The Peace Keeping Hero/C1 A Strong Man with Extraordinary Talent
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The Peace Keeping Hero/C1 A Strong Man with Extraordinary Talent
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C1 A Strong Man with Extraordinary Talent

In the evening, the sun was shining in the middle of the bus at the door.

Today was the day that the captain of the riot police team, Guo Feng, left with the peacekeeping advance team.

The team members who had trained for more than a hundred days looked at a tanned, medium-sized newcomer in the team. They were very curious. Even Xiao Qiang Bing had been chosen? How was that possible?

This fellow had just transferred from a mysterious department in the military. He had not spoken much since entering this peacekeeping training base. He had not mentioned a single word about his past.

His comrades speculated that this fellow was a person with a story. Look at the calluses on his thumb. Without hundreds of thousands of bullets and all kinds of guns, he would not be able to grind them out!

Two days ago, the team performed a simulation capture. The team doctor provided a human body model. Many people immediately set their eyes on Xiao Qiangbing. They wanted to make him look ugly and force him to demonstrate the method of capturing that he had just learned.

This guy did not make a sound. He went up and used his sharp blade to deconstruct the human body model. Shoulder bone, brain epidermal bone, blade, bone! It did not feel sticky at all. The whole process was smooth and smooth. . .

His comrades and the instructor were stunned.

This fellow even used the tip of his blade to point at the members who were waiting for him to take notes. "What's the use of doing such a thing as a typical flower rack? Not only can you not control the enemy, you can also easily cause harm to your own team members. Wouldn't it be over if you just killed them?"

The instructor's face turned black at that moment. . .

This Xiao Qiangbing usually did not show any outstanding performance, so how could he be chosen in the first batch?

They trained on average for more than ten hours a day, creating miracles one after another. Their faces were red and their clothes were soaked in sweat. They did not have time to wash and were drenched in sweat.

These experiences had been reported in the People's Police Newspaper and the website. They said that they had created a big brand of police combat training and that it was a good thing. However, everyone thought that it seemed to have nothing to do with Xiao Qiangbing.

China and North America had a time difference of a few hours. By the time the plane arrived, it was already the fourth day.

They boarded the UN Sea Mission vehicle and met with Charles, the director of the UN Peacekeeping Office. After having a simple meal, under the escort of a group of Valsion and soldiers, they rushed to the capital, Crown Prince City, which was riddled with holes.

This was a typical tropical country. The sun was harsh and the air was humid. If it weren't for the vast Atlantic Ocean a few kilometers away, where fresh sea breeze could blow at any time, Xiao Qiangbing really didn't know if he would be able to stay here.

Listening to Charles attentively introducing the situation here to the leaders, He looked down and had a bitter look on his face: When he got off the plane, the ground was boiling with heat. Just as his feet stepped on the hot ground, the soles of his battle boots were immediately covered with a thick layer of skin.

"Fellow comrades from China, I believe you all understand. This is a country with many calamities, once changing three presidents in a year. All of them were changed through mutiny, and at least a third of the time, there was civil war going on here. Hundreds of thousands of people had died in the war, and countless people were homeless. They were homeless, and now the situation was even worse. The earthquake and tsunami had just ended, and the rebels, Dark Starlight (crime organization), took the opportunity to rob them. A large number of people infiltrated the city, small-scale conflicts are going on outside the city. . . " Charles spoke like a river.

Outside the car window, wherever his eyes looked, the buildings looked extremely desolate, and the stairs were huge. There were many bloodstains on the wall, and some people were cleaning the corpses. There were many large holes on the wall behind them. It should be the place where the cannonballs had hit.

This car with the UN logo was not sealed very well. In the violent bumps, everyone could smell a foul smell.

Because there were international cars passing by, a few traffic police officers dressed in tattered police uniforms were dancing on the road in front of them, directing the traffic with all their might. They held sticks painted in color in their hands and stood in the middle of the crossroad, directing the traffic with all their might.

This was all their equipment, there were no signal lights or anything like that.

As usual, when Director Chen and the rest came, they should first go to the headquarters of the Sea Alliance to carry out all kinds of routine activities. However, when they asked for the opinions of the captain of National Peak, National Peak decisively suggested that they first go to the camp prepared by the Sea Alliance to take a look.

Charles combed his somewhat pale hair and stroked his hard bearded chin. His eyes rolled and he said with a complicated expression, "Everyone, We have considered the matter of the camp carefully. Forgive me for being blunt, but. . . Your country is the last one to participate in the peacekeeping operation in this mission area, and many places with good foundations are used by other countries. As for now. . . "

Charles shrugged and reluctantly said, "Now, there is only the Golden Sunshine Industrial Park left. It relies on the main road and there are plenty of water sources there. It should be habitable. . . "

Director Chen silently watched his complicated expression.

The logistics officer beside him took out a small notebook at once. It seemed like he was going to follow the plan and put forward the conditions of food, accommodation, power, transportation and so on. Guo Feng immediately stopped him with his eyes and turned to Charles, saying, "Mr. Director, No matter what that place is like, I have to go and take a look first. After all, it is a place where we have to work for a long time, there is no need to check it first. There's no other work to be done. "

Director Chen looked at him in approval. It was obvious that he had the same attitude.

The car kept turning around in the city. Xiao Qiangbing looked through the brown bulletproof glass and saw many unusual situations:

The car was heading south. The bowl-sized holes on the dilapidated buildings were everywhere. There were bullet fragments and blood stains on them. More and more unidentified people were appearing on the street!

"Leader, they are all welcoming us. Our arrival will definitely bring him safety and stability. As for our China Police Force. . . " The long-faced logistics officer said proudly.

After all, they were two countries very far away from each other. When he saw the situation outside and received respectful gazes, he immediately thought of the situation where the domestic military and police were welcomed by the common people. If there were some more gongs and drums to celebrate, the atmosphere would be even more lively.

"Boy, don't be happy too early. This isn't your hometown, okay?" Xiao Qiangbing said half seriously. He had already scuttled to the front seat and opened half of the window to observe the outside.

There were two messy crossroads in front of them.

There were black people of all shapes and sizes standing by the roadside. They looked at the motorcade coming over. A few people looked at them strangely. Someone blew a sharp whistle and the people on the west side started to disperse.

Then, a pickup truck on the west side rushed over like a drunk man, aiming at the only minibus in the middle of the motorcade!

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