The Peace Keeping Hero/C6 A Chinese Teacher
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The Peace Keeping Hero/C6 A Chinese Teacher
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C6 A Chinese Teacher

Chapter six, Chinese Teacher.

The situation was urgent! She heard that Ma Ke was directing his subordinates to capture people and rob them of their money. Then, he said something extremely brutal: "It's broad daylight. We can't kill them all. We have to leave some alive. If the police are meddling in this, we have to teach them a lesson today. That bunch of dead Lei. "

Then, the man with the scarf seemed to have become much smarter. He stammered for a long time before saying what he wanted to say. "Ma Ke, Ma Ke, they, they care about women and children the most. I remember, it seems to be like this. . . "

"Idiot, there's no need for you to say that. Your IQ has broken through zero and you have improved. Just do as you say. Increase the chips and make a good gamble. Tonight, let's continue playing the Russian wheel. I'm sure you have good luck. "

Ma Ke's bright eyes rolled a few times. His face revealed a trace of cunningness that was difficult for others to detect. He thought in his heart, Idiot, I didn't think of this good idea at all. When I go back to work, I will bring my results to meet the boss. I will definitely reward a few young and tender women. "

That woman is the female teacher of China, Fang Yitong, who uses sign language in a crisis. She stuffed two chewing gum into her mouth and handed the rest to the students in front of her. At the same time, she gave them a look of 'courage' and pinched her joints hard. A thought popped up in her mind, "They are all my students. I absolutely can't die in the hands of these guys. It was agreed upon at the start of school. I will protect them. . . " Then, he stood up swiftly. He bent down and walked towards the bathroom a few meters away.

She casually pulled a pen and paper, and when she saw a red object, her eyes flashed. Her heart inexplicably throbbed, and she reached out to grab it from the shelf.

With a splash, the object was already in her hand. When she held it tightly, her footsteps seemed to have become much lighter and her heart felt that there was even a glimmer of hope to save herself.

Her lotus-lotus colored shirt flashed at the door, and with light footsteps, she immediately arrived at the windowsill. There was no fence outside the windowsill, and the scene outside could be seen in an instant. If there was a group of people below, even if there were a few uniformed police officers, it would be a very fortunate thing.

Fang Yitong only took a glance and immediately patted her chest with both hands. She said in despair, "Oh my god, why is it a goods market. . . "

The cargo yard downstairs was filled with a large number of empty cardboard boxes and abandoned items. One could vaguely see the signboards and parking signs of the parking lot.

Her mind was filled with self-blame and disappointment. She didn't expect that when she was pulling something, she would pull out two bottles of ink and eraser. The thing hit the ground, in an environment where even a pin drop could be heard. Instantly attracting the attention of the robbers, a gunshot rang out from the corridor. Then, a death god's threatening voice could be heard, "Come out, are you in a hurry? I'll send you to hell now!"

. . .

A burst of "Wuwuwu, wuwu" sirens sounded. The ear-piercing sound shook the numb eardrums of the people around the square.

Some of the civilians in ragged clothes were cold for a long time before they looked towards the north street with lazy expressions. A few shabby police cars with blue and white bars drove over at lightning speed.

A wave of sighs suddenly sounded in the crowd. Someone said that the police had come. Some people were worried about the safety of the hostages in the shopping mall. They were hoping that these police officers would be able to rescue the people inside as soon as possible.

Sitting in front of the police was the police chief of the Crown Prince City, Officer Niles.

He was wearing a snow-white police T-shirt, which was decorated with golden silver medals. A milk-yellow ribbon was hanging in front of his right chest, and under the round cap, a pair of eyes with dignity could be seen.

In the eyes of outsiders, this director who looked like a police chief with a black cat's appearance was really majestic, especially when he was planning something behind his back. It seemed that as long as he was present, those daring fellows would absolutely not dare to challenge his dignity. After two rounds, they would piss their pants and get out of here.

On the Niels Medal, there was the Hero Honour awarded by the Advanced Police Training Base of the United States of America and the Presidential Office. These were the chips that he was confident in. In addition to the presence of the peacekeepers at the scene, his confidence was even greater.

Dealing with this kind of sudden incident had always been risky. Under normal circumstances, Director Niels would hide in his office and command remotely. However, he had received the news long ago today, Director Charles. It was an activity in this area. He was the superior with special connections.

In the most chaotic place in the world, the police couldn't protect the safety of the Crown Prince City alone. If something were to happen. . . What they often did was to follow the peacekeeping police and help them. They would only appear on the streets when the war was over.

This was not a strange rumor. The tasks are all authorized after a joint agreement between the international community and Helis. This was not considered special. What was even more special was that there was a small war-torn country, most of which were peacekeepers maintaining order, and for a long time, there was not even a legal government.

After explaining the relevant information, Jiang Liushi noticed that the minibus at the southwest corner of the shopping mall had a group of people standing there. Who was it? Of course, it was Charles, Director Chen, and Xiao Qiangbing.

The police cars in the distance had entered their field of vision, and they were getting clearer and clearer. A satisfied look appeared on Director Charles's face, and he felt proud of himself.

"Niles, your performance today is not bad. If you do this, at least let the China people take a look. The local police are not to be trifled with. You are familiar with the local situation and this time, there are a lot of people here. For those rebels who dare to intrude into the city and cause trouble, they will definitely strike at lightning speed and deal with them decisively, humph. . . "

As he thought of this, he looked at Director Chen and saw that they were all wearing large sunglasses. Their expressions were a little serious, some worried, and most of them were silent.

Director Chen and National Peak had dealt with countless similar group violence cases in the country, so they naturally understood the severity of this. Once the perpetrator was ruthless and merciless, the risk of rescuing the hostages was extremely high, and the slightest carelessness would result in unpredictable consequences. Moreover, the perpetrators might be people from Darkness Starlight, a group of well-tactical, experienced executioners who killed countless people.

"Dealing with such a thorny problem cannot be done by just relying on the bravery of the police, good skills, and good mental fortitude. It is not enough. This terrain is very critical. If you don't even know the intentions and trump cards of the other party, you'll easily be ruined if you go up there. " Director Chen thought quietly and made a rational decision in his heart.

This violent case was really different from similar cases in China. China was the place with the strictest gun control. There were a few rare cases of kidnapping involving guns, and the majority of them were fakes 54, 64. Small caliber guns, once the police arrived. . . After persuading, negotiating, and brainstorming, they suddenly launched an assault. A sniper or a special police officer suddenly making a move had a very high chance of success.

However, this one in front of them was different. There were many people on the other side, and each of them was a rebel who had experienced hundreds of battles. Killing people was like slaughtering livestock, and their methods were cruel and unscrupulous. That would be troublesome.

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