The Quantum Traveler/C16 Control
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The Quantum Traveler/C16 Control
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C16 Control

Based on what's been presented, they've nearly found a suitable plan. Moreover, the thoughts each person held have been fully revealed, leaving no need for secrecy.

"I just want to understand one thing. With our plans evolving, can we expect to leave those worries behind? By comparing our current situation with what we've observed, we should be able to arrive at a definitive result and action plan, right?"

"Yes, that's correct. Starting today, I'll be coming directly to your location. I've sorted out my family affairs and want to make it clear: no one is to disclose anything externally. As we initiate this specialized group, we'll likely face serious threats from various gangs targeting our families. Rest assured, we've already taken covert measures to protect them, so there's no need to fret about future issues."


Now that they've discovered an appropriate method, there's no reason to delve further. As they coalesce into a progressive collective, the underlying stories are nearly resolved.

"Starting today, we're on track to find the right approach, indicating our mindset is fully prepared. As we advance our plans, the ultimate value realized will be in a completely different form."

After relentless effort, they've almost pinpointed the right approach. The immediate goal is to make haste into the city proper to conduct the necessary investigations.

Upon returning to their department, the team quickly got down to business. The professional group, after a quick debrief with the others, promptly dove into the real work at hand.

"Moving forward, I'll assist in managing this issue. Liang, could you share the methodology behind your previous investigations? If I can identify a way to help you, perhaps we can gradually work towards the right solution."

This worker's emotional intelligence was notably high. After grasping Liang's previous concerns, he adapted his approach, leaving others at a loss for words.

Zhang Bufan felt a wave of self-reproach. He had been adamant about his stance, but now he was at a loss for words. The situation remained unresolved, and he acknowledged his part in it. Yet, it was clear that without a timely solution, the gains he had made might soon vanish.

"In our city, there are three major nightclubs where many people find ways to unwind. However, I've heard that they're popular haunts for the big bosses, so when we conduct our vice raids, we prioritize these spots."

"That sounds good. You mentioned earlier about a beautiful staff member who was willing to collaborate with you. Does that mean we should check out the place? Given my age, it might not be appropriate for me to just show up there. So, I propose neither of you go. Instead, I'll bring in some new faces to conduct the investigation. They're professionals, so rest assured, with the right approach, I'm confident we'll gradually uncover the full story of what's been happening there."

A subtle smile spread across everyone's faces, a testament to the distinct feeling that the reality they had envisioned was now materializing before them.

As night fell and they reached the nightclub, they discovered the situation was even more complex than anticipated. While there were no signs of the traditional criminal activity of legend, it was clear that everyone there was driven by peculiar motives.

"I never expected this place to harbor so many unsavory characters, and now they've even taken to operating underground."

The team members who had just scoped out the nightclub quickly briefed their superiors in the command vehicle, who felt a wave of discomfort upon learning of the chaotic scene.

"Clearly, there's someone pulling the strings behind the scenes. We'll find a way to address this, but first, I need to understand the truth. If we let this continue unchecked, I can't predict the outcome. The situation could become quite muddled. So far, I haven't been able to devise an effective strategy, and that's putting pressure on us, wouldn't you agree?"

"Absolutely. That's why we can now slowly clarify the issues we've identified. Given our current circumstances, we should proceed based on our previous experiences. Otherwise, we'd be at a loss for how to resolve this effectively."

As the investigation deepened, the pieces of the puzzle began to emerge, signaling the onset of a new development.

"We've managed to identify a few suspects. Let me pull up their images."

"Isn't that the guy who was just released from our prison? He hasn't changed his ways at all, still frequenting this place as if it's his playground."

Zhang Bufan was taken aback.

"Are you certain?"

"Completely certain. Moreover, I'm now convinced that with such an attitude, they will undoubtedly figure out the right path for development."

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