The Out-and-out Billionaire/C6 Lowprofile!
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The Out-and-out Billionaire/C6 Lowprofile!
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C6 Lowprofile!

Not long after, Zhao Yang came back with the intern.

"What are you guys standing there for? This house is mine now. You should leave."

"Impossible! This house costs more than seven million yuan. Can you afford it?" Zhou Qiang shouted in disbelief.

"Sir, this is the purchase contract! Please keep it!" The intern handed the purchase contract and some receipts to Zhao Yang.

Zhou Qiang was stunned when he saw the pile of receipts in front of him. "What? He really bought it?" This was more than seven million yuan. Not to mention Zhou Qiang himself, even his father could not afford it.

Zhou Qiang felt his face burning. It was more painful than being slapped twice. He didn't want to stay for even a minute longer. He turned around and left.

The old salesperson was also stunned. She wanted to slap herself twice. How could she be so blind? She had lost so much money just because of a few hundred thousand yuan. It was too painful!

She thought about it carefully. This Zhou Qiang was not a rich second generation. In Linjiang City, he was just a third-rate person. At most, he was on the upper circle.

Furthermore, Zhou Qiang had just said that the manager of the Gold Silver Restaurant did not know how to appreciate favors. Now that she thought about it, that was not the case at all!

That was the Gold Silver Restaurant, one of the best restaurants in the city. How could the manager there not know how to appreciate favors?

Obviously, Zhou Qiang was just a third-rate rich second generation. He had no chance to meet the real big shot!

It seemed that the manager of the Gold Silver Restaurant knew a lot. She was still too inexperienced!

After everyone left, Zhao Yang sat on the sofa. It was so soft. Good things were different. Just as he was enjoying it, his phone suddenly vibrated. It was Lee Anqi's call.

Zhao Yang hesitated for a moment, but he still picked up the phone. "What is it?"

"Zhao Yang, I don't care if you live or die! But in the eyes of my family, we're still husband and wife! Today is my uncle's birthday. The Gold Silver Restaurant, don't embarrass me!"


Before Zhao Yang could reply, Lee Anqi hung up the phone. She still didn't believe herself. Zhao Yang sighed helplessly.

Zhao Yang sighed helplessly and took a taxi to the entrance of the Gold Silver Restaurant. He saw Lee Anqi standing at the entrance of the restaurant, dressed in a long dress, with a temperament that was fully revealed.

Lee Anqi looked at Zhao Yang getting out of the taxi. She was furious. "You came by taxi again? You really are a loser. I'm telling you, Zhao Yang! I won't pay for your school fees!"

"I didn't steal any money. If you don't believe me, then forget it!"

Lee Anqi frowned. "You really can't be cured! You won't be able to have any success in your life!"

"That may not be true."

"You!" Lee Anqi was so angry that she was about to explode. Did Zhao Yang really think of her as a rich person?

A person who used stolen money to make a fortune, what kind of success could he have?

"What's wrong with Anqi? Why is she so angry?"

"It's fine, Auntie."

Lee Anqi glared at Zhao Yang when she saw her aunt come over. She did not continue to speak.

Aunt's face was filled with disdain. "Anqi, it's not worth it to be angry with this kind of person. Look at what kind of person he is! He can't even support himself. Let's go in." After saying that, Aunt rolled her eyes at Zhao Yang and pushed Lee Anqi into the restaurant.

"Mr. Zhao, why didn't you tell me in advance that you were coming? I have really neglected you."

Manager Lee of the Gold Silver Restaurant had just seen Zhao Yang. However, when he saw that Zhao Yang was talking to Lee Anqi, he did not dare to come forward. He only came over after everyone else had left.

"It's fine. It's just a gathering."

"Understood. Mr. Zhao has always been low-key. I understand."

Manager Lee had just heard the conversation between Lee Anqi and her aunt. It was ridiculous that a big shot like Zhao Yang was calling him a loser.

However, Manager Lee did not expect Zhao Yang's attitude. He did not explain himself. He probably thought that the two women were just clowns and did not take them seriously.

This was a real person. His attitude was different from that of ordinary rich people. The more Manager Lee thought about it, the more he felt that it was true.

Zhao Yang did not know what Manager Lee was thinking. After chatting for a while, he entered the restaurant, leaving Manager Lee looking at Zhao Yang with admiration in his eyes.

In the main hall of the Gold Silver Restaurant, Lee Anqi was chatting with a few relatives. Aunt glanced at Zhao Yang and said with disdain, "The more I look at him, the more unlucky he is!"

"Happy birthday, Uncle!"

Zhao Yang ignored Lee Anqi's aunt and walked straight to his uncle's side.

"You came empty-handed to your uncle's birthday, knowing that you are a senior. How embarrassing!" Aunt stood at the side and rolled her eyes. "That's true. Where did you get the money to buy something? This is the first time that we, Anqi, have come to the Gold Silver Restaurant. If it weren't for us, you wouldn't have been able to come here in your entire life!"

"It must have been hard on Anqi. Look at your poor appearance. You really are a loser!"

"Shuqing, that's enough!" His uncle could not bear to watch anymore. "Xiao Yang is still young. He will have a long life ahead of him. No one can predict what will happen in the future!"

Seeing that her husband had started to defend Zhao Yang, Aunt was even more unhappy. "I didn't say anything wrong! Look at his behavior. It's strange that he can be so successful! I just feel sorry for Anqi. She has followed such a person!"

His uncle sighed and patted Zhao Yang's shoulder. "Your aunt is like that. Don't take it to heart."

Zhao Yang smiled and shook his head. It had not been a day or two since Lee Anqi's aunt had disliked him. He was used to it.

More and more people were coming to celebrate the birthday. His uncle started to greet them one by one. Zhao Yang did not recognize any of them, so he just retreated to the side. After a while, he saw a young man walking quickly to his uncle's side.

"Uncle Li, happy birthday. My dad has not returned from his business trip. He specially asked me to come and apologize to you."

His aunt was stunned for a moment, but then she was overjoyed. She rushed in front of her uncle and said, "It's fine, it's fine. Come in and have a seat."

"Isn't this Young Master Chung? He even congratulated Old Lee on his birthday. It seems that Old Lee has some face."

"That's right. The Chung family is currently in the limelight. This Chung Yu is able to take on the role of his father at such a young age. He will definitely be even more outstanding in the future."

A few of Lee Anqi's uncles recognized the identity of this young man and chatted with each other in a low voice.

Zhao Yang saw the advertisement for the Chung family and was indeed quite capable.

Just as Zhao Yang was about to say something, he saw his aunt pull Anqi to the side and said with a smile, "Anqi, this Chung Yu is young and promising. Didn't you want to set up your own education company? It just so happens that you want to communicate with Yu. Maybe he can help you!"

Zhao Yang frowned when he heard this. Wasn't Lee Anqi's aunt trying to find another man for Lee Anqi? She didn't even take him seriously in front of Lee Anqi's husband.

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