The Peace Keeping Hero/C4 A Sudden Riot
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The Peace Keeping Hero/C4 A Sudden Riot
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C4 A Sudden Riot

Chapter four, sudden riot.

After Xiao Qiangbing left, Director Chen was immersed in the scene of worry he described and muttered:

"Alright, this guy, he has thought much deeper than us. His eyes are so sharp. What's the big deal about suppressing Charles? If I had known earlier that this guy had created such a place for us, I wouldn't have let him off. . . "

. . .

The three-day inspection was tense and compact. It involved many projects such as logistics, equipment, security, communication and medical treatment. After the discussion was completed, the vanguard team decided to return to the country immediately and organize a large team to go on the expedition.

Charles was really a shrewd old peacekeeper. During this period of time, he had been busy all day, although he often put on a poker face and made various requests. However, the National Summit could still deal with such a small matter.

For example, he did not sleep all night. Before the computer that was moving at the speed of a turtle, he had checked all kinds of information about the United Sea Army. When he negotiated and discussed again, he had more basis for reference, which prevented him from falling into a passive position all of a sudden.

He carefully checked the information of this Director Charles and found that this fifty-year-old old man had joined the international team since he was in his twenties. He had been active in seven or eight mission zones, starting from the lowest level of staff. Now, he had been promoted to a very high level leader and had experienced countless major events. . .

This showed that this person was not only experienced, but also had a lot of rules and regulations. One thing was that the China team had come up with a reason to decline. The China team rolled their eyes, and they could easily take out a lot of rules and regulations to make you do it.

This kind of thing was either you give in, or I give in. The National Peak was responsible for the interests of the police force, and they could not give in even an inch!

The negotiations were extremely difficult!

On the day that he returned to China, he invited Director Chen and National Peak to the reception room alone. He took the initiative to start a secret discussion. He was very enthusiastic. After he served the fruits and drinks, he started to talk about how to cooperate in the future. In the end, he threw out a topic:

Xiao Qiangbing was too strong. He talked and did things without restraint. He was not suitable to work here. In addition, the work here in the future would be very complicated and arduous. Many tasks required the cooperation of people from various countries and local judiciaries to complete. People like him seriously lacked the art of communication and basic respect for people. . .

This problem did not seem to be a big problem. When Chen and Guo remembered that Xiao Qiangbing had not been used to being the head of the Peacekeeping Department at that time, they felt a headache coming on.

Sometimes, they also hated Xiao Qiangbing, but when they encountered a problem, they needed him to be smart, bold, and careful.

But his personality was too outstanding. He ignored everything and slapped him in the face the first time they met. If he were to think from another perspective, it would be understandable. In the future, when he faced Xiao Qiangbing, how would Charles, the supervisor, carry out his work?

"He's just an ordinary member. When the time comes, we will think about it carefully. When we work in the Mission Area, we must pay attention to unity and cooperation. We have long heard of many negative cases, such as mistreating the corpses of our peers. . . " Director Chen said in a deep voice.

It was a very sensational matter. It was said that a certain country's peacekeepers were seriously ill and died. The corpses were sent to the door of a peacekeeping unit, which was based on the lack of such experience and technology. He tactfully rejected it, which caused a huge uproar. Many people who were far away from the motherland began to condemn you. You didn't even care about your peers. How could he bear the responsibility of international peace!

Director Chen, the leader of the vanguard team, expressed his stance. Guo Feng's heart immediately skipped a beat. He thought furiously, " 'This kid is finished. If this continues, he will be crippled. If this really doesn't work, I'll just stuff him in the logistics class. But. . . '"

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, because he knew that if he did that, Xiao Qiangbing wouldn't have the chance to perform. An outstanding warrior would be buried. He could only be like the ordinary team members, either cooking in the kitchen or patrolling with guns all day. He would never have the chance to perform again.

That afternoon, they sat on the same minibus and drove to Crown Prince International Airport.

In the car, Charles was full of smiles, and his mood was much better. His friendship with Director Chen had also improved a bit. Several people were laughing and laughing. From time to time, they would lean against each other and pat their shoulders. They were chatting happily.

In front of them was Sixth Street. The number of buildings in their field of vision began to increase. The large signboard of banks, hotels, and shopping malls were revealed in the numerous commercial shops on both sides. At the entrance stood the hired black security guards, who were lazily patrolling with guns.

These were all merchants who had taken risks during the war. They did not have an international background, but they relied on a large amount of money to hire a lot of criminal bodyguards to maintain their normal business.

If it was an ordinary person, they would probably have nothing to do during the day. At night, they would have to call the rebels or bandits to clean them up.

Up until now, this was still one of the most chaotic national capitals in the world. In addition, the average income of the people here was less than 0. 5 yuan per day. Adult men had participated in government forces and rebels before, so it was not surprising that there would be street violence at any time.

In the large shopping mall in Lagrange City, a large number of customers with different skin colors were purchasing daily necessities. The four security guards at the entrance were vigilantly patrolling the crowd that was coming and going. They could only hear the loud shattering sound of the large floor-to-ceiling glass on the street. When they turned their heads to look, a dozen burly men were breaking through the window and entering. Some of them did not even come in and directly held their spears. They shot wildly inside like a pile of sand.

"Hehe, there are so many people here. Hold your head with both hands, squat down, squat down. . . "

"These arrogant fellows, why don't they just hide in a safe place and hug a beautiful woman to sleep. . . "

A group of people jumped onto the ground and killed off the security guards at the scene. They strode towards the mall and shouted without restraint.

A guy with a big head and a bald head. The scarf wrapped around his head looked extremely terrifying and disgusting. The skull on his snake-like arm seemed to be stained with human blood. He looked like a ferocious monster.

A short security guard squatted behind the counter and hid. He heard that the first wave of rebels had entered the mall. He trembled as he looked at the stairs in the south. He wanted to run over and find an opportunity to escape. However, just as he bent over and stood up, he heard a gloomy voice above his head. "Bastard, raise your head. "

The short man stood up and his eyes slowly became clear. Only then did he see clearly that this person was the scary leader. He immediately said in a daze: "I, I. . . "

"Mm, what's wrong with you? Come, tell them who I am. " The bald bandit held onto the bullet shell, revealing his burnt yellow teeth as he spoke coldly.

The shorty didn't even have time to think, and a scene of murder immediately appeared in his mind. He trembled as if he had been electrocuted and replied: "Boss, boss, you are Dark Starlight's Rapid Gun Devil King Matthew Matthew Matthew. Mark first, sir. . . "

"Mm, you have a good eye. I, the Hauntgun Devil King, hate people who play tricks on me, just like you, a coward who runs away when he sees me. Also, I don't stutter. . . "Mark Matthew said in a sinister manner. He waved at him, his gaze focused on the small mustache on his mouth.

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