The Quantum Traveler/C19 He Was Depressed!
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The Quantum Traveler/C19 He Was Depressed!
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C19 He Was Depressed!

"Alright! I think it's best if I take command of this operation, given my familiarity with the local terrain. The factory district is divided into roughly three areas, and if we just let our people enter openly, they'll certainly draw a lot of attention. So, we're going to need the cooperation of the staff."

Zhang Bufan had come back to life, so to speak. He realized that the methods he had adhered to had pushed him to an extreme that was almost beyond belief.

"Let's start with the special task force. You've been conducting investigations in various ways, which is effective to a point. But as you've just heard, a direct investigation would raise alarms, especially since you're all new faces, ourselves included. We need a fresh approach, which means conducting reconnaissance at night and employing special combat tactics. This is the only way we can engage the enemy on new terms."

"So, you're suggesting we use special agents for this?"

"No need for special agents. We just need to find individuals with special combat training. Their primary role will be intelligence gathering, while we focus on compiling a comprehensive report. This clarifies our current mission. Do you get it?"

The staff member with the yellow hair finally realized that Liang, standing before him, was beginning to reveal his true strength. Perhaps he had been a top student at the relevant department's university back in the day.

"So, what's your plan now? I have only one thing on my mind: we must apprehend the wrongdoers, no matter what. Otherwise, we'll have no way to account for our actions to the public."

"I understand. That means, starting now, there's only one best course of action: we must utilize every moment to compile a thorough summary of everything we've observed. I also understand the impact of the results you've been carving out. It's a testament to a genuine mindset. So this time, I'll handle the real coordination."

Zhang Bufan faced the group and laid out a plan.

"Given our current setup, we have four teams, five if you include the staff. So, our main objective is clear. All team members capable of combat will immediately begin to infiltrate in disguise. You have just one mission: to conduct a thorough search of the entire area using wilderness survival techniques."

According to this belief, everyone started to understand what needed to be done. This was a true life-or-death ordeal, and although many might perish, there was simply no alternative. The so-called organization, entrenched as it seemed, had indeed posed significant challenges for everyone. Otherwise, the provincial government wouldn't have been so resolute in their decision to dismantle it.

"What you need to focus on now is making the most of your time and tackling this challenge by surviving in the wilderness. You might not have the luxury of buying snacks and water from a convenience store, and the water you drink might be contaminated, but remember, for us, these hardships are trivial. If anyone falls ill or encounters unclean conditions, I'll cover the medical expenses."

Zhang Bufan suddenly came across a map.

"There's a heavily polluted area within this region. I suspect that in such circumstances, many would struggle to devise a suitable plan."

The revelation that he would personally enter the polluted zone took everyone by surprise. The question then arose: if this approach persisted, the outcome would undoubtedly be disheartening.

"I realize that we're nearly there with this situation. Moreover, the evidence we've gathered confirms our approach, indicating that we're maintaining the best mindset. The developments we're witnessing are gradually becoming clear, suggesting we're on track for the best possible outcome. At least with the current state of affairs, I'm confident I can handle it."

Understandably, the group found it hard to come to terms with this. The harsh reality was undeniable, and the potential outcomes they envisioned were hard to fathom. The operation to close the net was indeed complex, and the consequences of a head-on approach were too uncertain for anyone to justify.

"With your courageous spirit, we must certainly give it our all in the fight. But let me assure you, if we can find an appropriate method, that would be ideal. You don't need to resort to harmful means to resolve this issue. Remember, we have access to advanced technology."

"Maybe we should drop that idea. Drones make noise, and if we're detected, it could mean total annihilation. I'll go instead."

Everyone had nearly unraveled the truth behind the events, and with that understanding, they were now ready to gradually put their plans into motion.

Upon reaching the factory, a sense of imagination began to take hold among the group. The harsh reality they encountered mirrored past events. Yet, the overwhelming stench in the heavily polluted zone sparked a hint of curiosity in Zhang Bufan.

"Regardless, we're here now, so there's no use dwelling on it any longer."

With the situation escalating to a critical point, they were set to carry on with their resolution. Sticking to the initial strategy, they commenced their final stakeout, lying in wait for the appearance of their targets.

The command center had tightened its surveillance, aware that the concluding phase could bring unexpected developments. Clearly, as events unfolded and intensified, determining the ultimate resolution would require a mix of approaches.

"All units be advised, the targets have emerged. Our forces are in position. Let's proceed with the final sweep."

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