due reverence.

"Good work. In six months, when he arrives at the Spirit Beast Sect, I'll see for myself. You must be weary, Elder Huyan. You may retire and rest."

With a gentle wave of his hand, Shao Hongbo dismissed Elder Huyan, who promptly departed.

"What's the matter? My dear little princess, are you still upset with your father?"

Once Elder Huyan had left, Shao Hongbo immediately shed his lofty demeanor and approached Tong with a beaming smile.

Indeed, Tong was none other than Shao Hongbo's own daughter, the cherished little princess of the Spirit Beast Sect, Shao Xintong.

"No! How could I, your disciple, dare to hold a grudge against the Sect Master? Humph!"

Shao Xintong rose to her feet, huffing as she turned her head away dismissively.

"Sweetheart, Daddy only wants you to study with Elder Huyan for your own good. Think about the future—when you're married and I'm long gone, who will look after you?"

In that moment, Shao Hongbo was the epitome of a doting father.

"Daddy! What nonsense are you spouting now?!"

The mention of death had Shao Xintong spinning around, her eyes welling up visibly.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. Actually, I've been in touch with the Blood Sect's leader recently. We even reminisced about your childhood betrothal to their Young Sect Master."

Shao Hongbo hurriedly stepped forward to embrace his daughter.

"Pah! Marry that invalid? I'd rather take my chances with the pauper I met yesterday!"

The very thought of the Blood Sect's Young Sect Master brought a look of revulsion to Shao Xintong's face.

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