The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C9 The Seal Was Unsealed
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The Otherworldly Vet's Adventures/C9 The Seal Was Unsealed
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C9 The Seal Was Unsealed

Inside the cave at that moment, it was as if one had stepped into a sauna brimming with spiritual energy, all of it emanating from the Primordial Thunder Dragon's release of incredibly pure spiritual force.

Liu Yangshuo, having ingested the Mind Opening Pill, experienced a sudden surge in his absorption rate of spiritual force. A single deep breath now drew in enough energy to cause his meridians to swell and throb with pain.

But there was no time to pause. Missing this opportunity was like missing a rare village on a long journey—there was no telling where the next chance would lie. With determination, he endured as the spiritual force hammered away at his meridians relentlessly.

The dragon blood from the Primordial Thunder Dragon had significantly bolstered his vitality, indirectly transforming Liu Yangshuo's body. His cultivation speed was now skyrocketing at a geometric rate.

"Pfft!" A sound escaped Liu Yangshuo as if he had broken through an internal barrier.

Dispersed Spirit Stage First Layer

Dispersed Spirit Stage Second Layer

Dispersed Spirit Stage Third Layer

Every couple of hours, Liu Yangshuo ascended a minor realm. To outsiders, this pace of advancement was monstrous.

"Hmm, your cultivation technique is quite fascinating," the Primordial Thunder Dragon observed, noting its similarity to the growth patterns of his own beast race. "Let me lend you a further helping hand." With that, he flicked another drop of dragon blood onto Liu Yangshuo.

Boom! A colossal wave of life energy flooded Liu Yangshuo's body, and the already fearsome rate at which he absorbed spiritual force doubled yet again.

The Earth Scorpion lurking outside the cave shivered with dread at the powerful fluctuations of spiritual force emanating from within. Too terrified to enter, it scuttled a few steps further away.

Time passed, and eventually, tranquility returned to the cave. The Primordial Thunder Dragon had fully healed, and Liu Yangshuo opened his eyes, exhaling a breath of stale air.

"He's reached the Ninth Layer of the Dispersed Spirit Stage," he mused. "It's a pity, just one step shy of the Spirit Communication Stage."

Such a statement would incense any cultivator who overheard it. Many had perished at the very threshold of their journey, forever confined to the early stages of the Dispersed Spirit Stage. Yet Liu Yangshuo, in the span of a single day, had soared to the pinnacle of the Dispersed Spirit Stage.

"Your cultivation speed is already impressive. However, blindly chasing after speed will only undermine your foundation, leaving you unstable, like a sapling without roots."

The Primordial Thunder Dragon cast a sidelong glance at Liu Yangshuo, speaking with a note of detachment.

"Ding! Side Mission 'Primordial Thunder Dragon's Redemption' complete. Reward: 5,000 King Blood Points and a skill book - Mimicry Intimidation."

Before Liu Yangshuo could respond, the system chimed in once more. Though unclear on how to utilize Mimicry Intimidation, the allure of 5,000 King Blood Points was undeniable. Coupled with the 50,000 points from unlocking the Primordial Thunder Dragon's Illustration, prosperity was clearly on the horizon.

"Thank you. As per our agreement, I'll take these spears off your hands."

With that, Liu Yangshuo rose and made his way to the seven spears lying discarded.

Curiously, once in Liu Yangshuo's grasp, the spears ceased their previous bloodsucking behavior, becoming as ordinary as any other spear, albeit significantly lighter.

"With your current level of cultivation, you can't even tap into one-thousandth of their potential," the Primordial Thunder Dragon remarked with a scoff.

"What should I do then?" inquired Liu Yangshuo.

"Why should I assist you further? The dragon blood I've already given you is a treasure beyond measure," the Primordial Thunder Dragon retorted, giving Liu Yangshuo a scornful look.

"Come on, aren't you obligated to act as my bodyguard for three years? If you train me, it'll save you the hassle later on. Otherwise, you'll be constantly called upon to intervene, which would be quite bothersome, wouldn't it?" Liu Yangshuo said, sporting an ingratiating grin as he inched closer to the Primordial Thunder Dragon.

"You do have a point. Fine, I won't divulge the origins of these spears for now. With your current level of cultivation, that knowledge would do you more harm than good. But I can instruct you on how to use them," the Primordial Thunder Dragon conceded after a moment's thought, seemingly swayed by Liu Yangshuo's argument.

As it explained, the seven spears were designed to operate as one, capable of unifying or executing dispersed attacks. The spears' original owner possessed a secret manual specifically crafted for them, of which the Primordial Thunder Dragon could recall only a fraction.

Should this long spear be revealed to the outside world, it would surely create a massive stir. Thus, the Primordial Thunder Dragon agreed to help Liu Yangshuo disguise it.

The dragon opened its maw wide, unleashing a breath laced with the boundless force of lightning upon the spear. In moments, the silver sheen of the weapon turned a fiery red under the dragon's breath.

Then, the Primordial Thunder Dragon seemed to notice something peculiar about the spear.

"Hahahahaha, Gongshan, you wretched old thief, to think you expended your vital blood essence to transform this mundane treasure into a life-bound magic weapon, all to capture me alive. Well, I shall help myself to a bit of your 'interest' first."

With those words, the dragon's eyes sparked with electric light, and its breath intensified. Soon, a droplet of bright red blood materialized on the spear, swiftly evaporating within the dragon's fiery exhalation.

Elsewhere on the continent, a gaunt old man, skeletal in appearance, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Who has erased my life's imprint? Once I find you, you will be flayed and filleted!"

The old man glared into the distance, muttering his curse.

As the dragon breath continued its relentless smelting, the seven long spears were soon transformed into seven silver needles.

"Quick, bite your tongue and sprinkle your blood essence over them!"

The Primordial Thunder Dragon commanded. Without hesitation, Liu Yangshuo bit his tongue and sprayed his blood onto the needles, which absorbed it rapidly.

"By the authority of the Primordial Thunder Dragon, I invoke the Dragon Clan's lifeblood seal! Seal one, seal two, seal three... through seal seven!"

With each of the seven seals applied to the needles, their radiant glow was masked. Only then did they gently descend into Liu Yangshuo's waiting hands.

Having completed the task, the Primordial Thunder Dragon appeared greatly weakened, its chest heaving with exertion.

"It is done. I've used the Dragon Clan's seal to temporarily bind this magic treasure. As your power grows, each layer of the seal will naturally release, starting with the First Layer, until your cultivation surpasses my own. At that point, all the seals will break, unleashing the true power of the weapon."

Liu Yangshuo gazed at the silver needle in his hand, his excitement indescribable. Such a divine artifact would cost millions of King's Blood points to exchange in the system. He had certainly saved a fortune.

"After I cast the seal, I must rest for a total of forty-nine days," the voice intoned. "During this time, remain here to hone your spear skills. Should you wander too far, I won't be able to offer you protection."

A brilliant light burst forth from the eyes of the Primordial Thunder Dragon, piercing straight into Liu Yangshuo's gaze. In that fleeting moment, an array of spear techniques flooded into his consciousness.

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