The Quantum Traveler/C13 It Was Hard to Accept
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The Quantum Traveler/C13 It Was Hard to Accept
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C13 It Was Hard to Accept

"So, our current strategy is to make the most of our time by conducting an investigation at the nightclub as soon as possible. This is the fastest way to address the issue at hand. And as our operations expand, I'm confident we'll see a gradual increase in many areas."

It was clear that their initial thoughts had some merit, providing them with a solid approach. Bolstered by their unwavering courage, they were poised to find an effective solution.

"Now, I have an announcement to make. Steamed Bun, you're to stake out the nightclub entrance immediately. Qianqian, your idea has merit, so you'll team up with Steamed Bun. Find a spot to rest near the entrance, and I'll arrange for a reliable vehicle for you both."

"Who's going inside?"

"I'll take that on. I might know a few faces in the nightclub, which could help me blend in and gather intel. Plus, our investigation hasn't tipped them off yet, so this is an opportune moment."

"I disagree."

Out of nowhere, a stunning female staff member made her presence known.

"And you are?"

"I'm Sun Feifei, a recent police academy graduate who's already cracked several significant cases. I was specifically requested by your supervisor to join this operation. If you're agreeable, I'd like to partner with you. I bring a wealth of professional experience to the table, not to mention my international training."

Sun Feifei then produced her international criminal police credentials, leaving everyone in the room taken aback.

Zhang Bufan, however, was not easily swayed.

"Your credentials don't impress me. I firmly believe that perseverance and our own efforts are key to success. If you think we can gain a clear understanding over time, that's ideal. But if you're suggesting we need a new method to validate our experiences thus far, then I'll tell you this: if we can resolve issues gradually, we'll avoid unnecessary complications in our future missions."

"Fine! We'll proceed with this plan. I'm confident that once we understand each other better, our collaboration will be even more effective. But what exactly is your assigned role by our supervisor?"

Zhang Bufan was acutely aware of his own standing and had no intention of being overshadowed. He had been a fixture here for a long time, and the thought of an unsatisfactory outcome was, to say the least, unsettling.

"Let me put it to you straight—I'm not looking to get involved in anything else. What I'm seeing now is pretty much in line with what you're able to grasp. Moreover, I'm hoping to find the right breakthrough, which means we'll need to put in relentless effort to gain recognition and, in turn, create opportunities for ourselves, don't you agree?"

"Sure, if you say so, that's fine. But what's your take on this nightclub operation? Or do you think my approach is foolish?"

"Here's how I see it: you can't pull this off alone. If you're acquainted with some folks inside, you're bound to tip them off. Are you suggesting that by making a bold move, if they scatter, it won't be easy to round them up again?"

Confronted with these threats, they could more or less make sense of the situation, which showed they had the right mindset. As events unfolded and people gradually uncovered the truth, they began to understand why they had chosen this particular approach to tackle the problem.

"That about covers it. Let's go check it out. It would be fantastic to apprehend everyone here right away, but brace yourself—I doubt it's going to be that straightforward."

"I'm with you there. Enough talk. Let's focus on the best possible outcome. If we can nab the key figures swiftly, we can claim victory."

Then the person in charge showed up.

"It looks like you're all up to speed. I've brought a few more people today, including from your previous location. Here's the deal: the issue has escalated, so it's drawing a lot of high-level attention. I've decided to establish a team of experts to tackle this thoroughly. After all, this gang has made it onto the A-list of wanted criminals; we can't afford to remain in this state."

The person in charge was clearly starting to feel the pressure, likely due to some flak he'd caught from higher-ups. He was now urgently looking to address the issue.

"So you're saying our mission is gradually coming into focus?"

"Since the start of this case, we've dealt with a lot of unrelated incidents, but linking them together, we've managed to meet certain criteria with this gang."

The reality had already shifted, bringing about a different impact. Moreover, with the case slowly emerging into the light, the time to close the net was imminent—an opportunity we absolutely had to seize.

"Liang, you've always been the one I've valued most. From the moment you started in the department, I've been your mentor. You surely haven't forgotten the first case we worked on together, have you?"

Zhang Bufan had a pretty good grasp of the situation at this point.

"Are you suggesting that my investigation is moving too slowly?"

"That's one way to interpret it. I can lay things out for you from start to finish, very clearly. The reality you're faced with is gradually becoming harder to stomach. If you can devise a solid plan, I'm confident you'll be able to make the necessary adjustments. That's why I want you to be one of the lead organizers on this case."

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