The Peace Keeping Hero/C5 Cruel Pillage
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The Peace Keeping Hero/C5 Cruel Pillage
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C5 Cruel Pillage

The shorty felt hot liquid flowing out of his lower body, and he walked over with his whole body shaking. He opened his mouth with a sad face, and in an instant, a Beretta gun was stuck in his mouth. . .

This was a slaughter that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It was like a group of fierce beasts had stepped into a weak group. Citizens became prey that they could casually devour. Whether they played around for a while before executing them or casually killed them with knives and guns depended on their mood at the moment.

The short one could be considered clever. After all, he had witnessed many bloody battles by the bandit army. He appeared pitiful, as if every nerve in his body was pleading.

If he was calm now, he would definitely remember that there was a disease in these people that was beyond cure: abnormal psychology, abnormal killing methods.

"God, why?" His mouth was torn open, and he heard the sound of sharp weapons breaking the bones in his mouth. A stream of urine flowed to the ground, and the tears of despair blurred his eyes. When the Marksman's gun hit his neck, the moment he fell to the ground, he let out an instinctive scream.

It was a hopeless wail. If there was still a chance of survival. . . These people who wanted to live would definitely endure the humiliation and seize the last glimmer of hope.

The entire hall was filled with people chasing and killing.

A rebel soldier with a headscarf charged towards the cashier. Two fat female employees dressed in fat t-shirts had changed from their usual lazy appearance. Like lightning, they pulled out the cash box from the cash register. A pair of fat hands instantly stacked up the bills of different denominations and placed them in front of them. They spread out their hands and shouted in a fawning manner:

"It's all here, it's all here, it's not a small amount, this is all. . . "

The rebel with a headscarf grabbed the money and put it into his pocket. The assault rifle in his hand shook with a swoosh. It was as if he had casually sent an annoying person away and gave him a look of disdain. The muzzle of the gun hit the woman's front breast, and she did not care about the other party's miserable cry as she squatted down. She continued to look at Boss Ma and earnestly and rudely reminded him:

"Boss Ghost King, move the things, the drinks and food, take them all away. . . "

"Bastard, you brainless trash, I suspect your IQ is zero, that little bit of money is nothing, I will only pay after I buy something. Most of the money is in my bag. You didn't think of that? " Ma Ke raised the Beretta pistol and made a fierce gesture to throw it at his brain. He continued to curse, "Useless thing. "

The man with the headscarf received his rough inspiration and his mind seemed to have a lot of inspiration. He laughed and suddenly raised the gun in his hand and shot twice.

The two shots had two obvious effects: When the bandits heard someone calling for them, they immediately stopped and turned to look at him, listening to what he was shouting. Then there were people all over the mall, white, black, and yellow. Most of them were rich, and there were very few locals who had different expressions on their faces. They were also looking at this place.

The rebels were all soldiers and ruffians who had fought on the battlefield. In the face of such small-scale robberies, They were very familiar with the method, and they listened to the lousy idea that the man with the headscarf said. His hands were not idle at all. He was a white man with a big waist and a big waist. He was tall and tall, and there was a baby bucket hanging in front of his chest. Just as he was about to take the opportunity to escape to the back of the tall shelf to hide, a monkey-faced criminal beside him. . . He first gently warned the big guy, "Why are you running? Don't you have cash?"

"I'm anxious, anxious. Bathroom. . . " The big guy crawled like a dog, his heart burning with anxiety as he answered perfunctorily.

He crawled out three or four meters and suddenly felt a shiver on his back. He had already suffered a heavy blow. He endured the pain in his mouth and did not shout out. He only complained with a hoarse voice, "Oh no, demon. . . "

He tried. He felt that his hands and feet could still move. He wanted to continue climbing forward with all his strength. After staying here for a long time, he naturally understood that no matter how good the insurance was, he would not be able to keep his life.

This robbery was naturally very large. The rebel army was massacring in the downtown area in broad daylight, so as long as they were not braindead, they would immediately understand. It definitely wasn't something that could be done by handing over the money. It was just that it was likely that blood would flow like a river immediately. Even if one had a big life, it would be better to die than live.

When his blurred vision saw the two large dumbbells rolling beside him, it immediately triggered a conditioned reflex. He immediately felt that his spine was broken and he fell to the ground. His long chin was stuck to the ground, and he let out a terrified moan.

The robbers discovered that the man with the headscarf was holding a bill in his hand. He had an assault rifle in his pocket, and his clothes were bulging. One by one, they walked over greedily, and all kinds of sounds of demand rose and fell. Although Ma Ke walked in front and the others followed, they naturally knew that they would get a few pieces. As for the trembling group of people in the hall, they didn't care.

Although those people with cash and bank cards were alive, they were no different from dead. They had long lost the ability to resist.

In the wild laughter of these cardiac maniacs, dozens of customers with different skin colors were already silent like cicadas in winter. The thick smell of food added a trace of sweat and dirt.

Not everyone was obediently waiting for death. A group of bold people appeared in the direction of the bathroom and stairs in the east.

It was a cultural school district. The shelves were filled with books, brushes, and all kinds of toys. A few black-skinned children had bright eyes and looked cute. The girls were wearing floral skirts, and most of the boys were wearing pants. Under the lead of the older girls, they were taking a risk using the things they had just learned: sign language!

The girl was in her twenties. She wore a short skirt and a short-sleeved shirt with peonies all over her. She was a typical Asian. She had a neat ponytail, a high nose bridge, and delicate facial features. She was elegant and refined.

"This, this. . . " The girl looked vigilantly at the gangsters in the south. When she found that no one was paying attention to her, a smile that was unique to teachers immediately appeared on her face. Then, she raised her thumb and index finger nimbly, gesturing for the children to start communicating using sign language.

"Elder sister. . . " A girl with a big forehead was clearly afraid. She knelt in front of her and said timidly.

"Be good, don't talk. You just entered the school, just follow me. God will bless you, how do I teach you? Learn to be brave, smart, Monica, Girl, I can see it now. She is a female teacher, speaking amiably to this girl called Monica, She gave a thumbs up and tried her best to give her and these children some courage in the aura of death.

"Let's do this. I'll go over there and take a look first. If there are no gangsters down there, babies, you have to believe that they are a group of demons, not really smart people. Smart people don't do illegal things. So, they are all idiots and idiots. . . "

The female teacher patiently signalled to them and told them to take the opportunity to go to the bathroom and take a look. If there was nothing down there, they would have to find a rope to go down.

She knew these little fellows very well. Many of them would climb trees to pick mango papaya and coconut in order to survive at home. It shouldn't be a problem for them to go down from the rope.

When it came to calling the police, she saw that some of the children didn't understand at all. Suddenly, sweat trickled down from the roots of her ears, but she did not give up at all. She frowned and thought for a while. Her expression and gestures became even more lifelike: her fingers became more agile. First, he made a big cap and tie on his head, then he made a police patrol with a gun. . .

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