The Quantum Traveler/C15 The Pickiness
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The Quantum Traveler/C15 The Pickiness
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C15 The Pickiness

After stepping out of the conference room, the pair was far from pleased. They hadn't anticipated the stringent demands from Shen Hall's personnel, especially regarding the resources, which they couldn't fully grasp.

"What's with this Ms. Huang? How can she speak to us like that? Does she have some special authority? It's bizarre. She talks as if she's above it all, and I can't shake the feeling that she harbors some really odd ideas, right?" Zhang Bufan was seething inside. He knew that the efforts he'd put in locally might not be replicated successfully by these people.

"I understand your frustration, but our hands are tied. She is our boss, after all, isn't she?"

"What I can't wrap my head around is why this woman feels entitled to belittle us. Does she equate slowness with incompetence? Or does she think that because we're younger, we should blindly follow her lead? It's all very strange to me. She's just a division head. Rank-wise, she's not much different from you."

The supervisor was taken aback and quickly ushered Liang to a quieter spot.

"Could you keep your voice down? You're well aware of the stakes. If you blow this out of proportion, you might end up out of uniform. Remember, this is the provincial headquarters, and Ms. Huang, the one giving the final assessment, has become an emblematic figure here. That's why she can address us in such a manner. You get that, right?"

"The issue is, I recognize her strength and her track record with major cases. I respect her for that, but it doesn't give her the right to speak to us in such a condescending tone. I'm not as old as she is, and I believe that when I reach that point, my insight will surely surpass hers."

At that moment, the director himself made an appearance. He had been discreetly observing the duo since the meeting concluded, aware that it's quite normal for the younger generation to hold divergent views.

"Don't worry. Just stop by my office, and I'll explain why he's in this situation," Zhang Bufan reassured them.

Inside the director's office, a sense of restraint lingered among them. Moments ago, they were seething with anger, but now, Liang was gradually adopting a new mindset.

"Huang is actually a great person, very thorough in his work and always speaks the truth. He's set an example for all of us. Isn't it true that living a life full of lies isn't healthy? And when the harsh truth finally comes out, the damage it does can be immense, right?"

"That's a fair point," Liang acknowledged. "But what I'm really curious about is why he always leaves us feeling so uneasy. Does he doubt the value of my efforts?"

"This lady does have that issue, but let me be clear—if you ever get the chance to work closely with this Division Chief, you'll see the brilliance of his methods. His attention to detail can lead us to achieve more with less effort."

The conversation paused there. It was clear they both understood that everyone has their own unique way of handling things. Liang, for instance, had a knack for escalating situations and pulling chestnuts out of the fire, sometimes even catching hares by accident. But that didn't mean that was the only way to get things done.

"So, based on our current situation, we've always believed that finding the right standard means having no regrets about our choices. That's why today, I suggest you spend some quality time with this lovely lady here. Perhaps we can figure out a strategy together. But remember, she's your superior, so be mindful of how you speak."

He was genuinely curious. If the expert team wasn't cohesive, they'd never crack the case, and he'd be the one left without any glory.

Staff member Huang made her presence known, though this time her demeanor was less stern than during the meeting.

"I overheard your conversation in the hallway. It's fine. I understand you have some grievances with me. People who aren't on good terms with me might think I'm harsh, but that's just me being diligent. I apologize for any upset I've caused today, but I want you to know that I'll always be this direct. Can you accept that?"

Unexpectedly, at such a pivotal moment, Huang, the staff member, offered an apology, leaving Liang unsure of how to respond. With no other option, she slowly reached for her teacup and handed it to Huang.

"I haven't had any tea from here, so it's clean," Huang said. "My earlier apology was because I initially thought you were just nitpicking without understanding the things you've mentioned before."

"Don't worry," chimed in Zhang Bufan, "as long as we collaborate, it's the best course of action. But let's be clear, I am indeed your boss, right, Manager Ma?"

Manager Ma could only offer a nod in agreement. Although they were peers, the chiefs like Zhang Bufan did possess a higher level of skill.

After some initial adjustments, the three of them were now united in purpose, which was nothing short of excellent for the whole expert group.

Back in their own city, their efforts were gradually yielding results. As the case unfolded, getting to the bottom of the truth became their main focus. Huang, having met the entire detective squad, began to appreciate their effective work style.

"Let's do this tomorrow," suggested Zhang Bufan. "I'll take some of my team to stake out that nightclub you mentioned. It's imperative we conduct a thorough investigation, especially since I've heard that place is a hotbed of unsavory activities, and apparently, the owner has some explaining to do."

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