The Out-and-out Billionaire/C3 Thief!
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The Out-and-out Billionaire/C3 Thief!
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C3 Thief!


Zhou Qiang was so angry that he was at a loss for words. However, he had already agreed with his friend to change the restaurant, so it would be even more embarrassing if he changed the restaurant at the last minute. Therefore, he had no choice but to go to a room that was one level lower.

"Sir, my name is Lee Cheng. This is my business card. If you need to book a table in the future or have anything else, just call me."

As soon as he sent Zhao Yang into the room, Lee Cheng took out a business card and bent down to give it to Zhao Yang.

If a person like Zhao Yang became a regular customer of their restaurant, it would be a great benefit for the restaurant. Lee Cheng naturally had to take advantage of this opportunity to hug Zhao Yang's thigh.


Zhao Yang agreed. After all, his attitude was already there. If he didn't pay attention to it, it would make him seem a little petty.

After a good meal, Zhao Yang packed some food and brought it back. Lee Anqi had taken care of him for so long, so these dishes could be considered her thanks.

However, if Lee Anqi knew that these dishes were bought by Zhao Yang from the Gold Silver Restaurant, her jaw would probably drop.

As soon as he returned home, Zhao Yang saw Lee Anqi sitting on the sofa. "Are you back?" Zhao Yang quickly took off his shoes and entered the house. He placed the food on the dining table.

Lee Anqi raised her head and looked at Zhao Yang with a frown. "Did you go to the restaurant to eat? Your family is not worthy of you anymore? Don't ask me for money when you have no money!"

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She had only given Zhao Yang a few days of living expenses. Zhao Yang had either taken a taxi or went to the restaurant. How could he last until the end of the month? He was really useless!

Seeing that Lee Anqi was about to go back to her room, Zhao Yang stopped her and said, "I brought this back from the Gold Silver Restaurant. Don't you want to try it?"

"Where did you get the money to go to the Gold Silver Restaurant to eat?"

"Ah, the manager gave it to me. It tastes pretty good. You should try it too."

How could Lee Anqi believe Zhao Yang's words? Why would he give her such a good meal? It must have been picked up by Zhao Yang!

"I know you are a useless person, but I didn't expect you to be so useless! You even picked up the leftovers to eat! How can you eat a normal meal? Are you thinking of a big meal now?"

After Lee Anqi finished speaking, she slammed the door and went back to her room.

Zhao Yang let out a long sigh. He had lived with Lee Anqi for so many years, but he never thought that Lee Anqi would look at him like this.

After a night, Zhao Yang opened his eyes and saw that it was already past nine o'clock. He was so scared that he quickly went to school.

Zhao Yang ran to the classroom door while panting. He saw Lee Anqi holding a lesson plan and was shocked.

It would be fine if it was someone else's class, but it was Lee Anqi's class. It was over...

Lee Anqi turned around and saw that it was Zhao Yang. Her anger instantly soared. Her voice was so loud that it was scary, "Look at what time it is now! It's fine if your grades are bad, but you don't even want to attend the class?"

"If you call out to me, I won't be late." Zhao Yang whispered as he stood at the door.

"You still want to talk back? Get out of the classroom!"

Zhao Yang didn't dare to provoke Lee Anqi anymore. He could only stand at the door alone. He finally managed to get his lunch break. Zhao Yang immediately left the classroom, afraid that Lee Anqi would catch him and scold him again.

Zhao Yang had long heard that there was a small restaurant near the school that was very good. It just so happened that he was going to try it today.

After eating, Zhao Yang went straight back to the classroom. Just as he entered the classroom, he was stopped by Hsu Linlin with her hands on her hips. "Give me the money!"

"What money?"

Hsu Linlin was Zhao Yang's tablemate. She was known for being unreasonable and finding trouble with Zhao Yang whenever she had nothing to do. Whenever she had something to do with Zhao Yang, she would be very fussy. Although she was good-looking, she always had the attitude of a shrew.

"Zhao Yang, do you not know what you did?"

"What did I do?"

"Humph, Zhao Yang, you are really shameless." Hsu Linlin snorted coldly. "Hurry up and give me the money!"

"Who took the money?"

"You still don't admit it! I have the money in my bag. You are my tablemate, and you are the one who left the classroom last. Who else could it be but you?"

"Zhao Yang, if you return the money now, I won't tell the teacher. Otherwise, I want to see how you will explain it to the teacher!"

Hsu Linlin stood arrogantly in front of Zhao Yang, determined that Zhao Yang was the thief who stole the money.

"Hsu Linlin, stop slandering me."

"Hmph, I'm slandering you? Zhao Yang, everyone in the school knows what kind of person you are. If it wasn't you, then who else could it be?" Hsu Linlin crossed her arms in front of her chest and said sarcastically.

Only then did the other students in the class understand that they had lost their school fees and started to whisper among themselves.

"Yeah, other than Zhao Yang, no one else would steal this money, right?"

"Yeah, only Zhao Yang's life is the most difficult right?"

"He wouldn't have no money to eat, so he would be thinking about the school fees, right?"

Zhao Yang heard everything clearly. He was poor, and the money was stolen by him? Why? Was it not reasonable?

"Just because I'm poor, you all say that I stole the money? Just because I'm poor, you all can frame me? Just because I'm poor, you all can humiliate me? I, Zhao Yang, am poor, but I have backbone! Even if I starve to death or freeze to death, I will not do such a thing!"

Zhao Yang shouted, and everyone was stunned. In everyone's heart, Zhao Yang was a quiet and honest person. This was the first time they had seen Zhao Yang so agitated.

The room instantly became much quieter. Many people looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Yeah, Zhao Yang is poor, but he doesn't usually do anything bad, so he wouldn't steal money."

"Hsu Linlin, take a look and see if you have forgotten where you left the money."

Hearing that everyone was helping Zhao Yang, Hsu Linlin was stunned. "I can't possibly forget. Anyway, I lost the money!"

"What's wrong?"

At this moment, Hsu Linlin's boyfriend, Zhang Yong, walked in.

"Zhang Yong, the class fee was lost. It was Zhao Yang who took it!"

Hsu Linlin seemed to have seen a helper. Her voice became even sharper.

Zhang Yong was stunned when he heard that. "Zhao Yang?" Then, as if he remembered something, he glanced at Zhao Yang and sneered, "I thought I was wrong. Zhao Yang is really you!"

The other students could not understand what he was saying. They immediately asked Zhang Yong what he saw.

"I saw that the famous poor guy from our school, Zhao Yang, went to the new restaurant in the school for lunch. The price is not cheap."

At noon, Zhang Yong passed by the restaurant and saw Zhao Yang swaggering in. Zhang Yong was still wondering how Zhao Yang could have the money to go to such a place for lunch. Maybe he had seen wrong, but now, everything could be explained.

"Humph, I knew it! Let's see how you are going to defend yourself now! You still insist that the money was not taken by you? Where did you get the money to go to the restaurant for lunch?"

When the other students in the class heard this, they also understood that the money must have been taken by Zhao Yang, but he refused to admit it.

"Really, even if you are poor, you can't do this kind of thing!"

"Zhao Yang, quickly take out the money. If you really don't have any money, you can tell our classmates. You can't do this kind of thing!"

"That's right, Zhao Yang, take out the money while it's not too big yet!"

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