The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C5 Side Mission Activated
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The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C5 Side Mission Activated
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C5 Side Mission Activated

"Dad, if you say one more word, I'm going to lose my temper!"


Thousands of miles away in Lostbrook, Liu Yangshuo had just finished tidying up his dorm. He let out a loud, hefty sneeze.

"Wow, that's a lot of dust."

"I'm really sorry about that. This room hasn't been cleaned in a while, so it's pretty dusty."

Lee Gang's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. It was his responsibility to have arranged the cleaning, but he hadn't anticipated someone moving in so suddenly.

"Don't worry about it, Brother Lee Gang. It's just a bit of cleaning. By the way, when are we heading to the Yilan Mine?"

During the cleaning, Liu Yangshuo had learned that Lee Gang's full name was indeed Lee Gang.

"Uh... We're scheduled to go back into the mountains in three days. I hate to curb your enthusiasm, but the Yilan Mine is no playground. The Kaims gorilla you saw today? It's only mid-tier at best."

Lee Gang's expression grew grave, as if recalling something deeply unsettling.

"No worries, I was just asking. Any plans for the next few days?"

Liu Yangshuo dismissed the concern with a wave of his hand. He wasn't even intimidated by a divine beast like Blue, so the Yilan Mine was unlikely to pose any real trouble.

"No specific plans. Just take it easy and rest up. I'll bring your team gear over later, and the captain will let us know when it's time to depart."

With that, Lee Gang left, hauling a stack of bedding and linens out the door.

Once alone, Liu Yangshuo sat down cross-legged on his bed, fighting the temptation to consume the Mind Opening Pill immediately. Instead, he settled into a meditative state, continuing to strengthen his meridians.

The three days flew by. Lee Gang only stopped by once to deliver a sleek, black uniform and a verdant green ring to Liu Yangshuo. Lee Gang explained that it was a spatial ring, accessible with just a sliver of spiritual force and boasting fifty cubic meters of space.

"Brother Liu, it's time to head out. Are you all set?"

Lee Gang called from outside the door.

Liu Yangshuo's eyes snapped open, a sharp glint reflecting his readiness. His recent cultivation efforts had nearly propelled him into the First Layer of the Dispersed Spirit Stage.

He gently pushed the door open, and there stood Lee Gang, already waiting outside.

"Let's head out."

Shortly after, they arrived at the former beast-fighting arena. The macaw was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a small squad of around twenty people standing in formation at the center of the arena.

Lee Gang led Liu Yangshuo to the rear of the squad. The others, upon seeing the newcomer, offered only fleeting, indifferent glances before resuming their forward gaze.

"Alright, now that we're all here, let's set off. Our objective remains unchanged, and I hope we all return in one piece."

Captain Wang's words were succinct, yet they vividly conveyed the peril of their mission.

The group remained silent, following Captain Wang as they made their way toward the Yilan Mine.

Time flew, and by noon, the search team had covered twenty miles since their morning departure.

Had Liu Yangshuo not conditioned his body using the Myriad Beasts Mantra in recent days, he might have struggled to keep pace with the team.

"Alright, let's take a short break here. We're about to head into the mountains. Make sure your visors are clear."

With that, Captain Wang took the lead, sitting down to rest against a large tree and munching on his rations.

The rest of the team followed suit, taking the opportunity to rest. Meanwhile, Lee Gang began to describe the Yilan Mine's terrain to Liu Yangshuo.

The Yilan Mine was situated in an odd location, with two towering cliffs like giant hands grasping the mountain range in their midst. Their destination was the midpoint of the Yilan Mine range.

Lee Gang explained that during their last expedition to the midpoint, they noticed a significant decrease in the presence of demonic beasts. With their supplies depleted, they had no choice but to retreat to Lostbrook, planning to resume their exploration on a subsequent journey.

"Brother Lee Gang, what lies at the very heart of this mountain range? Does anyone know?"

Liu Yangshuo inquired, his curiosity piqued as the milky-white flame within his eyes seemed to beckon towards the mountain's end.

"Some say it's a bountiful spirit stone mine that's never been touched, while others claim a demonic beast with celestial powers resides within. Yet, no one has truly ventured inside after all these years, so it's possible that either could be true—or neither."

Lee Gang bit into his pancake, speaking between chews.

[Ding! You have arrived in the vicinity of your destination. Initiating the side mission: Redemption of the Primordial Thunder Dragon.]

The system's voice abruptly echoed in Liu Yangshuo's mind.

Primordial Thunder Dragon? A side mission now? Could it be that at the end of this mountain range lies...

With that thought, Liu Yangshuo hastily cut off his own speculation, fearing that if he dwelled on it any longer, he wouldn't have the courage to proceed.

He lightly traced his finger over the space ring on his index finger and pulled out some dry rations to nibble on.

Half an hour later...

"Is everyone ready? We've cleared the path to the midsection. This time, we aim to reach it as quickly as possible. Speed is of the essence, but stay alert for any demonic beasts that may lurk along the way."

Captain Wang finished his briefing and drew a broad-bladed sword and a tower shield from his space ring, positioning himself at the forefront of the group.

The rest of the team drew their weapons as well. Strapped for cash, Liu Yangshuo hadn't purchased any weapons and instead gripped a standard longsword borrowed from the search team's armory.

"Move out!"

At Captain Wang's command, the search team surged forward at full speed, resembling a pack of wolves on the hunt, their black uniforms blending seamlessly into the forest.

"Two hundred meters to the left—a Corpse Poison Snake!"

Captain Wang led the charge, his gaze vigilantly scanning for any impending threats.

No sooner had he spoken than a gleaming dagger whizzed from the ranks, striking the snake precisely, pinning it firmly to a tree.

"Four hundred meters ahead on the right—a Venomous Fire Lizard."

A blue ice arrow flew from the group, finding its mark in the lizard's brow before it could unleash its venom.

This level of coordination couldn't possibly be honed without over a decade of practice.

Liu Yangshuo marveled inwardly as he sprinted forward. The moment Captain Wang issued the command, the team members responsible for long-range attacks were already raising their hands in unison, as though Captain Wang's vision guided their every move.

And so, after pressing forward relentlessly for a full day and night, the search team at last arrived at their intended destination.

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