The Out-and-out Billionaire/C4 You Can't Even Help Yourself with Mud!
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The Out-and-out Billionaire/C4 You Can't Even Help Yourself with Mud!
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C4 You Can't Even Help Yourself with Mud!

"I went to the restaurant for lunch, but I spent my own money. It has nothing to do with the class fee!"

"Where did you get the money to eat there? It must be from the class fee! You stole it!"

"How did I get the money? What does it have to do with you? Hsu Linlin, you are too lenient!" Zhao Yang sat back down in his seat.

Lee Anqi was the first one to start the afternoon class.

"Teacher, I have something to say." Hsu Linlin stood up as soon as Lee Anqi entered the room.

"What is it?"

"Teacher lost the class fee. It was Zhao Yang who took it!"


"It was Zhao Yang who stole it, and he still doesn't admit it." Hsu Linlin quickly recounted what Zhang Yong saw. "He's poor, so who doesn't know? How could he be willing to spend money on that kind of place?"

Lee Anqi knew that this restaurant was definitely one of the high-end restaurants around the school. How could Zhao Yang have the money to go to that kind of place? Could it be that Zhao Yang had spent all his remaining living expenses?

"I spent my own money. I didn't steal the class fee."

"Is there any evidence that it was Zhao Yang who took it?"

Zhao Yang didn't have much money, but Lee Anqi had been with him for so long. She knew Zhao Yang's character. No matter what, he wouldn't do such a thing.

"If you don't admit it, then do you dare to let me search you?" Hsu Linlin's face was full of sarcasm.

"Why are you searching me?"

Seeing that Zhao Yang was unwilling, Hsu Linlin sneered, "What? Are you feeling guilty?"

"Zhao Yang, if you don't take it, then there's no need to be afraid. Just let Hsu Linlin search it. It can also prove your innocence."

After getting Lee Anqi's permission, Hsu Linlin started to search Zhao Yang's pockets.

However, after searching for a long time, Hsu Linlin couldn't find a single cent on Zhao Yang's body.

Lee Anqi felt relieved when she saw that Zhao Yang didn't have any money on him.

"That's right! How could he possibly have it on him? He must have hidden it!" After saying that, Hsu Linlin grabbed Zhao Yang's schoolbag and took out everything inside.

With that, a stack of red bills fell out of the schoolbag.

"You still say that you didn't steal it!" Hsu Linlin grabbed the money and raised it above her head, afraid that others would not see it. "Where did this money come from?"

Zhao Yang was also stunned. He just remembered that he had purposely gone to the bank to withdraw some money after eating dinner last night. He didn't have a wallet, so he just stuffed it into his schoolbag. How could he have forgotten?

"This is my money."

"Your money?" Hsu Linlin said with disdain, "Where did you get your money from? Who doesn't know what kind of person you are? Now that you have all the stolen goods, what else do you have to say?"

Lee Anqi, who was at the side, was also stunned. Normally, she was the one who gave Zhao Yang's money. She knew exactly how much money Zhao Yang had. In the past two days, Zhao Yang had taken a taxi to a restaurant, so he must have spent most of his money. It was impossible for him to have so much cash left.

Lee Anqi did not expect Zhao Yang to be so spineless. He really did steal money. She looked at Zhao Yang coldly, "What else do you have to say?"

"Lee Anqi, you don't know who I am!" Lee Anqi was Zhao Yang's wife. They had been together for so long, yet Lee Anqi did not even have this little bit of trust in him?

"Zhao Yang, you actually dared to call Ms Lee by her name! Are you crazy? Who do you think you are? Ms Lee knows you, but she doesn't know you. Do you still want to argue?" Why would Ms Lee know who he was? Hsu Linlin only felt that Zhao Yang was really baffled.

"You really disappoint me!"

"I didn't steal any money!"

Lee Anqi slammed the desk hard, "You...!! You still don't admit it even at this stage? Get out of here, I don't have a student like you!"

Zhao Yang stood alone outside the classroom until the end of the class.

Just as the class ended, Hsu Linlin came to the door of the classroom with a face full of disdain, "Tsk tsk, some people really don't know what's good for them. They already gave him a chance, but he still doesn't admit it. This time, he has made a big deal. Let's see what he will do."

"Hsu Linlin! I didn't steal any money!"

Hsu Linlin rolled her eyes again, "Hmph, who stole the money? Everyone knows."

"Hsu Linlin, you can laugh at me, but you can't insult my character!"

"Oh, you're the only one who has a personality? Hahaha, this is so funny!" After saying that, Hsu Linlin turned around and walked away with her tail between her legs.

Zhao Yang clenched his fists tightly. The veins on the back of his hand bulged, and he was so angry that his body was trembling. If it wasn't for the fact that Hsu Linlin was a woman, he would have slapped her!

"Come with me to the office!" Just as Hsu Linlin left, Lee Anqi called Zhao Yang to the office.

As soon as they entered the office, Lee Anqi threw the teaching materials onto the desk and said, "Zhao Yang, I didn't expect you to do this kind of thing! Do you know what the nature of stealing money is?"

"I don't! Am I that kind of person in your heart? My money is …"

"What? You still want to say that I picked up the money? I picked up the food yesterday, and now I picked up the money today?" Lee Anqi slammed the table and said, "Zhao Yang, do you really think you're an idiot?"

"Lee Anqi, they don't believe me, and you don't believe me either?"

"Why should I believe you? It's already at this time, and you still haven't recognized your mistake. How can I be with someone like you …" The more Lee Anqi thought about it, the angrier she became. How could she marry such a person?

"Do you believe it or not!" Zhao Yang roared angrily and turned around to leave.

"Stop right there!"

"If you don't believe me, I have nothing to say. Lee Anqi, remember, even if I, Zhao Yang, am poor to death, I won't do such a thing!"

After saying that, Zhao Yang walked out of the office. Just as he left, Lee Anqi's angry scolding came from inside the office, "If you want to get lost, then get away from me!"

Go away! Zhao Yang was also angry. After all these years, Lee Anqi still didn't believe him. There was no need to go back to that house. Anyway, he had money now, so it was not a big deal to buy another house. At most, he could move out!

At that time, he wouldn't need to look at Lee Anqi's face to live. Just thinking about it made him feel happy!

Right! He was going to move out today!

After leaving the school, Zhao Yang took a taxi to the best building in the city.

As soon as Zhao Yang entered the door, a few salespeople subconsciously stood up, but after carefully sizing up Zhao Yang, they all sat back down.

These experienced salespeople were all trained to have sharp eyes. Who could afford a house? Who came here to broaden their horizons? They could see through anyone with a single glance.

He was young and was covered in rags. It was obvious that in their eyes, Zhao Yang belonged to the latter.

Seeing that no one was receiving him, Zhao Yang was not angry. Instead, he started to stroll around the sales office. "How much is this house?"

An experienced salesperson glanced at Zhao Yang impatiently and called the intern beside him over. "Zhang, you go and deal with him for a bit. Then, send him away! Don't let him break anything while checking out the house!"

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