The Quantum Traveler/C23 He Was at a Loss
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The Quantum Traveler/C23 He Was at a Loss
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C23 He Was at a Loss

The game was underway. With no empty beer bottles in sight, Zhou Hee grabbed a full one and deftly popped the cap off with his teeth. He downed the entire bottle in one swift motion, his actions as fluid as a stream.

"Nice! Well done! That's my brother!"

Lee Jie cheered, clearly impressed by the unexpected but thrilling display.

All was set for the next phase. Zhao Xue'er spread a blanket on the ground, and the seven of them huddled around it, a cozy barrier against the chilly breeze.

Zhao Xue'er was the first to spin the bottle. Given the all-male company, it was only proper for the gentlemen to let a lady go first. She gave the bottle a twirl, and perhaps due to her gentler touch, it came to a halt rather quickly, pointing directly at Lee Jie.

"Looks like your girlfriend's got your number, hitting you right off the bat like that," Wang Hee teased, unable to contain his amusement.

Zhou Hee chimed in right away. "Yeah, Lee Jie, what's it going to be? Truth or dare?"

The others looked on with the eagerness of spectators at a spectacle, all too aware of the couple's close bond. A blush crept onto Lee Jie's face at Wang Hee and Zhou Hee's ribbing, his eyes softening as they met Zhao Xue'er's.

"Is that a hint of shyness? It's quite the contrast to Lee Jie's usual demeanor," Zhang Bufan mused, though he kept his thoughts to himself.

"Whatever Xue'er picks, I'll go with," Lee Jie declared, gazing at her adoringly.

Zhao Xue'er felt a momentary inner conflict but quickly masked it with a playful grin. "Then it's definitely dare!"

Her words sparked a chorus of agreement, everyone egging Lee Jie on to choose the dare.

As a devoted boyfriend, Lee Jie was all too happy to comply with Zhao Xue'er's choice.

Zhang Bufan observed the scene, his eyes betraying a hint of gravity and scrutiny. Outwardly impassive, he pondered internally, 'Is it finally time to make my move?'

Faang Yun's interest was piqued, and he asked, "What kind of grand adventure are you thinking of?"

"Kissing! A forceful kiss!" Wang Hee chuckled from the sidelines.

It wasn't that he enjoyed being mistreated; rather, he sensed that his brother, Lee Jie, was becoming increasingly unlike himself since he started dating Zhao Xue'er.

Wang Hee had his own motives; he truly wanted Lee Jie to step up and act more like a man around Zhao Xue'er.

Lee Jie, of course, was all for it. After all, it meant getting to enjoy some time with his girlfriend.

Zhao Xue'er was quick to dismiss Wang Hee's suggestion. "What's so entertaining about that? Haven't I seen enough already? A true adventure shouldn't be so mundane!"

As they were debating what Lee Jie's daring feat should be, an unwelcome visitor interjected, "That's not how it's done. Lee Jie, don't you see? Your girlfriend doesn't even want to kiss you."

Upon closer inspection, it was the racer who had previously argued with Zhao Xue'er, now smirking with two of his buddies in tow.

"Xia Ming, I've always seen you as a brother. What are you saying? Do you really think I won't hit you for that?"

Lee Jie wouldn't stand for any slights against Zhao Xue'er. He rose to confront the taunt, swiftly approaching Xia Ming and seizing him by the collar.

Xia Ming's face turned beet red, whether from rage or the tight grip on his collar. "You remember I'm your brother now? You won't lend your tent to your own brother, but to these strangers? What am I to you? Ever since you started dating her, you've been a different person. You value others like treasures, but how can you be sure they're genuine with you?"

Unable to stand by any longer, Wang Hee intervened. "Xia Ming, enough! You know full well how Lee Jie feels about Zhao Xue'er, and yet you provoke him! If Lee Jie decides to throw a punch, don't expect me to back you up."

No matter how strong a friendship is, it's never right to take out one's frustrations on someone else's partner.

Faang Yun and Tang Yu were bewildered by the scene unfolding before them. They were at a loss for what to do, torn between confusion and the fear of being labeled nosy for intervening.

Xia Ming, aware he had crossed a line, remained silent, offering no apology.

True brotherhood endures, though. Despite the quarrels and fights, the bond between them remained unbroken.

Lee Jie released Xia Ming's sleeve with a cautionary look, then returned to Zhao Xue'er, his demeanor softening.

"Baby, don't be upset. I won't listen to him. I know you love me, and I love you too," he reassured her.

Zhao Xue'er's eyes, glistening with tears, met his with a nod of acknowledgment.

Xia Ming, eyeing Zhang Bufan and the other two seated nearby, had a mischievous twinkle in his eye that clearly signaled he was plotting something.

With feigned politeness, Xia Ming inquired, "May we join your game?"

Tang Yu eyed Xia Ming warily, suspecting he was up to no good, especially after his earlier threats. He wondered if Xia Ming would follow through with his harsh words.

Lee Jie was perplexed by Xia Ming's sudden request to join the game and was inclined to refuse.

But Zhao Xue'er interjected, "Sure, come and play with us."

Zhang Bufan and the rest, including Lee Jie, were baffled by Zhao Xue'er's response. They couldn't fathom why she would invite Xia Ming to join, especially after his previous comments.

For Lee Jie, however, Zhao Xue'er's wishes were paramount, and he chose to follow her lead without question.

The matter seemed trivial, so it was quickly dismissed by the group.

Xia Ming and his friends took their seats beside Zhang Bufan and the others.

As they settled in, Zhao Xue'er announced, "Now that you've joined us, let's begin a new round. Forget the past—newcomers, take a penalty drink."

Xia Ming didn't hesitate, grabbing the wine bottle and downing it alongside his brothers.

"I've finished my drink and I want to apologize for my behavior earlier," Xia Ming announced, holding the empty bottle.

With Xia Ming's candid apology, Lee Jie and the others couldn't hold any grudge.

That's just how male friendships can be at times.

In that moment, Zhao Xue'er seemed to have an idea, turning to Zhang Bufan with a smile.

"You've been quiet this whole time. If you're not up for the game, how about you play referee? It looks like you're feeling left out. It's easy - just spin the bottle and call out the name of the person it points to."

Caught off guard by Zhao Xue'er's suggestion, Zhang Bufan hesitated for a moment.

He had been reluctant to agree, but something made him reconsider.

What that something was, only Zhang Bufan knew for sure.

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