The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C7 Captured
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The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C7 Captured
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C7 Captured

Particularly Liu Yangshuo, whose cultivation level was already modest, was rendered completely immobile after being hit by the Earth Scorpion's special skill. He couldn't even wiggle a finger as his eyes rapidly filled with blood, signaling that his veins were on the verge of bursting.

"Damn it! Hang in there, Brother Liu!"

Captain Wang, the most skilled in cultivation among them, was exerting all his strength to lift himself up, yet he remained helplessly frozen in place.

In that moment of paralysis, the Earth Scorpion made its move. It reached Liu Yangshuo in an instant, scooped him off the ground, and swiftly turned tail, darting into the depths of the Yilan Mine.

Captain Wang, along with Lee Gang and the rest of the team, could only watch as the Earth Scorpion abducted Liu Yangshuo. They were utterly powerless. It wasn't until the creature vanished from their view that the oppressive gravity field lifted.

"Quick! Go after it!"

Without pausing to assess his wounds, Captain Wang bellowed the command and staggered to his feet, only to be overcome by a wave of dizziness that sent him reeling backward.

Lee Gang, with quick reflexes, steadied Captain Wang. They had all endured the gravity field's effects, causing their blood to pool around their hearts. Rising too swiftly could send it surging to their heads.

"Captain, let it go. We didn't even scratch that beast. Chasing it now is a death sentence. And if there are more vicious demonic beasts ahead, it'll only put the rest of our team in greater peril," Lee Gang advised, glancing back at the gasping search team members.

With a heavy frown, Captain Wang looked in the direction of Liu Yangshuo and the Earth Scorpion, then suddenly coughed up blood.


Indeed, it wasn't worth risking the lives of many for one.

Reluctantly issuing the retreat, the search team withdrew from the Yilan Mine.

After some time, the stinging wind on his face roused Liu Yangshuo from unconsciousness. He found himself firmly gripped in the Earth Scorpion's pincers, speeding through the mountainous valley.

"Where are you taking me?" he demanded.

Liu Yangshuo's heart skipped a beat as he quickly attempted to communicate with the Earth Scorpion.

"You... can understand... save... Master..."

The Earth Scorpion was strong, but its intellect left much to be desired. Despite Liu Yangshuo's efforts to connect, he managed to grasp only bits and pieces of information.

"Master? Are you asking me to save your master?"

Liu Yangshuo was taken aback. Had the Earth Scorpion actually pledged allegiance to a master?


The Earth Scorpion responded succinctly after a pause.

Before Liu Yangshuo could probe further, the Earth Scorpion sped up, whisking him into a massive cave entrance high up on a cliff face.

Roughly ten minutes later, Liu Yangshuo discerned a faint light piercing the surrounding darkness.

The light grew increasingly intense, and after a burst of white brilliance, Liu Yangshuo found himself in a spacious cavern. At its center stood a figure radiating a silvery white glow.

"Ding! You have reached the location for the side quest 'Primordial Thunder Dragon's Redemption'. Divine Beast Catalog unlocked - Primordial Thunder Dragon. Reward: 50,000 King Blood Points."

The system's announcement echoed in Liu Yangshuo's mind, followed by the reappearance of the Divine Beast Catalog.

This time, an icon near the bottom of the catalog was illuminated.

"Is that... an actual dragon?!"

Liu Yangshuo was astounded. Before him was a true dragon, albeit one with seven identical spears embedded in its back.

Sensing the Earth Scorpion's presence, the Primordial Thunder Dragon slowly opened its eyes and lifted its head.

"Why have you brought a human with no cultivation here?"

The Primordial Thunder Dragon spoke directly to the Earth Scorpion.

"Mom, the demonic beast is talking!"

The thought consumed Liu Yangshuo's mind. He was used to communicating with demonic beasts telepathically, but this dragon was verbally articulating words.

The Earth Scorpion lowered its body and exchanged a few words with the Primordial Thunder Dragon in the language of the demonic beasts.

"I see. Human, since you have witnessed my true form, you must now give me a reason not to kill you."

The Primordial Thunder Dragon regarded Liu Yangshuo with a detached air, suggesting that to him, ending Liu's life was no more challenging than squashing an ant.

"Cough, cough. It's quite apparent that you've sustained serious injuries, Brother Dragon. The Earth Scorpion mentioned its hope that I might assist you on our way here. Are these seven spears embedded in you the issue?"

Brushing dust from his clothing, Liu Yangshuo observed the Earth Scorpion's deferential manner toward the Primordial Thunder Dragon, deducing that its master must undoubtedly be the Silver Dragon.

"Indeed, these seven silver spears have been tormenting me, making life worse than death. So, you believe you can extract them?" The Primordial Thunder Dragon's brow furrowed, his eyes seething with resentment toward the seven silver spears.

"I'm willing to give it a shot." Liu Yangshuo assessed the spears; they appeared unremarkable and probably not too difficult to handle.

"Remove these cursed spears, and I shall spare your life. Fail, and death is your only escape," the Primordial Thunder Dragon declared, pondering for a moment before reluctantly deciding to offer Liu Yangshuo the opportunity.

"That won't do. I need more than just my life; I'm at too much of a disadvantage here," Liu Yangshuo asserted, ready to take a risk since death seemed inevitable either way.

"Human, are you daring to negotiate terms with me?" The Primordial Thunder Dragon's pride appeared wounded by the audacity of a mere human. Enraged, he rose, his body crackling with electricity, his silver aura intensifying. But then, the seven spears absorbed all the lightning, and he collapsed once more.

"Take a good look at the predicament you're in. You're the one seeking my aid, and you're well aware of your dire state. If I perish, there'll be no one left to save you. To have a Primordial Thunder Dragon as company on the journey to the afterlife would make me, Liu Yangshuo, a first in history, wouldn't it? Hahahahaha!" Liu Yangshuo's laughter rang out as he casually slung his arms behind his head, adopting a nonchalant pose.

The Primordial Thunder Dragon, seething with the urge to lash out, could not deny the truth in Liu's words. After a moment, he exhaled deeply.

"Enough already. What's your angle? Looking for power? Maybe riches?"

"There are two things I want, and for you, they should be no trouble at all."

Liu Yangshuo said, his smile sly and knowing.

"Really? And what might those be?"

"First off, I'll take those seven long spears."

A magical treasure capable of stumping the Primordial Thunder Dragon was certainly no mere trinket.

"That's simple enough. I've grown to detest those things. So what's your second request?"

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