The Peace Keeping Hero/C20 His Technique Was so Godly?
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The Peace Keeping Hero/C20 His Technique Was so Godly?
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C20 His Technique Was so Godly?

"Little Q, you, you. . . " He took the living creature to the opposite side of Xiao Qiangbing, looking back and saying timidly.

When the person was in front of him, Liu Dapeng's eyes became blurry at first and slowly became clear. After a few seconds, his heart felt like it had been stabbed by a needle. He could not help but shiver. It was as if his butt was sitting on an explosive bag. He suddenly stood up and pointed at the person. His lips trembled as he said in surprise:

"Home, home, he, he. . . "

Following the way he looked at the ghost, Xiao Qiangbing saw that the "Little Q" bandit leader's legs were weak and powerless. He held his head with both hands.

The fierce look in his eyes had long disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by fear and fear. He kept looking at Xiao Qiangbing's knees. He was as nervous as a dog.

"What, why is it him?" Liu Dapeng was trembling, and his neck looked like a strand of hair. He instantly looked at the door a few times, afraid that another group of people would rush in.

Just now, he had relied on his strength to send the other party away, and even injured his leg. Why did this fellow come back again?

The key was that this plot was too funny. How was this fellow that crafty and vicious fellow from earlier? He was clearly a strange little sheep.

At this time, a wolfdog that he raised was passing by. Xiao Qiangbing pointed at the dog with a fierce gaze, then pointed at the "pigtail" bandit leader and explained to him jokingly:

"So, stop pretending with me. He. . . " He looked at Little Q and continued:

" Him, let me teach you. No matter how fierce the evil dog is, just raise your club and kill it. Remember this for your brother, be more ruthless. Being ruthless is not important. What's important is not to stop, just poke it fiercely. Don't look at how it barks and scares people, it will turn into a dog in a moment, barking and begging. "

His words were half true and half false. When Liu Dapeng heard it, he was skeptical. He couldn't help but look at "Little Q" a few times. His heart skipped a beat again. He thought in disbelief, "Why, why didn't he say anything? Did this brother really use a stick to hit it?"

Seeing his doubt, Xiao Qiangbing knew that he still did not believe him. He picked up a piece of eel meat and ate it. He raised his fork and slowly said, "Kid, tell me what I did to you. "

"Say it. Also, where are your brothers? Are they convinced? Are they coming or not? I. . . " Adolf, who was beside him, also started to urge him.

When he went out just now, he saw a person sitting on the ground under the shade of a tree across from him. Because Xiao Qiangbing had asked him to come out and bring some people, they immediately matched up: This person should be.

When he got to the front, he was also very surprised. This person was actually the aggressive "pigtail" just now. After more than ten minutes, he was insufferably arrogant, fighting, and killing. Now, he was actually sitting here meditating. How could he not be surprised!?

"Big brother, big brother, it's like this. . . "

"Little Q" said in a trembling voice. He looked at Xiao Qiangbing as if he had met the god of death. He immediately shifted his gaze to Liu Dapeng and swallowed his saliva. Then he began to speak.

"We just got out of the alley. One of our brothers said who hit the window and they got out of the car. . . "

At that time, they got out of the car and looked for people everywhere. "Little Q" found that the car door beside him had opened and was looking around when a condom on his neck suddenly appeared in the shed.

He struggled fiercely and his body instantly fell down. He felt that his neck was tightly bound and he no longer felt anything. When he woke up, he found himself at the door meditating. "

Liu Dapeng vaguely saw a mark on his neck, but it did not look like it had been pulled in. He looked up and down again, and pointed at his legs, which seemed to be suffering from cartilage, and asked puzzledly, "He was shot?"

"No, no, it's even worse than being shot. He raised it so high that he did not have any strength at all. As "Little Q" said that, he could not help but look at his legs again.

" Puff! Ah, let me tell you, it's just like you've got your tendons pulled out. Just a single move is enough to cause you a fatal pain. " Xiao Qiangbing imitated Liu Dapeng's words and added.

Liu Dapeng and the others knew that Xiao Qiangbing had snatched this fellow back in the darkness, and had directly given him a 'cramp monk seat'. What kind of police rope was that? It was useless even if handcuffs were used. His hands and feet were cleverly hooked together with his body, and he directly sat on the ground. Not to mention running away, even a few violent movements would cause him to feel pain and gouge out his heart.

