The Peace Keeping Hero/C3 His Heart Was as Fine as a Strand of Hair
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The Peace Keeping Hero/C3 His Heart Was as Fine as a Strand of Hair
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C3 His Heart Was as Fine as a Strand of Hair

The third chapter is as detailed as a hair.

Actually, what he said just now was a lot of exaggeration. How could the "Chief" of the National Peak not know? It was just that he did not say anything because of his face. Initially, he thought that since he had come, he would take care of it. At most, he would bring his team members to think of a way. He had to make this place so that it could live and survive, and he had to live here for a long time. He did not expect that this troublesome Xiao Qiangbing would launch another attack.

It was as if a bucket of oil had been poured on his burning heart. His anger rose all of a sudden and he said in an unusually stern tone:

"Little Qiang! Can you shut up? This place is alright. We can stay where others can. We can stay where others can't. Can't we think of a way?"

He was a person who cared about his reputation, especially since it was his first time dealing with Charles. He really didn't want to make things difficult for Charles.

Seeing his anxious eyes, Charles became even more confident. He walked around on the ground twice, looked up at the blue sky, and then looked at the surging sea in the south. He said arrogantly:

"Young man, what do you know? I have chosen a place for you where birds chirp and flowers bloom. Is there something wrong with your brain? Blue sky and clear water. I can sleep at night listening to the sound of the waves. More than ten years ago. . . When there weren't so many battles here, there were more than a dozen of them in the vicinity of the International Royal Hotel. Rich merchants in the Middle East Saudi, bringing their family and friends. . . Surfing by the sea, drinking wine. . . "

The long-faced logistics officer seemed to become more and more fascinated as he listened. He raised his heels and looked at the sea one kilometer away with a fascinated expression. "Yes, I agree! When the time comes, we'll clean up this place and open a path to the beach. We'll take a walk and relax. Isn't this a free beach bath? "

Charles put his hands on his waist and faced the sea. His face began to look magical. He cast a sidelong glance at Xiao Qiangbing and scolded him in a very disdainful manner: "Kid, look at your colleagues. They are much stronger than you. . . "

With his words and the support of the logistics officer, He suddenly became excited and looked up at the blue sky. He proudly said, "The environment is fine. Actually, I've always been on your side. I heard that your country is very rich and that you have a lot of property. I saw your goods report, and you brought more than 30 containers with you. There are over 30 tons of goods with me. I will definitely be the first to visit. As for this. . . "

The more this fellow speaks, the more exposed he becomes. Hearing this, Guo Feng's face turns ugly, as if he is asking others to keep an eye on him. He is preparing to eat a rich person but is unable to refuse. None of them noticed that Xiao Qiangbing has a soybean sized stone head in his hand. He suddenly flicked at a place in the sky and a sound of something breaking through the air came from the top of his head.

Then, there was the sound of something falling from the treetops. When it was about to land on Charles' head, its wings flapped wildly, making terrifying noises.

Hearing that something was not right, the National Peak immediately took a few steps back. When it looked up, Charles had already squatted on the ground with his arms around his head, and his voice was miserable as he shouted: "Help me, you can't just leave me alone, right?"

It was a crow with black fur and bits of white fur. It was suddenly frightened, as if its wings were injured and fell down. When it was about to land on Charles's head, it anxiously pulled out a pile of sh * t and almost fell on his body before it flew away with all its might.

Because it knew a lot of common sense in these countries, these people knew that the people in this country hated crows. They saw them as evil creatures that brought bad luck. Once they ran into them, it would seriously affect their mood.

Charles had no idea at all. He really thought that he was unlucky. Xiao Qiangbing said hypocritically, "Oh, Charles. Didn't you say birds sang and flowers bloomed? Why are there so many animals in this place? There are also crows, tsk tsk. . . "

What else could Charles say? He never thought that the crows would almost land on him. He could only admit his bad luck and defend himself. "Yes, yes. It's just that the birds in this place were not like this in the past. Besides, I've never seen a bird as unlucky as a crow before. . . "

When they returned to the door, the long-faced logistics officer was afraid that this guy would really hold a grudge. He accompanied them and said something. Xiao Qiangbing strolled around leisurely. He originally wanted to get into the car first and sit in front of the leader. However, National Peak stopped him. Then, he saw Director Chen's furious face.

