The Quantum Traveler/C12 The Guarantee
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The Quantum Traveler/C12 The Guarantee
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C12 The Guarantee

The operation was set to commence the following evening, and their designated location was a prepared spot within the neighborhood.

"I'm not sure why, but lately, our neighborhood seems to be attracting some odd characters. You need to stay vigilant. What if they're criminals?" the security guard expressed, compelled to voice his concerns. As an older man in his fifties or sixties, he knew he stood no chance in a physical confrontation with any potential robbers.

"So, you're suggesting that many people around here could be criminals? Then I have to ask, why do you continue to work as a security guard in such a place?"

"Well, we're not exactly flush with cash, so taking a security job here seemed like a decent option. Plus, with our level of education, it's pretty much the kind of work we're limited to," he explained.

"That implies there's been an influx of suspicious individuals lately. But isn't it your job as neighborhood security to have protective measures in place for the residents?"

"Absolutely, we've posted numerous notices and employed various surveillance methods. You've seen our emergency phone numbers. Should trouble arise, we can alert the police immediately. We're capable of securing the scene, at least until the authorities arrive. As long as the criminals aren't armed, we're in a better position."

Steamed Bun was left dumbfounded by the response. In this day and age, what criminal wouldn't carry a gun?

"So, you're saying that as long as you can control the situation, everything's fine? Then please, quickly fill me in on the details here."

Steamed Bun was clearly growing impatient.

"Aren't you here on a family visit? Why the sudden interest in our affairs? Are you part of the staff, or just a nosy onlooker who enjoys a spectacle? I don't need to explain myself to you. Just watch out for your own safety, and if you do run into trouble, make sure to find me."

The guard's impatience surfaced, possibly out of fear that discussing these issues could jeopardize his job. In such a predicament, silence was his chosen recourse.

For Steamed Bun, however, this was hardly an issue. He had seen his fair share of neighborhoods, some so old and disorganized they lacked proper property management. But here, at least there were people offering warnings, which, in his view, made it a relatively better option.

"I see it this way: at least now we have the means to tackle this issue, and I'm confident that with our persistent efforts, we'll find the right breakthrough. That's precisely why we can devise a true solution. I believe that with our dedication, we'll gradually restore everything to its original state. And if we take the time to fully understand the situation, we're sure to come up with an appropriate plan."

It was clear that persisting would be an exercise in futility. They had done all they could, which explained their ability to resolve the issue so swiftly.

They had seen enough to know that the things they could uncover had significant implications, suggesting that the story behind it all was likely more complex than it seemed.

At that moment, Serway reappeared in the neighborhood. He didn't take any action; he simply had the workers keep an eye on him, though there was no reaction.

"Are we just going to stand by and listen? What kind of people are they? We've been going round and round with them, and we still don't know what they're up to. If you can solve the problem quickly, that's great. But if they're part of a criminal gang, we must catch them."

Steamed Bun, having just left the security room, quietly updated the monitoring departments via his communicator.

"Don't rush into anything. Things aren't always as straightforward as you might think. And remember, you need to keep a cool head here. I know your family is well-off, but this operation is unrelated to them, got it?"

Zhang Bufan's biggest concern was that some of them might feel undue pressure and take actions that were beyond comprehension, which would only complicate matters further.

Throughout the neighborhood, a multitude of odd cars were parked haphazardly, thanks to the scarcity of parking spaces. This explained why residents didn't bother lodging complaints with the security guards over parking issues.

"Everyone, keep your heads down."

And so, as night fell, they had a clear understanding of the situation unfolding beneath the dormitory windows.

With a thorough grasp of the current state of affairs, they were well-prepared for what was to come, making this surveillance operation a resounding success.

The following day, the relevant departments convened once again.

"We've got a clear picture of what went down last night. Clearly, they haven't made their move yet, but we've uncovered one of their haunts—a pretty decent nightclub here in town. I've heard it's the scene of some bizarre incidents after dark."

"I get what you're saying. Is it the kind of place where lots of guys go to hit on women, and then, lo and behold, a room is conveniently ready for them, right?"

"Exactly. And we've stumbled upon a new piece of the puzzle. If we can't provide a satisfactory explanation, we'll be at a loss ourselves. So, I propose we check out that nightclub first. I have a hunch that Serway and his crew aren't the key players. We still haven't managed to trace our way back to their core."

Steamed Bun hit the nail on the head this time. So far, they've come up empty-handed in finding any solid evidence.

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