The Path Of Mortal Cultivation/C11 Problematic Child
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The Path Of Mortal Cultivation/C11 Problematic Child
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C11 Problematic Child

"I see!" Lan Wenxuan was pleasantly surprised. With a thought, the King of Hundred Herbs that he had put into the ring appeared in his right hand. The faint fragrance still filled the air, making him feel refreshed and refreshed. A hundred times more energetic!

Lan Wenxuan was impatient. He held the King of Hundred Herbs in his hand and used the Zifu True Qi to form a protective shield. He carefully probed into the range of the earth fire spirit vein.

"As expected!" He held the King of Hundred Herbs in his hand and entered the range of the earth fire spirit vein. He could almost ignore the hot aura that came at him. However, he could faintly feel that the King of Hundred Herbs was coveting the earth fire spirit energy coming from the earth fire spirit vein and was emitting a faint golden light. He slowly moved forward, and there was still a scorching aura. However, the aura that was attacking him was within his range of endurance. However, the more he walked forward, the brighter the golden light in the King of Hundred Herbs in his hand became.

When Lan Wenxuan arrived at the lakeside, the golden light of the King of Hundred Herbs had already formed a standard. Even he was covered by the golden light. He could even feel the blood flowing in his veins. He began to doubt in his heart. This King of Hundred Herbs had its own consciousness, and it had already become a spirit. He looked at the Flame Dragon Fruit in front of him, which was within reach of him, and gave up on studying the King of Hundred Herbs that was glowing with a golden light. Even if this King of Hundred Herbs really had its own consciousness, it would already belong to him. It wouldn't be too late to study these Flame Dragon Fruits after picking the King of Hundred Herbs.

Lan Wenxuan alternated the King of Hundred Herbs in his right hand in his left hand. With a thought, he took out the Vajra Sword. He took a deep breath and swung the sword at the Flame Dragon Fruit's torso.

"Kacha!" The Flame Dragon Fruit broke into pieces. In order to prevent the Flame Dragon Fruit from falling into the lake, he gently lifted the tip of his foot and sent the Flame Dragon Fruit flying backwards. However, at the same time, a scorching and invisible aura rushed out like a wild horse. With a muffled groan, his body flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

At the same time, the King of Hundred Herbs in his hand broke away from Lan Wenxuan's grasp and fell into the lake! The Vajra Sword also turned into molten iron in an instant. Only the hilt of the sword, which was wrapped in Zifu Qi, was left behind.

Crack! Crack! Lan Wenxuan's weak figure flew dozens of meters away and broke two trees that were as thick as bowls. Only then did he fall down heavily.

He felt that his internal organs had become fine, and his true qi was running wildly in his narrow meridians.

"Wah!" He spat out a mouthful of blood.

Lan Wenxuan felt his body heat up, and his soul seemed to be burning. His consciousness started to blur, and he didn't expect that he would die in this world without showing any ambition and ambition.

The night was silent. Without even a cicada's cry, Lan Wenxuan completely lost consciousness.

If he was awake now, he would definitely feel that there was no longer the scorching aura of the Hell Flame. Even the Hell Spirit Vein and the boiling water of the Flame Dragon Fruit had calmed down as time passed. The moon was high in the sky, and the faint fragrance in the air was getting stronger and stronger!

The Earth Flame Vein's lake water suddenly gurgled. . . The water splashed. . . Splash. . . A sound was heard. Under the bright moon in the sky, a human head emerged from the water.

"No!" Upon closer inspection, the person who jumped out from the water was actually Lan Wenxuan. That was not right either. It should be said that he was a child that looked exactly the same as Lan Wenxuan. The child flipped over and landed on the shore. He even burped and muttered, "I'm so full. "

He stood by the shore and looked around. There was a little confusion in his eyes as he muttered. "Who am I. . . "

He sniffed and smelled a familiar scent in the air. Following the familiar scent, he walked towards the forest a hundred meters away. After a while, he came to Lan Wenxuan's side.

He looked at Lan Wenxuan carefully. He compared his appearance in his mind and muttered to himself, "Oh! So I am him. That's not right either. Then who is he?" He used his tender little hand to touch Lan Wenxuan's face. He wanted to know. . . What was the difference between him and this person lying in front of him? However, the moment he touched Lan Wenxuan's face. . . It was as if a child had seen a candy in an adult's hand. He licked his lips. With a look of defamation and hesitation, He was like a child who wanted to eat secretly, but was afraid that the adults would find out.

In the end, he still could not control the temptation. He bent down face to face and stopped when he was about seven or eight inches away from Lan Wenxuan's face. He took a deep breath and saw that it was Lan Wenxuan. What?

"En. " Lan Wenxuan regained his consciousness. He felt the hot air slowly rushing out of his body from his seven apertures. He hurriedly controlled the True Qi in his meridians and put it back into his Zifu. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Ah. . . !" A wave of shocked cries!

Lan Wenxuan opened his eyes and saw a face that was exactly the same as his. It was only a few inches away from him. He was so scared that he screamed. He instinctively waved his hand and slapped. "Bang!" The child that looked exactly the same as Lan Wenxuan was thrown out.