"Kid, tell me, how do I deal with you? Did you do bad things overseas? How dare you dig a hole for your future superior and cause trouble? Do you have organizational discipline? Speak. . . " Before Guo Feng could say anything, Director Chen said with a gloomy expression.

" Sigh, you two leaders, do you know? The social system and public security here are completely different from those in the country. We are a team sent by the country to a foreign warzone. We must be careful and observe. Otherwise, we will be stuck in a mud pit.

No one will help us. No, we must not be manipulated by others. We must listen to whatever they say. Otherwise, we will definitely suffer a great loss. " Xiao Qiangbing lowered his head. He seemed to be admitting his mistake guiltily, but his heart was surging with waves, and his will was as firm as steel.

"Such a big thing happened overseas. Do you know, with so many Mission Zones, this is the first time our country has dispatched an entire peacekeeping force. When the United Nations made this decision, there were all kinds of reports from the media all over the world. Do you think they are all positive publicity?

This world is not peaceful. The people of China have invaded the world. Fighting for the glory of our country, you are an important part of it. [I didn't ask you to come here to enjoy life, I didn't ask you to come here to work and live a normal life. ] Especially you, Xiao Qiangbing, with your performance. . . If it was my previous personality, I would skin you alive. . . " Director Chen's face was gloomy. Although he did not say a word, he was extremely angry in his heart.

Xiao Qiang Bing did not know. All the senior police officers at the National Peak knew that Director Chen was a famous black-faced leader in the police circle. He was not even that big a few years ago. When he met a subordinate who made a mistake, he would be polite to him by slapping the table and glaring at him. If he could not do it, he would throw him into the detention room and lock him up.

It was said that it was the same now. In the floor of his office, as long as he was there, even his deputy would have to be careful when speaking. He did not want to anger him and be sent away all of a sudden.

When Guo Feng saw Xiao Qiangbing's stinky and tough appearance, he fiercely said, "Little Qiang, we admit that sometimes you have a bright mind, but you can't be so unrestrained. If we don't punish you severely, you will cause a huge mess for me. Even if you don't have a high education, you should know about Yang Xiu's death. As a person, you can't be so smart. . . "

Xiao Qiangbing lowered his head and looked at the ants crawling on the ground, his face full of stubbornness.

How could he not know that when the two leaders said such a serious problem, they were already going to punish him. This matter was already very serious, and it could even be said that it had violated principles. Perhaps he would lose the qualification to stay here all of a sudden.

After all, the team emphasized national honor all day long. When going overseas to maintain peace in the Mission Area, everyone was the country's business card. The quality of their character directly affected the country's face.

"OK, Director, Captain. You can do whatever you want. You can do whatever you want. I don't want to say too much. Just now, I had a falling out with Old Cha. Your work isn't easy to start, and he's saying all sorts of things. Actually, this camp was the most f * cking place, and it was filled with desolation. It's in tatters, there's no water, no electricity. This place had a temperature of forty to fifty degrees Celsius all day long. Think about it. . . Only those who were thieves for thousands of days would not be able to guard against thieves for thousands of days. It was also good for the rebel army. Whether it's criminals or in a dark night where they can't even see their own fingers. . . Under the cover of the typhoon and the rolling waves, they directly sneak attacked us from the sea. . . "

He spoke softly and casually, as if he was describing a scene in a movie.

But now it was bad!

Guo Feng stared straight at him, as if he had seen a ghost. After stopping for a while, he suddenly turned around and looked towards the south. The Atlantic Ocean not far away was unusually calm. Groups of seagulls were dancing. The sound of the waves gently hitting the shore made a pleasant sound. However, in his eyes, it was as if he saw speedboats rushing over from the sea, with armed criminals standing on the boats!

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