The Quantum Traveler/C20 He Had Made up His Mind!
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The Quantum Traveler/C20 He Had Made up His Mind!
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C20 He Had Made up His Mind!

After a grueling day and night of anticipation, everyone was nearly at their breaking point. Yet, in that moment of despair, a glimmer of hope emerged. A Mercedes-Benz, prepped and ready, rolled onto the scene, signaling the start of a clandestine transaction.

"All units, stay alert," came the command. "Maintain tight control from this point forward. I'm confident that if we handle this situation properly, we'll devise a final plan. We can't afford to let our guard down now."

The trade unfolded gradually, setting the stage for a process beyond anyone's wildest imagination. They had no choice but to proceed by the book, unaware that undercover agents had already infiltrated their ranks.

The exchange was straightforward: cash for goods, with no turning back. Astonishingly, the entire deal was conducted in U.S. dollars.

"Look around," they were told. "Everything here falls under our jurisdiction. If we don't act swiftly to intercept, we stand to lose a fortune. It's time to move in."

In an overwhelming surge, like a tidal wave, operatives converged from every direction, swiftly securing the area.


The crowd was stunned, but the real shock came when the operatives suddenly reversed course, sprinting back to seal the warehouse doors, leaving the would-be traders stranded outside.

"They think they can outsmart us? No need to worry, keep pressing forward."

Zhang Bufan had been waiting for this day. The sudden scaling of walls was a testament to his childhood training, now fully utilized in the heat of action.

Inside the factory, however, he discovered that preparations had been made for their arrival. The hail of gunfire was surreal, but thankfully, his bulletproof vest offered some protection.

The other operatives wasted no time. The siege had turned into a full-scale assault, and thankfully, they had scaled the walls and taken control with unmatched speed.

"Listen up, everyone," he addressed the group. "The reality of our situation is clear. If we don't resolve this swiftly, we're looking at total defeat. I need better options from you all. If we don't act fast, we'll surely face even tougher challenges ahead, won't we?"

The robbers soon realized that persisting in their fight was futile, and they began to retreat through a small door.

"Keep an eye on the side door," came the command.

In the command center, the situation was well understood, particularly by Ma, the person in charge, and Huang, a staff member, whose level of concern was notably high.

Another special team swiftly made their way to the rear and took control of the small door in an unexpectedly effective manner.

And so, an incredibly fierce battle ensued, leading to a decisive victory. The once formidable robbers were now thoroughly subdued. The subsequent turn of events left everyone present astonished. It became clear that the choices they faced were based on a false premise, rendering their efforts in vain.

"Open fire with everything you've got, and stay alert. We're going to wipe them out this time," the order rang out.

The ensuing battle was brutally intense, as they were up against a well-entrenched gang armed with firearms and ammunition directly imported from abroad.

"I refuse to believe we can't take them on in combat," someone declared defiantly.

Steamed Bun, no longer considering the consequences for himself, suddenly broke free from the crowd and charged forward, taking out an enemy machine gun as if he were plugging a bullet hole.

To everyone's surprise, a stray bullet struck his head, but miraculously, he was unharmed. A strange piece of metal, for some unknown reason, had been in place, saving him from more than a minor scrape.

"Charge!" he rallied the troops.

The battle at the main entrance was brutally intense, but their resolve was strengthening, inflicting severe damage on the gang.

"We need to act fast. I'm determined to uncover the truth, or we'll have no face to show to Father Pontheugh," someone urged with determination.

Realizing their dire situation, the gang knew they couldn't hold out much longer. Any further resistance would be nothing more than a desperate last stand.

"There's no use fighting anymore. We're done for," they conceded.

In a surprising turn, the gang leader stepped forward, hands raised in a gesture of surrender, stunning all his so-called brothers.

"Handcuff him," came the order.

Bun-Hit-Dog was seething with anger, having narrowly escaped death at the hands of the gang. His good fortune, however, seemed to be a silver lining in a very dark cloud.

"You really have nine lives; bullets can't even pierce your skull."

The boss couldn't believe it; it defied logic.

"Let me enlighten you. In this world, good always triumphs over evil. No matter how powerful you are, you'll never defeat our noble workers."

"Take them into custody. We're going to conduct an overnight interrogation."

The backup special forces team gradually made contact, and it was clear that the operation was a resounding success. The entire command center was buzzing with a fresh sense of accomplishment.

"Okay, let's not dwell on it any longer. The celebration dinner tonight is significant for all of us. I'm confident that each of us will revert to our true selves, perfectly content. This case is closed, but I have no doubt that one day we'll reunite for another mission."

The worker, Huang, was overjoyed. It appeared that his primary duty here was to harvest the corn, which also symbolized everyone's firm resolve to combat wrongdoing.

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