The Peace Keeping Hero/C17 Great Wall Restaurant
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The Peace Keeping Hero/C17 Great Wall Restaurant
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C17 Great Wall Restaurant

"Since ancient times, there have been a large number of gold diggers who went down to the Southern Ocean and went to the Western Regions. There must be quite a number of Chinese here. I wonder how they are doing here?" As Xiao Qianbing thought about this, he couldn't help but feel curious.

Helis could be considered a small country. On the map, it was not even as big as a middle grade province in China.

However, as long as he understood it a little, he would find that this place was rich in resources. Two sides of the sea, It had a long coastline, and it was filled with seafood everywhere.

The forest coverage was more than 80%. There were all kinds of minerals in the mountains. If they could just get some wood and transport it back to the country, the price might increase by more than ten times and they would be able to make a lot of money.

"Little Dao, let's go and find a few Chinese people. Oh right, what are they doing here?" Xiao Qiangbing asked him.

Adolf, who was beside him, slowed down his pace. After thinking for a while, he blurted out:

"They sell food, clothing, home appliances, and so on. I remember now. There's a restaurant in front of us, and it's opened by them. The owner is very enthusiastic and often conducts public welfare activities. If I meet a fellow countryman like you, I'll definitely treat you to a good meal. . . "

"It's right in front of us. There's even a restaurant. Alright, no matter what, we have to give you a few dishes. " Xiao Qiangbing was really hungry. He wiped his mouth involuntarily and followed him to the eastern street.

The two of them took a few turns and entered a dense forest street. The road was quite spacious, and the ordinary cement road was dilapidated. It was a little difficult to step on it. When they looked down, they could see the tracks of armored vehicles.

On the left, under a large tree that blocked out the sun, colorful lights lit up.

Looking forward, there were two large iron doors there.

"Stop, you. . . " At the door, two security guards, one tall and one short, stood there. One of them was holding a black wooden stick, and the other was holding a long spear.

Xiao Qianbing glanced at them from the corner of his eye and almost laughed out loud.

These two fellows were wearing shabby security uniforms. They looked quite scary. The gun was more than a meter long, but it didn't even have a bolt. The butt of the gun was still covered in tape.

"Do you have eyes? I. . . " Adolf habitually had to reveal his identity.

Xiao Qiangbing took the lead and said, "Why did you come to your place? Let's eat. Go and find a good seat. Bring me the menu. "

After entering the courtyard, he found that there was an entirely different world inside. The rows of buildings were wide and bright, and there were faint sounds of exotic music coming from them. Outside, there were large and tall trees.

Rows of tables were lit with gentle lights. Guests in twos and threes were eating. Xiao Qiangbing and the others had just walked in when they smelled the rich fragrance of food.

They found a corner and sat down.

Xiao Qiangbing waved his hand and asked the waiter to bring the menu over. He took a look and found that it was all food such as hand-picked rice, steak and so on. He didn't care about that much. He just ordered a few dishes and asked Adolf if they were enough.

He saw Adolf coming back from the table next to him. He wiped his oily mouth and kept shouting, Awesome! "They only have some dessert left, I'll eat it. "

It was already the happiest thing for people who lived in such a place to be able to eat their fill. There was no dignity left.

The food came up. A few simple dishes and two glasses of beer were served. Xiao Qiangbing picked up the beer and took a sip. He threw a piece of beef into his mouth and slowly ate it. He began to look for his fellow countrymen.

At the entrance of the hall, there was a large bar that was filled with all kinds of drinks.

A few black waiters were shuttling back and forth. A yellow-skinned young man was standing inside, busying himself.

This was the perfect time to gather for dinner. There were quite a few people here, and he would occasionally raise his head to greet regular customers.

Upon closer inspection, the boss was in his twenties. He had a square face and long hair covering half of his face. His skin was slightly dark, and he would swing his hair from time to time.

This man was called Dapeng Liu, a member of Tianjin in China. He had just started out as a carpentry worker, merchant, and bartender after venturing into Helis. He had just opened this restaurant.

Xiao Qiangbing understood this situation and had his own ways, so he directly called a waiter over, and with just a few words he managed to find out. He set it up. As he was talking, he turned his head and saw Adolf's hands on the table. He applied to look at him attentively, as if he had no appetite.

That was strange. This guy had just picked up some leftovers from others, and now he wasn't hungry anymore?

"Little Daoist, you eat yours. It's too hot in this place, let me drink some beer first, it's cool and cool, eat. . . "

Xiao Qiangbing looked at him seriously and pretended to be a little angry.

"Brother, how can I eat if you don't eat? I can't be like Director Niles and the others. I don't do things according to the rules. I'm just thinking about myself. That's too selfish. If that's the case, you'll definitely fire me immediately. "

Adolf's face was serious. Although his words were a little childish, it made people feel sad.

He was really different from the locals in this aspect.

Many locals were greedy, eager to make quick profit. Begging, asking, and greed had become a mainstream habit.

There were a lot of unbelievable rumors circulating in the local area, such as saying that one could wear a piece of cloth, eat by leaning against a tree, and rely on economic aid. They did not keep their promises.

Adolf was different from them. He felt that Xiao Qiangbing was not petty, that he was steady with his words, and that Xiao Qiangbing would ask him to eat something first. He knew that such a person was a good person. He could not be offended and had to perform well. Otherwise, he would lose the opportunity to work.

"Go, Little Daoist. Go and tell him that the people from the motherland are coming. My hometown is in Haidong, China. Ask him to give me a serving of soy sauce fried rice. Just stir-fry it as you please. . . " Xiao Qiangbing told Adolf that he was quietly looking at Liu Dapeng in the distance.

This guy was flirting with a black girl with a hot figure.

The woman was tall and fat. Her upper body was exposed to a large section of the counter. His hand was touching the waist of Liu Dapeng's shirt.

This action seemed to be a conversation between the two of them. Xiao Qiangbing could clearly see that his hand was not idle. He was playing very professionally.

Adolf's hungry heart was already on his back, so he had to listen to Brother Xiao's words. He went over while holding his stomach. Seeing Liu Dapeng speaking politely, as if it was not easy to translate the French language of the Fried Rice with Soy Sauce, he directly spoke the stiff Mandarin.

Liu Dapeng was stunned for a moment when he heard that. He looked over a few times and immediately retracted his gaze. He muttered to himself, "What kind of person is he? With his beating personality, is it worth it for me to take care of him? Whoever doesn't come out to mingle, they have to. . . "

After saying this, he looked at Adolf with disdain. He waved his hand in boredom and said in French, which had a little indigenous taste:

"Hey, tell your friend that he has recognized the wrong person. I am the Japanese, grew up in Japan when I was young, studied in Southeast Asia when I was in junior high school, and studied in the Malaysian Foreign Trade Department at university. I don't know him.

Just tell the waiter what you want. Remember that I can only use USD to pay the bill here. I can't use a card because I don't have a PowerPoint machine. "

After Adolf came back and said that, Xiao Qiangbing was so angry that his face turned red. He grabbed his beer glass and waved it at the guy, scolding him angrily: "Look at how you beat him up. When you leave the country, he won't recognize you anymore. Where is the person?! "

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