The Quantum Traveler/C21 He Had Changed His Opinion of Him!
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The Quantum Traveler/C21 He Had Changed His Opinion of Him!
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C21 He Had Changed His Opinion of Him!

Although the issue had largely been resolved, Zhou Yang knew that to truly steer the situation in the direction he initially intended would require a sustained effort over time.

Moreover, this wasn't a critical problem. Despite having dealt with the immediate troubles, the root cause remained murky. And judging by the current state of affairs, it seemed a lingering force had yet to be fully neutralized.

"We've pretty much got it under control, but you still need to buckle down and finish up the rest. How about giving it a shot?"

For Zhang Bufan, his role was supposed to be simply assisting in the capture, but unexpectedly, he found himself deeply entangled in the affair, unable to detach himself.

"That... I!"

"Don't turn this down, kid. It's a great opportunity for you. Plus, if we don't manage this properly, we'll all be facing something far more incredible. Remember, we carry a significant responsibility."

Bao Zi appeared unfazed, but without a more effective approach, the situation could turn sour for everyone involved.

"Fine, I'll lend a hand."

And with that, the issue was addressed. Yet, Zhang Bufan had inadvertently become an investigator. His immediate task was to work swiftly with the relevant authorities to infiltrate the inner workings, only after gaining a thorough understanding of everyone's roles. He had already secured a crucial script from his earlier investigation.

"You've got one day to memorize all this information about these individuals, including their names, occupations, and the matters they're handling. Without it, infiltrating the core will be impossible. We've taken care of the groundwork for you."

Bao Zi handed over a file, and Zhang Bufan poured over it meticulously. The content was dense, but he was confident that he could commit it to memory within a day.

"I'll figure something out."

In the following day, through relentless effort, Zhou Yang managed to memorize all the details. However, this sensitive information had to be kept within the confines of the appropriate departments. Any inadvertent exposure at home could lead to unforeseen consequences, a scenario everyone wished to avoid.

"Alright then, let's consider this matter decided."

The next day, as everyone was gearing up to tackle their tasks, Zhou Yangze made his way to the location he had previously prepared and dove into his new assignment.

"Isn't this a racetrack?"

Indeed, it was a brand-new racetrack, a favorite haunt for thrill-seeking scions of wealth.

"You've arrived!"

Zhao Xue'er was the first to greet him.

Zhao Xue'er was a key player, yet despite never having met Zhou Yangze before, she greeted him with a warmth as if they were old friends.

"Don't be nervous. It's our first meeting, but we have some matters to address together. Let's start by getting to know the car's capabilities. With me here, there's nothing to worry about. I'll introduce you to everyone first."

Zhao Xue'er led him to a quieter area, where it was clear that a group was eagerly preparing for a significant event.

"Everyone, gather around for introductions."

The crowd drew closer, and Zhao Xue'er remained unassuming, shedding any pretense of superiority.

"This young man is quite the looker!"

A young man?

Zhou Yang bristled at the comment. He was a formidable figure; how could he be reduced to just a 'young man'?

"I'm Lee Jie!"

Lee Jie was the first to extend a hand.

"He's a great friend of mine. I'm sure you two will hit it off and become close friends."

Zhang Bufan was puzzled. It was his first encounter with Zhao Xue'er, yet there was an odd sense of familiarity, as if they had crossed paths before.

"And this is Tang Yu!"

The cordial introductions continued.

Faang Yun also joined at this moment, and it was apparent that everyone shared a similar anticipation. The racers were itching to get started, eager to make the most of their time with an initial race.

Zhou Yang was among the first to take to the track, impressing everyone with a commendable finish. Despite being his debut behind the wheel, the onlookers began to regard him with newfound respect, finding it hard to believe that this man was a novice racer.

"Alright then, since that's the situation, there's no need for further discussion. We've almost finished what we needed to do anyway. That's what's on our minds right now. By the way, are you curious why it seems like we're so close? Follow me."

Zhao Xue'er led Zhou Yang to a quiet corner and pulled up a photo on her phone.

"What's this about?"

Zhang Bufan couldn't predict what was about to unfold, but the revelation that these two were his childhood friends commanded his respect, especially since he had no memory of them whatsoever.

"If it weren't for this childhood photo of us, I'd have no clue. I have no memory of you at all. How did you remember me?"

"We've met before; you've just forgotten me. I'd rather not get into the details of why."

Zhao Xue'er clearly stood out from the rest, her distinctiveness evident.

Yet, as they were still unraveling the truth, a racer appeared out of nowhere, exuding an air of arrogance that left them at a loss for how to respond.

The men stood rooted to the spot like statues, uncertain of the implications of what was unfolding. If they couldn't address the situation promptly, the ensuing problems could cause serious harm to everyone involved.

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