The Quantum Traveler/C18 The Alertness
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The Quantum Traveler/C18 The Alertness
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C18 The Alertness

"Let me pose a question to you: who has visited your establishment demanding protection money? Without divulging that information, I doubt this place will be able to stay in business much longer."

They were well aware of the situation and its unique impact. It was beyond what anyone could have imagined, yet finding an appropriate solution seemed unavoidable.

Clearly, they were at a loss for what to do next. Articulating the truth in such circumstances was far from straightforward.

"Here's the deal: the situation is nearly under control. If we can devise a solid plan based on what's transpired, we won't have to consider additional variables. However, you must reveal the identities of those extorting protection fees. We're determined to crack down this time."

The staff member hoped the suspect would come clean. Only with the truth could they hope to regain some semblance of freedom.

The situation appeared to be wrapping up, but the criminal didn't seem particularly invested in their approach.

"I understand you're eager to close the case quickly, but let me caution you: these individuals are incredibly sly. They employ a myriad of tactics that lead to outcomes you can't even begin to fathom. Believing you can easily wrap this up is, frankly, naive."

"What exactly are you implying? We've combed through every port, set up checkpoints on every road."

"It's futile. These people are clever; they won't just waltz into your traps. If you're blockading the roads, what if they take to the mountains or avoid vehicles altogether, traversing the terrain on foot? Are you prepared to scour the mountains as well?"

This revelation left everyone present utterly astonished; they hadn't expected the nightclub owner to have such a profound understanding of the situation.

"I have one question for you: how do you know all this?"

"Don't underestimate me. My presence here, in this new capacity, signifies a complete shift in mindset. Based on my predictions, I'm confident that eventually, we'll find a mutually beneficial plan for collaboration. That means the unfolding story between us can gradually come to fruition. But if you arrest me now, with your so-called tactics, we'll be trapped, and those we're after will be tipped off."

The room fell silent as they exchanged glances, realizing the haste of their actions. Then, almost unexpectedly, Liang let out a quiet chuckle.

"Don't worry, the net of heaven has large meshes, but it lets nothing through. I've got a plan. Just spill everything you know about the inner workings of these criminal gangs."

"Sure, I'm quite familiar with them. I've even met their boss. Here's what we'll do: I'll give you a rundown, and you can have someone take notes. Remember, you need to pay close attention to the details. A single slip-up could lead to your downfall."

Unexpectedly, the first step in their operation was to get a clear picture of the situation here. Meanwhile, the tension in the meeting room was palpable as they waited.

"So, you're suggesting that the best way to find the boss is to check out the old factory, but you're still not sure which one it is. How should we proceed?"

"Look, I've been clear with you. The fact that I'm here talking to you now, and how I ended up in this situation, indicates that I was once under their close watch. I was completely in the dark, hooded in black, unable to see anything. So yes, navigating this path is going to be tricky."

"So, the only thing you're certain of is that there are individuals within these gangs who behave differently, correct?"

"Exactly. I'm telling you, it's a tight squeeze in the city. Around that factory area, there are eyes everywhere. You could walk into a little shop to buy something, and the owner might just be a gang lieutenant. And let me add, they're on high alert for strangers."

The staff members nodded in understanding.

"From this point forward, I'll spare you the extra stories. But there's one lead I must clarify from start to finish. Based on our current evidence, the things we can pinpoint are quite straightforward. And the conclusions we'll draw from our actions will likely be beyond what anyone could imagine."

"Alright! Since we've reached this pinnacle, there's no point in belaboring the point. From today, considering our present circumstances, we have just one goal: to identify and exploit the true vulnerabilities of the gang. I believe that's the only way you'll truly grasp how this criminal organization operates."

The nightclub owner suddenly burst into laughter.

"Truth be told, I've said all I need to say. The ball's in your court now. If you manage to nab the big boss, I'm confident you'll wield some real clout in this region. The shadow hanging over this city has been a real scourge for the townsfolk."

The interrogation was winding down, and everyone had a clear idea of the steps to take moving forward.

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