The Quantum Traveler/C17 The Standard
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The Quantum Traveler/C17 The Standard
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C17 The Standard

Now that the situation is nearly resolved, it's clear that a decisive mindset has emerged. The next step is to move forward with a plan to wrap things up.

"By last night, we had a good grasp of the situation, right? We've basically confirmed that there's a connection between the gang and the three nightclubs. And if I'm not mistaken, what's coming next won't be as straightforward, will it?"

Having understood the situation, they began to recognize their own exhaustion. The unique pressure they felt stemmed from not knowing the right course of action to truly resolve the issues at hand. And the pain that was likely to follow could erupt at any moment within a certain scope.

"We conducted an investigation at another nightclub last night, but couldn't come up with a suitable solution. The only certainty is that one individual is likely linked to the organization."

That was the update from Team Two.

Team Three was up next. During the meeting, they had a planned response for the information provided by each team. This demonstrated their collective mindset, and the immediate task at hand was to act swiftly and start rounding up the suspects. The most pressing need now was for the undercover agents to start relaying intelligence.

The reality they faced might not align with what they perceived, but they had no choice but to consolidate their findings as the situation had grown incredibly complex. This indicated a critical mindset, and the process they observed was becoming more refined.

"I've got nearly everything I need. I'm confident that with our relentless effort, we can find suitable solutions for the challenges ahead, which is almost beyond imagination. Therefore, today we must make a better decision, which is for each of us to hit the streets and spread the word. What's our benchmark? Many people are clueless, but it's time to start cracking down on the gang."

Chief Huang's presence was undeniably distinct, and the culmination of this gathering was the issuance of a new directive.

"We've established an expert group, and after last night's investigation, things are much clearer. First off, we need to express our gratitude to the friends who've assisted us. The firsthand intelligence we've received is a testament to their contributions and the capabilities of our team."

Zhang Bufan was taken aback. The words Chief Huang spoke in his presence were entirely different from what others had heard, suggesting that sometimes the echo of repeated ideas slowly comes to light.

"So, starting today, we must show our true mettle. We'll use the quickest method to compile what we've observed. In doing so, we'll uncover a formidable strength that is uniquely ours. Ultimately, we'll be able to grasp the essence of the most perplexing phenomena."


Now that the situation is nearly resolved, it's clear that their mindsets and actions have been spot on. The standards they've been working towards are now fully understood, and they've reached a new pinnacle of success. Moreover, based on the evidence everyone has presented, we've done just about everything we can to assist.

"So, I hereby issue the order: starting today, we will begin making arrests. But first, we need to establish control. The goal is to catch everyone at once. Once we've rounded up these small fries, we'll move straight into interrogation, and then the operation can commence. I've already discussed this with Shen Ying—rest assured, no port will let any suspects slip through."

The unexpected events of the evening put everyone on edge. In three nightclubs, from the owners to the staff and various patrons, many were detained by the authorities following a sweep.

"Do you understand why you're here?"

One nightclub owner faced the questioning with brazen arrogance, completely dismissive.

"Let me be clear: you arrest me today, someone will bail me out tomorrow. I'm confident that with my personal charm, you can't put any real pressure on me. So I suggest you release me now, or you'll regret it later."

"You seem to underestimate the resolve of our provincial department, don't you? Even if you're connected to the highest levels, we're not intimidated. Our determination is unwavering. As a nightclub owner, you should be running a legitimate business, not using people here for your shady schemes. Do you really see them as mere pawns?"

The nightclub owner's arrogance began to wane under the official's firm stance.

"I had no idea you were with the provincial government. You're not at all what I expected. Well then, let's be frank. We're just ordinary folks here, but the local powers are too strong to ignore. If we don't play along, they won't let us survive. It's a tough spot. How can you run a nightclub without mingling with all sorts of characters?"

"Now you're getting it, right? But let me lay it out for you: if you keep operating this way, you're headed for shutdown. You're already suspended; next time, it could be a full closure with every department coming down on you. I wonder who will be willing to help you then."

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