The Quantum Traveler/C14 The Sound of the Wind
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The Quantum Traveler/C14 The Sound of the Wind
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C14 The Sound of the Wind

Zhang Bufan was acutely aware that finding the right approach to tackle the issue would be ideal. They also recognized a fundamental truth: the faster they could address the problem, the more likely they were to achieve a flawless resolution.

"If you're ready, we can get moving right away. The provincial government has already begun to take action, and it looks like we may need to form a joint investigation team for this task."

The person in charge made his expectations clear: given the circumstances, substantial authority and demands were necessary to uncover the final outcome.

"Chief, there's no need for you to worry so much. My team and I are on it. Just confirm the details on your end, and we'll proceed with the joint investigation."

"Let's do this: join me on a trip to the provincial government. They're currently setting up the joint team, and if possible, I'm confident the director, despite his busy schedule, will make time to see you."


And so, they set off for the provincial capital. Upon arrival, they were greeted by the bustling vibrancy of the city. Entering the Shen Hall, they found Director Zhao fully prepared.

"I had a feeling you'd make it here, and I'm well aware of Liang's exceptional abilities. But for the preparations we're undertaking locally, your cooperation is essential. Given the gravity of the situation in your jurisdiction, you must implement a sensible strategy. Got it?"

Zhang Bufan promptly saluted the director.

"Director Zhao, I never imagined I'd be here, sharing a room with you. But I'm confident that with efficient use of time, we can reach a genuine conclusion. I've just come from a meeting where we decided to form an expert panel."

"Our provincial government has also put together an expert group. After getting to the heart of the matter today, we've resolved to deploy directly to your city and work on-site with your departments. As the head of the criminal investigation team, you will play a pivotal role."

"Rest assured, I know how to handle this. I'm fully aware of the current mood among us all. We were mentally prepared from the outset, though we recognize the challenges are substantial, reflecting the varied concerns of everyone involved."

"Alright, let's head inside," they agreed.

Upon entering the conference room, they discovered the leadership had nearly finalized a standard. Yet, as they took their seats, the atmosphere wasn't as warm as one might expect from a department head.

"So, you're the legendary team that's been handling the investigations, correct? They say you're quite skilled, though we're not too familiar with you. We have just one question: What have you found in your investigation? We need a thorough briefing from you so that we can target our approach effectively tomorrow."

The speaker, a middle-aged individual, surprisingly exuded the elegance of a stunning woman.

"Leader Huang, go easy on the young man," Liang interjected. "He's under a lot of pressure. Establishing a standard is crucial for everyone, and he's been diligently investigating the case. We were rushed today, which is why we're not fully prepared to report."

"It's not about preparation," Huang replied. "I'm asking a straightforward question: Can you provide a tangible issue for us to tackle? I'm confident that with our collective persistence, we can devise a sensible solution. This is a testament to our resolve, and as our efforts intensify, our outcomes will naturally evolve."

By now, everyone had a grasp on the situation's reality, rendering further pursuit unnecessary. Their relentless efforts and demands meant they could determine the appropriate actions within certain parameters to establish a definitive presence.

"I'm now aware of a pressing issue: as our endeavors grow, so too will our commitment to meet the increasing demands without remorse. This reflects our genuine dedication, and I'm convinced that with our shared experiences, we can certainly identify an effective strategy."

After a thorough review, Zhang Bufan presented his findings from the recent investigation. The results, however, did not meet everyone's expectations. But with limited resources at their disposal, they recognized that finding a better approach for further research and investigation was unlikely.

"The current state of affairs isn't ideal. Yet, I'm optimistic that with a collaborative investigation, we can unravel the truth in no time—perhaps in under two months. This will allow us to establish the quickest standard and expedite your release. After all, this case has already started to stir whispers at the national level."

The yellow-haired worker kept things straightforward. Given the circumstances, he was able to identify a fitting benchmark for everything he observed.

"Right now, I don't want to get into other matters. There's just one thing that's crucial: we must come up with an effective solution to address any potential issues. And as we continue to improve our work, finding the right standards is simply a question of time. So, starting today, we're going to form a specialized task force and head straight to your city, alright?"

With these conditions in place, they pinpointed an appropriate breakthrough for their observations, creating a positive environment and a sense of empowerment. As their efforts advanced, they would gradually gain a clear understanding of the eventual outcome.

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