He used up all the true qi that Lan Wenxuan had just condensed. He gasped for breath. He supported the tree beside him and stood up. He looked at the child who was thrown away by him into the bushes. He regretted that he had hit him too hard. Would that child be alright? Who was that child? Why was he here? Could it be his twin brother or brother? Impossible. Back when he was born, he was the only child in the snow lotus. Could it be that he is my father's illegitimate child? It seems impossible. His father had been accompanying him for the past few years and had not gotten married.

In the two days he had been in the valley, he had scanned the area with his divine sense countless times. There was no trace of anyone within 500 meters of the valley. Where did this child that looked exactly like him come from? Could it be that his father brought him here when he was unconscious? If his father brought him here, then where did his father go? Why did the hot aura suddenly disappear? Who saved him? Could it be that child just now?

More and more questions arose in Lan Wenxuan's heart. Now, the only person who could solve his doubts was the child that was exactly the same as him. The questions in his heart were immediately cleared away. He steadied his body and prepared to walk towards the child that he had thrown out.

Lan Wenxuan had just taken two steps when he suddenly realized that the child that looked exactly like him had stood up in a bush not too far away. The child looked at him with an aggrieved gaze.

"Why did I hit me?" The child had a wronged look on his face. When Lan Wenxuan saw that the child was fine, he heaved a sigh of relief. He heard the child say, "Why did I hit me?" Lan Wenxuan was confused by this sentence. He looked at the child, who was completely naked. A few strange thoughts popped up in his mind, "Intelligent, savage? Or did I just hit a fool with my palm?" Could it be that his personality had split? Maybe he had gone berserk and everything in front of him was just an illusion? But that was not right. He could clearly feel that other than some pain and soreness from his true qi, there was nothing wrong with his body. He carefully looked at the child who was standing in the bushes with a face full of grievance, and didn't want to see an illusion.

He also felt that the child did not have any ill intentions towards him. He took out the only change of clothes from his ring and waved at the child. He called out, "Hello. " Who are you? Why are you here? Lan Wenxuan thought of a lot of questions and asked bluntly.

The child was a little shy, like a child who had been caught by an adult after stealing. After hesitating for a moment, he still walked over. He didn't dare to walk any further from Lan Wenxuan, who was about three or four meters away. He probably wanted to avoid giving Lan Wenxuan a slap in the face.

Lan Wenxuan found it funny that the child was being so careful. He quickly handed over the long robe that was exactly the same as the one he was wearing. The child stood there without moving, but the clothes in Lan Wenxuan's hand had disappeared without a trace. The long robe appeared in the hand of the child. Lan Wenxuan was shocked. He shouted, "Five Elemental Evasion!" He became alert in his heart. How could such a cultivation technique be achieved by someone who was not even at the Nascent Soul? How could an expert be a weakling or a savage? However, he felt that something was wrong. In this world, it was all about cultivating sword techniques and sword skills. How could there be someone who knew how to use the five elements to escape? Could it be that this child also came from Earth?

Lan Wenxuan's doubts became bigger and bigger. The only one who could give him an answer was this child in front of him who was exactly the same as him. He didn't dare to treat that child as a child anymore. He didn't want to lose his life. He bowed and said to the child, "Senior, Was it you who saved me just now?" Lan Wenxuan asked tentatively, then raised his head to look at the child and waited for his reply. He saw that the child had put on a good long robe upside down. His two sleeves were put on his legs. The bottom of the robe was rolled up at his waist, and his butt was still exposed.

"Haha. . . " Lan Wenxuan could not hold it in and laughed out loud. He thought that this child was a real savage. Otherwise, he wouldn't even know how to wear a robe?

The child saw Lan Wenxuan laughing out loud and felt a little strange. He kept staring at Lan Wenxuan.

Lan Wenxuan staggered towards that child. That child vigilantly took a step back. He took a step forward, and that child took another step back. He felt that the child was a bit afraid of him. It was truly strange. With such a high cultivation, why would he be afraid of me?

"I'll help you put on your clothes" The child's eyes were filled with confusion. Lan Wenxuan could only point at his own clothes. He pointed at the child's clothes and spread his hands to show that he had no ill intentions. He walked towards the child again. This time, the child did not retreat. He stood there and did not move. However, he stared at Lan Wenxuan unblinkingly.

Lan Wenxuan helped the child put on the long robe. He felt as if his injuries were affected. A trace of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth. His head was a little dizzy. He hurriedly supported the tree beside him and sat down. He closed his eyes and performed his martial arts. A young Zhou genius felt like he had recovered.

But the strange thing was that it had been two hours since Lan Wenxuan had performed his martial arts. However, the child had been maintaining the posture of his clothes and did not move at all. There was only a trace of worry in his eyes.

Strange, why would he care about me? Could it be that he saw wrongly? Lan Wenxuan was filled with questions. He could not wait any longer. He did not care whether that child was a senior expert or a transmigrator. Even an idiot would ask a question as if it was a matter of course. He went forward and pulled the child towards the broken tree trunk and sat down. The child didn't struggle. He obediently sat down beside Lan Wenxuan.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Lan Wenxuan stared at the child, waiting for his answer.

The child imitated Lan Wenxuan and stared at Lan Wenxuan with his eyes wide open.

You. . .

Lan Wenxuan looked at the child and was filled with anticipation. What the child said almost made him mentally collapse.

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