The Quantum Traveler/C25 Conflict
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The Quantum Traveler/C25 Conflict
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C25 Conflict

Wang Hee gazed at the scene before him, his face ashen, his voice quivering as he spoke.

"Xia Ming, Xia Ming!"

Lee Jie was visibly distressed, a look of sorrow etched across his face.

In that moment, a flicker of grim satisfaction crossed Zhao Xue'er's eyes as she intently watched the lifeless Xia Ming.

Zhang Bufan, heart heavy with grief, laid down the breathless body of Xia Ming and declared,

"During the competition, each one of you handled the wine glass, casting suspicion on everyone. Hence, I've concluded that the killer is among us."

Zhang Bufan was riddled with self-reproach, having not foreseen the murderer striking right under his watchful eye.

"Could it be Zhao Xue'er?"

She seemed the most motivated, yet Zhang Bufan vividly recalled keeping her under close observation.

"But how could Zhao Xue'er have acted? What sort of deception did she employ?"

Zhang Bufan pondered relentlessly.

"Or is it possible that the real perpetrator is someone else entirely?"

He scrutinized the group seated around, engrossed in their game.

"What are you implying? You think we're suspects?"

Lee Jie bristled at Zhang Bufan's insinuation, his voice laced with defiance.

Truth be told, Lee Jie was wrestling with his own unease and fear, dreading the discovery of a murderer he'd rather not confront, and thus, he was determined to disrupt the investigation.

Zhang Bufan was equally resolute.

"What reason would we have to harm Xia Ming? If you ask me, you all had more cause for resentment, having been on the receiving end of Xia Ming's grudges. And the beer bottle always seemed to stop at Xia Ming—I find that highly suspect!"

Tang Yu couldn't contain his indignation at the accusation.

"Brother! He's not that type of person!"

That remark sparked a realization in Zhang Bufan—why did the bottle repeatedly point to Xia Ming?

"Could it really just be a coincidence?"

Pulling out his badge, Zhang Bufan stated firmly,

"I'm Zhang Bufan, Deputy Chief of the Major Crimes Unit, and Faang Yun is under my command. Do you truly believe we'd commit such a crime? Besides, we've only just arrived and lack any motive for murder."

"How do we know your badge isn't a sham? Watch your back. The search and rescue team will arrive by tomorrow, and we'll be calling the police to take you in."

Zhou Hee issued a warning, but even he wasn't clear on the situation. There was definitely something amiss.

Zhang Bufan had no intention of revealing the truth, instead speaking with grave seriousness.

"From this moment, everyone stay put and stop playing games. Cease all gameplay immediately. Faang Yun, you and Tang Yu keep an eye on everyone."

After Xia Ming's death, who could possibly be in the mood or have the nerve to continue playing? Lee Jie and the others suspected the killer was among them, but couldn't pinpoint exactly who it was.

A palpable rift had formed between the two groups, each side eyeing and doubting the other.

Zhang Bufan paid them no mind, instead focusing on the recent events.

He picked up the wine glass Xia Ming had used, sniffed it, then sealed it in a bag.

"What are you doing with that?"

Wang Hee was puzzled and at a loss for words.

Zhang Bufan responded.

"I'm entrusting this to Zhao Xue'er for safekeeping since we lack the equipment to test it right now. This is to prevent the killer from erasing any potential traces of poison on the glass."

It was the most secure measure, likely to force the killer's hand.

Actually, Zhang Bufan was playing a high-stakes game. He was betting the killer wasn't sure if the glass still held any incriminating evidence and would risk destroying it. That's why he made a point of announcing that he would hand the glass over to Zhao Xue'er.

Zhao Xue'er chimed in.

"Okay, I've got this. I'll keep it safe." She was about to receive the glass from Zhang Bufan when Zhou Hee interjected.

"The glass must not go to Zhao Xue'er!"

"Why not?"

Wang Hee was perplexed. Why was Zhou Hee against giving the glass to Zhao Xue'er?

Zhou Hee paused, eyeing Zhao Xue'er with suspicion.

"Don't think I'm unaware that you had the most reason to want Xia Ming gone. I can't think of anyone else but you!"

Instead of denying Zhou Hee's accusation, Zhao Xue'er simply burst into unrestrained laughter.

"What's so funny? Ashamed that I've caught you out? Ready to confess?"

Zhou Hee felt a chill run down his spine, yet he mustered his strength to speak.

Lee Jie was furious to hear Zhou Hee speak about his girlfriend in such a manner.

"Zhou Hee, what kind of nonsense are you spouting? I'm warning you, stop slandering my girlfriend."

"Who's misunderstanding your friend? Don't you realize this is the actual truth?"

Zhou Hee responded defiantly, then turned to address Zhang Bufan.

"You claim to be a staff member, right? Then go arrest Zhao Xue'er; she's the killer."

Overcome with rage, Lee Jie lunged and landed a punch on Zhou Hee's face. He was about to strike again when Zhang Bufan intervened.

Zhang Bufan grabbed Lee Jie's arm, but Lee Jie, still seething, began to scuffle with him.

"Enough! Stop fighting!"

Zhao Xue'er's voice cut through the chaos.

With a resolute look, she declared,

"It was me!"

Lee Jie immediately ceased his actions and silenced Zhao Xue'er, proclaiming loudly,

"I'm the one who did it! I killed Xia Ming."

Zhou Hee couldn't stand it any longer and struck Lee Jie in the face.

"Have you lost your mind? You're confessing to murder."

"Indeed, I killed Xia Ming. I never saw him as a brother. Anyone who threatens my girlfriend, I'll kill, no matter who it is!" Lee Jie spat out venomously.

Zhao Xue'er gave Lee Jie a look filled with turmoil.

"Stop lying. I'm the one who killed him. I don't need you taking the fall for me."

"When have I ever taken the fall for you? I'm atoning for my own sins."

Lee Jie stepped closer to Zhao Xue'er, intending to kiss her, but she turned away, leaving him to kiss her cheek instead.

Zhao Xue'er was touched, yet driven by a need for vengeance.

"Officer Zhou, it was indeed me who killed Xia Ming. I applied poison to the rim of his cup. The poison evaporates quickly, so it had to be ingested immediately. I was the last to add it. Knowing Xia Ming's impulsive nature, he would drink it right away, so that's the plan I devised."

Lee Jie addressed Zhang Bufan with earnest conviction.

Wang Hee, incredulous, demanded an explanation.

"How could that be? Why would you do such a thing?"

Lee Jie simply smiled and shook his head.

"There's no particular reason. We've been at odds for a while, and I've disliked him for quite some time."

Faang Yun and Tang Yu were visibly perplexed as they took in the unfolding drama.

"Who really killed Xia Ming? Since when do people rush to confess to being a killer?"

"Both of you, stop this. Neither of you is the murderer."

Zhang Bufan dropped this bombshell, prompting stunned looks from everyone present.

Faang Yun, filled with skepticism, pressed for clarity.

"Bro, what are you saying? Neither of them is the murderer?"

Internally, Tang Yu was equally baffled, especially since the behavior of the two had just seemed to definitively reveal the culprit.

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