It was said that there were a few mysterious criminal investigation experts in the country who were good at using this mysterious technique. Even so, they had to make a wooden stake in the middle to do something.

Xiao Qiangbing had already developed a better technique when he was in the special forces. This was the first time he had tested it out. He did not expect Little Q to catch up with him.

Of course, he would never tell Liu Dapeng about the technique and what he needed to pay attention to.

Liu Dapeng still did not believe it and lowered his head slightly. After thinking for a few seconds, he pulled his face. Suddenly, he asked Little Q tentatively, "Hey, buddy. Is what he said true or false? Let me tell you, don't lie to me. If you come again, I have a lot of explosives. There is also external help. This. . . Even the police in our country are here. . . "

"Really, really. If it wasn't for him pulling me up, I wouldn't have been able to move at all. I'm still walking. " Little Q still didn't have a temper. He spoke truthfully with a bitter expression.

This time, he believed it. Liu Dapeng bent down and looked at Xiao Qiangbing. His face was full of changes. Sometimes it was sad, sometimes it was emotional, and finally it burst into laughter. He slowly raised his thumb: "He's really numb. Brothers, I, Liu Dapeng, Liu Dapeng of Tianjin, have opened my eyes today. "

He had a crazy look on his face. Xiao Qiangbing looked at him a few times and slowly mocked:

"Fatty, be careful in the future. You admire foreign people and look down on your own people. It takes so much effort to get a dog's ass fried egg. . . "

"Tsk tsk, fellow countryman, look at my brain. My eyelids have been twitching for the past few days. I'm just afraid that something might happen. I've made a mistake. Where's this True God? Brothers, tell the kitchen to go, go, go. All of you, get up. Stir-fried eggs with sauce. Big Peng duck.

No, it's just the duck that I cooked in the morning and the big-headed monster. All of them are ignored by me. I'll sign the bill. "

Liu Dapeng put his hands on his waist and shouted at the top of his voice. Under the dim light, he could see two thick neck tendons.

Adolf did not dare to be careless. He found a rope to tie up the "pigtails". It was this guy who called himself Jordan who tied it up and put it on the iron frame. He had to control it first.

When he came back, the waiter started to serve the dishes on the big plates and big bowls. Just a five-pound lobster took up a large part of the space.

Liu Dapeng used his teeth to pick up Niu Er's liquor. Just as he got up, he spat it on the ground and shouted with a smile, "Let's drink this. Niu Er has been hiding this for 20 years. Sigh, sigh, roast it well for me. One for each person. "

Xiao Qiangbing quietly looked at his compatriots who had become exceptionally enthusiastic. He did not understand what he was going to do.

Adolf saw that there were two large stoves set up by the bar counter. Two large lobsters with sauce were being sent into the oven by the chef. The fragrance drifted out. He swallowed his saliva and could not help but snap his fingers. "Yay, a sumptuous dinner. . . "

"Brothers, come and take one. Today, I'm feeling proud and elated. " Liu Dapeng raised Niu Er in his hand and shouted loudly. Before he finished his words, he noticed many people looking at him from the side. He hurriedly patted his chest and explained:

"Drinking like this is strong enough. It's stuffy in one mouthful. "

In the words of the people of Tianjin, Liu Dapeng was a bit selfish and had some "moral conduct" of the secular people. Xiao Qiangbing did not take it seriously at all. Finding his compatriots was not looking for a moral model. Therefore, he remained indifferent and forced a smile on his face. He raised his glass and clinked it with Liu Dapeng's and said: "Drink it. "

Alcohol was the best medium for dating, not to mention in a war zone where one had to leave their hometown!

Liu Dapeng's self-familiar character instantly came up. He himself drank half a bottle. He did not care if anyone looked at him, and pointed sideways at Xiao Qiangbing, who felt good about himself, and shouted: "Do you see that? This is my Dapeng's brother. Give him face. "

Xiao Qiangbing had a good appetite for such a great Taotie's feast. He ate them one by one, constantly commenting on the good cooking of these dishes. The combination of Chinese and Western cuisine had some special characteristics, but he actually heard a sound. . .

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